Is there anyone well experienced in SEO writing to help Hive?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago

Yo all!

We know how much we need to promote ourselves to get as much people here to see the real growth of the blockchain and value of the coin.

There are numeorus ways to get people here. Some do it by mentioning Hive on other platforms, some are talking about it IRL, and some are writing articles about it all across the internet.


A few days ago, I stumbled upon this post by @abh12345 that can help anyone in SEO writing and I think it is amazing to see that some people might turn to this kind of a Hive promotion. Also if interested, check out the comment section of that post as it is very informative.

That got me thinking because I believe SEO writing can bring us a lot. Thinking about that, I realized I could use this community to ask people if they know/have a bigger experience about SEO writing and if they want to make a couple of posts with a lot more in-depth details and how to start with SEO writing.

The idea behind it is to create a couple of posts/videos on a bigger level and hope there are people who might be interested to turn to that kind of Hive promotion.

If there is somebody to do it, I would gladly spam our whales and ask them to incentivize you with upvotes. As this might have a big impact, I don't see why whales wouldn't step in to help you.

So once again, is there anyone experienced in SEO writing that can teach us to use it via few videos or few posts?

Peace yo,

Mr. Spacely


Writing "SEO Content" means that one is writing with the Google Algorithm targeted as the primary reader.

We need to stop surrendering our power to Google.

White hat SEO is primarily about the structure of a web site. The various platforms built around HIVE have some SEO. Notably, the platform of a post denotes the canonical source of a post.\

That is pretty the only SEO this platform needs.

But lets get back to SEO.

The Google algorithm was designed to ferret out authoritative sources. Googlebot counts the links to an inbound page. If there are quality inbound links to a page, then Googlebot considers it an authoritative source.

The posts on HIVE are driven by the seven day publishing cycle.

Because of this, HIVE writers rarely have links to other HIVE posts. That means that HIVE authors are not building up SEO in their posts.

This really doesn't matter because the HIVE publishing cycle does not align with the Google update cycle.

But, I am not writing on HIVE for the benefit of Google! I am sick of having the content of every site I visit overrun by people running SEO schemes to influence Google.

Anyway, if you want to influence HIVE's rank in Google. The best way to do this is put links to sites using the blockchain on other web sites. I have a directory page with links to Hive . I drop links to HIVE on other sites.

Speaking of SEO. Hive made a huge mistake when it chose its name. The term "hive" is used in so many network related applications that it will never show well on Google. In contrast, STEEM is a unique term. The developers of HIVE blew the SEO game from the starting gate.

I don't mind that. I am sick of SEO which surrenders our power to Google.

Speaking of SEO. Hive made a huge mistake when it chose its name. The term "hive" is used in so many network related applications that it will never show well on Google. In contrast, STEEM is a unique term. The developers of HIVE blew the SEO game from the starting gate.

Exactly! Big mistake! There's even a blockchain company called Hive.

For the first several months, all of my Hive related google searches brought up Hive Blockchain Technologies. Sadly, when a company fails to consider SEO in the formation stage, the game is simply lost.

BTW, one of the biggest arguments that Hive Blockchain Technologies has in its trademark dispute with Hive is that Hive destroyed its SEO abilities. As Hive SEO improves, the ability of people to find info on Hive Blockchain Technologies diminishes.

I think Hive was branded far too quickly. Hive should've been announced as a provisional name only and the name should've been decided based on a public contest.

I wish there was an open discussion of the name.

The problem is with the domain names. Unfortunately, it is difficult to have an open discussion about a brand name without the eavesdroppers on the discussion immediately squatting on the best domains.

Conversely, we saw that the instigators of the hardfork grabbed prime names before the market was aware of the schism. This limited the opportunities for outsiders to establish themselves after the hardfork. Branding is a difficult game.

Thanks for the feedback. Really good to know this stuff.

It really seems that SEO is not that much compatible with blockchain tech. But it still is to some degree and that means we can do something about it to try to get our ranks up. At least we can try.


Yeah,the backlink building; a major part of Search Engine Optimization and only thing that can help atm. SEO is not an overnight thing, takes months of analytics etc.

