creative nonfiction prompt, and in particular read the section "Guidelines for Creative Nonfiction Articles in The Ink Well." You'll see that your topic falls under the "Here’s what we are NOT looking for" list.Hi @guysellars. Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well. However, this is not the type of content we accept. We are strictly a short story community. Stories can be fictional, or they can be in the "creative nonfiction" genre. To learn more, see our latest
We do not accept motivational content, advice columns, etc.
Please be sure to read our community rules, which you can find prominently posted at the top of The Ink Well community home page.
This story is AI generated plagiarism. An instance of this can be seen over here:
The magic of AI and paraphrasing eh? Will never be a line for line, but sometimes it does happen.
Here's an example:
Yes, exactly. Not "close" because IT IS. Utilizing AI doesn't change the fact.
The general story is almost an exact match, despite the heavy paraphrasing.
Because we won't allow you to even farm SBI vote rewards?!
This community and Hive in general is disappointed in you.
creative nonfiction prompt, and in particular read the section "Guidelines for Creative Nonfiction Articles in The Ink Well." You'll see that your topic falls under the "Here’s what we are NOT looking for" list.Hi @guysellars. Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well. However, this is not the type of content we accept. We are strictly a short story community. Stories can be fictional, or they can be in the "creative nonfiction" genre. To learn more, see our latest
We do not accept motivational content, advice columns, etc.
Please be sure to read our community rules, which you can find prominently posted at the top of The Ink Well community home page.