Daily Play to Earn - Initial Reaction

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

Today we finally got the launch of the long awaited daily play to earn(P2E)! Players have been gearing up for a long time since it was first announced, months ago.

Gods Token.PNG

So what are the requirements for this to be a success?

1. Does it make you want to play more?

Before the daily P2E was released, I initially thought that it wouldn't have much effect because I assumed the rewards would be negligible. Although the first day is not yet over, in fact it has barely begun, it looks like the rewards may be worth it. The reward pool will of course be severely diluted before the day is out but even if they were to decrease by 80%, I would still be earning a similar amount to what I usually get on the weekend ranked (in Diamond/Mythic).

Another positive thing about the structure they have adopted is that it punishes those players that have been winning 1 game in Mythic to collect Gods and then not playing until the following Weekend Ranked so that they keep their spot in Mythic. This will result in a more even spread for those players who actively participate.

Answer: Yes, at least while the rewards are non-negligible.

2. Does it increase the value of cards?

I think this one is yet to be answered but how can it not? It will drive everyone to increase the shine of their set and this is achieved through forging, decreasing the supply. There will however be a cost benefit analysis that needs tot be assessed to see what the optimal amount of shine is if you are looking to get the most bang for your buck. I expect that there will be a boatload of analysis to be done once the data start pouring in.

Answer: Yes, in theory.

3. Is it well executed?

When I first played, the client seemed to be having some issues and was very laggy. A patch was then released shortly after which seems to sort it out.

The results are available immediately and there doesn't look to be any delay like those on GUDecks when looking at your weekend ranked results.

The progress is clearly illustrated and easy to understand as well with a count down on how many games are left before you reach your allotted 10, your win/loss count and the estimated pay out at that point in time based on how many fragments have been collected in total. One thing I would add is a countdown timer similar to the one for weekend ranked so that we can see when then next day starts (People are playing from all around the world and in different time zones).

Answer: Yes! A very pleasant experience.

Day 1.PNG

To summarise, I think this is a very positive move for GU and hopefully we will start seeing an increase in player numbers again. I will certainly be playing a lot more because it kind of feels like a mini weekend ranked every day. I really hope that the rewards are kept at levels which make it worth everyone's time but only time will tell.


At the 12 hour mark and there are 2 million community tokens, so cut your daily gods in half. We're at very similar personal fragments, so basically in the same boat. In another 12 hours, I wouldn't be surprised to see it at 4 million community fragments, which puts us down around the 2-3 $GODS per day estimated.

The first day might be a higher number of games than normal, so we could see daily community fragments fall over the next few days. If player counts fall, I think the $GODS rewards scales down, though.

I'll add some more of my general thoughts here rather than make another post:

I'm almost hoping the play-to-earn component is low. Playing against sweaty decks every day trying to earn money isn't fun for me. I like deck experimentation and building. I played 5 games yesterday, and each was against a top-tier meta deck. Control magic and aggro deception being the most common. I can't complain to much, as I was part of the problem running aggro deception.

If people can earn $5+ per day playing, that's all the game will ever be. You'll face whatever deck is currently dominating the meta in almost every game. Even if people continue playing after their 10 games, they won't want to derank and sacrifice tomorrow's earnings.

It appears that earnings will be ~$1 a day or less at current $GODS prices. Once a few days have passed and this realization sinks in, I'm hoping more deck variety (i.e. fun) returns to the weekday play. We have a growing tournament seen for people who want to stress majorly over their games for big money. We have weekend ranked for people who want to stress a bit for smaller gains.

To me, the flux wheel is so much better as a daily earning ruleset. You can't keep earning with your best deck. You have to play a variety of decks. That means you also get to face a variety of decks daily. This does a ton to prevent burnout and keep the game feeling fresh. It also encourages people not to invest all their $$ into one deck only to see it nerfed and then rage in chat.

I'm guessing the concern was that bots could max out the wheel every day by simply playing 100 games, but the team seems to be all over bots and multi-accounting.

In the end, doing a mini weekend ranked every day just feels uninspired. I'm not sure they thought about what type of game experience they wanted people to have. Either that, or they've just decided to only cater to a small niche of gamers who want super-competitive all of the time. The only saving grace is if the earning potential is low.

This is why you are on the Council! All really good points. I agree that in theory the flux wheel makes more sense. I guess newer players need to resign themselves to the fact that it will take time (or money) to get up to the higher rewards which is sensible to me. I think people are too used to expecting immediate high returns on everything they do, instead of just playing a game and having fun.

Oh if only! But sadly, I am not on the council. Flattered nonetheless 😄

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