Hive Blockchain Search & Directory it's been up since the fork.@yintercept pls check out the

Yes-no-no-yes, does that answer your question? :p I do help the company I work for with some SEO things sometimes, but the majority of the work is on the people that write the content. I merely help them with what I know

To go a bit more into depth, there are a lot of tricks and tips in regards to SEO that is know to the public: keywords, minimum amount of characters, language usage (also very important) and many more technical specifications. Further there is the thing that is to stay updated with things. Especially since AI the SEO landscape has grown significantly.

There are however 2 problems with SEO on Hive or steem or any other fork that might exist out there:

  • 1 Page load speed, yes page load speed is a parameter, but because of how the blockchain functions it just cannot compete with the speed of a centralized database. And whenever the default node is down that will affect the SEO score terribly
  • 2 plagiarism: And I don't mean in the way of someone stealing content (though that is of course also an issue) but the problem is that there are multiple front ends and viewers for the Blockchain. This means that the exact same content will appear on multiple front ends. This is causing a huge problem where the search engine will most likely flag the first front end where it indexes as the original content and the other front-ends as plagiarized. To put it in layman's terms: all front ends (peakd, which are meant to built the blockhain, are breaking the blockchain down on a SEO level

It's fair to say that SEO and blockchain are at this point just not a good match.

That being said however, there is content wise room for improvement. If just 1% would bring a bit more quality to their content it would already be an enormous boost, and besides that, it would just be nicer for the people that read that content as well :)

If there is really a need for that I could make some videos about the things that I know (or can research) but maybe there are some other people on the task already

@tipu curate

could a delay from the front end from posting into the chain solve that issue . would google pick up on say 1 minute delay? to decided where the content originated?

Depending on how big the front end is, yes. Compare it with Twitter, there are some websites out there that index tweets that appear on Twitter. But because they have to appear on twitter first before they can scrape them or fetch them through an API, Twitter can't be hurt as they will always get indexed first (plus since it's a big tech company they probably have more than one support line with Alphabet/Google)

In this specific use case however you'd still need one front end that shows them first meaning that any of the other front ends would tumble down due to plagiarism checks. So than it becomes a question about which one to use. In the future I hope to see the block chain itself getting crawled by search engines and users on that search engine can choose in their settings which platform they prefer to be redirected too

Another issue with plagiarism is some of the apps and plugins that use Hive like the Wordpress plugin Steempress: users can use to cross post the content they put on their blog to the Hive blockchain but can choose to put a delay. That way they can always make sure that their blog gets indexed first by search engines

Not taken the latter into account (which is my biggest concern to be honest because I don't see a real solution for it). Putting some time and effort into making your content SEO friendly is really not that bad of an idea. While it might not pay of just yet, or not very well at least I do think in due time search engines will adapt to these circumstances

I get it :/

If there's a chance those engines will adapt. we better be prepared by having our SEO content all over the place.

Thanks a lot for this info, I hope it will help others. Now I hate u even more <3

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 15/20)

Thanks a lot for these insights.

Maybe they are not a match but, as you said, we can do something to boost our SEO score, or whatever's it called.

Maybe we cannot be at the top but one step closer to the top is better than no step, yo!

Thanks for tipu-ing me, you deserve Fritulas when u come to visit me :)

BTW, thanks for the offer. I was aiming at someone who is really good at it and can present it in a really good way with a lot of insights. I mean, if you think you can do it, go for it. I'll try to promote it as much as I can.

Nothing against u, u know that. Bitch :D :D

That's ok broski, you know I love you <3

It's an everlasting changing landscape and full time SEO specialists are simply the best for the work. Like I said I can make some videos, I was thinking about short videos (max 3 minutes) where I touch a specific topic and try to make it as low barrier as possible, so it doesn't feel like a drag. But I would have to research the topics first to make sure that I'm up to date with how it is today and that I'm not telling anything that is outdated. I prefer to do it good than quick

If you want to, go for it! Step by step and we'll be good in no time. We just need those damn engines to find our content! Bastrdz

I have a couple certificates from back in the day (including adsense monetization ;) as well as 20yrs experience practicing SEO, SEM and SMM. My first tech job was for back in '99.

