
Ha ha. Well if I'm honest, the caterpillar in this story was directly inspired by Carol's story. I piggybacked off her research. I don't usually read other 'finish the story' entries until I've written mine, so as to not be influenced by them... but in this case I'm glad I did.

That twist at the end where the caterpillar is talking to Luke seemed like a good head spinner. Drawing the comparison between how the humans are treating their 'now talking' food and how the Emus might react to their suddenly talking dinner. I decided to leave that question open ended tho... partly on purpose, but also because of the word count 😉

So nice to see you back too!

Thank you. I've missed this interaction with other writers. This is the first thing I've written outside a work environment in over two months.

Glad you enjoyed the story owasco.

GREAT to see you back Raj - and what an epic tale!
Talking Food: oh man. We are just NOT READY for that, Raj.
Now I fear the worms will arise and assert their right to life: #RespectForRice! Respect for Lice!
Your characters are hilarious and endearing.
#Love it! (Now, celery stalking at midnight, caring carrots, protesting potatoes: save it!)

ha ha, funny you should mention the caring carrots, as I was thinking that the next logical step in this exercise in playing with expectation would be talking veg 😂... I think that might have been pushing it too far tho lol

Have you seen the kids TV show "Veggie Tales"--?
Their theme song gets stuck in your head almost as horrifically as Baby Shark.
Just now checking Hive and catching up... and thinking it's our sloooooow internet and bad phone service that cause comments to float off into cyber-purgatory only to come back and haunt me after I've recreated and reposted them ad nauseum. The day a coronal mass ejection or NEO (near-earth object) takes down the power grid, I will briefly rejoice at the death of computers, then weep and gnash my teeth at the loss of contact with people like you. Thanks for all the comments Raj. This is the first one I've acknowledged so far. #RajRules!

Have you seen the kids TV show "Veggie Tales"--?

No, I was mentally scarred by my ex's kids and their obsession with Frozen 😂 No longer do I have to endure the caterwauling of kids TV theme tunes... tho I do miss those little munchkins if I'm honest.

The day a coronal mass ejection or NEO (near-earth object) takes down the power grid, I will briefly rejoice at the death of computers, then weep and gnash my teeth at the loss of contact with people like you.

🤣 ah this made me laugh. I could also live without phones, computers and internet I think. life would be simpler, and possibly more healthy tbh


#Frozen sounds like some parent's sick revenge on other parents, but #BabyShark is like the PsyOps torture experiments with Barney the Dinosaur's theme song playing to Taliban prisoners. Veggie Tales is sooo mild and bearable by comparison.

If you like to talk to tomatoes,
If a squash can make you smile,
If you like to waltz with potatoes,
Up and down the produce aisle...
Have we got a show for you!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Broccoli, celery, gotta be Veggie Tales,

Lyrics found here

Ah, thank you for the little hashtag - {{hugs to you!]] - #carolkeanrulestoo

Whassup: TWICE now I've typed a long reply, only to see it vanish.. Not gonna type a third try here.