SEO is a lot more than just writing, and frankly there's more than enough written SEO content available on the web since the early 2000's.

In essence, 'SEO Writing' won't help much.

SEO is considered when building the structure of a website, keyword densities, key-phrase use, meta-tags, creating and monitoring high quality backlinks, minifying code, working with bots and crawlers, domain age, user retention and most importantly Google Analytics to see what actually works.

Hive Blog will naturally demand SEO benefits of user generated content, which is GOLD to Google and other search engines.

In general SEO takes 2-weeks to 6mos to make a lasting effect on a website. By my estimates Hive should be fine in another couple months as we further decouple from Steem content, making Hive content truly unique to the chain.

The main focus behind my hobby Hive project is bringing traditional SEO benefits and targeted traffic to Hive projects, merchants and services Bringing consistent targeted-traffic to HIVE DApps, services, merchants and businesses via SEO, SEM and SMM.


Thanks for the insights.

If you think there is a slight and a bit significant chance to SEO to help us, I think we should go for it. If you really think it won't help that much, then we should focus on other things.

I hoped SEO is a bit simpler :)

I am an SEO and so is @minimining, and SEO is a tough play for this type of site, since content is duplicated across domains and there's no cannibalization you effectively cannibalise your own search traffic when you post on the chain. While the site gets a lot of activity and well we starting from scratch now with these new domains if you're going to write for SEO IMO I would firstly have a section on say HIVE.BLOG or HIVE.IO where all dapps point to for onboarding, FAQ's, HOW Tos, etc

That way we have once place where ALL have info is hosted for on onboarding and user experience and learning and all dapps drive there. Then we can focus on writing articles and video that contextually reference these documents

That way we cater for different search terms, long tail and latent semantic keywords and with the use of schema mark ups we can get that onboarding content pulled into google questions etc making it a far richer experience for users trying to get into the HIVE ecosystem

I agree with what I understand...

Basicly - I do not see SEO as a primary way to get more people onboard. It is better to make more work directly to people in cryptoworld. It is "to big step" for people that do not understand crypto at all.
BUT I have helped two people here. It was because they wanted to play steemmonsters. So steemmonster is one "bridge".

That’s such a good point like it may not being hives job but every dApps ability to educate and prequalify users as they do their recruitment! I’ve so far brought in 5 people and none of them are blogging anymore

Also someone’s English has really improved since you first started here

"Also someone’s English has really improved since you first started here"
I has to my son you speaking about. My swenglish has always been perfect.

Lol well hopefully you keep going and maybe you won't sound like a herdie gerdie wally the walrus anymore

Google translate is good. But every time I try to translate your blogpost or comments I realize that Chekohler-english is a special language. You "play with words" a lot. So I often just guess what you are saying.
This time I guess somehing like "You are very smart, nice and clever"

LOL sorry its a habit to speak in metaphors, I will try to keep it cleaner for you.

I said my impression of Swedish people is that they sound like Wally Walrus -

:( Seems like SEO and blockchain are still not that close as I was hoping. Thanks a lot for your insights, it seems like everyone who knows a slight bit of SEO agrees with that stance.

Hopefully, we will find some ways to onboard others. Thanks both of u!

It’s a pleasure and it’s a good discussion to have it’s by no means a lot cause their are plenty of other marketing channels we can use! I think if we had a solid affiliate program it could surly help onboarding across all channels seo, Facebook and more as we see with Dapps like splinterlands

From the comments of the post, it does sounds like we have some experienced SEO buffs. It also sounded like some were not so willing to share all the secrets :)

I'm just hoping people will put a bit more SEO into their outward facing posts, even if it's only a few headings, links to solid websites, and some alt tags on their images.

I hope they will step up.

We can compete against each other in different ways, this is a thing for the whole community, token value and even values of their wallets.

I agree, this knowledge should be shared.

The contest has been updated, looking for advice from the sponsors..

Reading it ATM

when you find the SEO experts have them join the Hive Marketing group.


i think someone just did