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RE: What Would You Do with More Time to Hive?

in OCD3 years ago

You and the other 54 entries made it so difficult my one'ish post per week I release (you were saying) is now at day 9 and counting. The ladies stole the show on that one. I'm glad we crossed paths, getting to know you will be a pleasure.

I know what you mean by notes getting old. If I let them idle too long it's an old story I'm not excited about. What's happening to me lately is I'm unable to go start to finish one at a time, what was a handful of notes in my notes pad is now more than 30 beginnings only.

Daily posters are something else. Takes me that long just to rearrange edit reword opening sentences.


 3 years ago  

I'm glad we crossed paths too.

Yes exactly! It’s better for me to post while I’m still excited about something or else that mojo is a no show. 😄

Oh I see. So you have started plenty of writings but before you get to the end of one you’re working on another and the cycle keeps going?

Hahaha that’s so true! I spend about half a day just on the title and cover alone before I can even get to the first sentence. 😅 I think that’s another good reason why I don’t mind not posting every day. My family would never see me or know me because I’m such a perfectionist and it just wouldn’t work.

Thanks for stopping in to add your input ~

I spend about half a day just on the title and cover alone..

It's not just me.@nineclaws see?

Mono-e-mono, i feel your pain Crosheille.

This is you spreading your dandaysness infection to others. It's already impacted me once, thank you

@crosheille, he just wants to confirm others are suffering with him on this and if possible spread it further so he feels "okay" about it all.

 3 years ago  

Lol this is hilarious! I'm enjoying reading these comments.

dandaysness infection


Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆Thanks for the heads up of what’s really going on @nineclaws. 😅

Ever since I met him it's been this ongoing thing like a couple of kids. He nailed my attention down with his cheeky snark immediately and off it went into a tennis game of comments. So much fun. 😂😂😂

I felt it necessary to give you a heads up since I never had an issue with titles until @dandays started talking about what he experiences. The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall" and I had to ask him for his assistance. He was most obliging and gave me the idea for the title of my most recent post. I still cannot look at it without bursting out laughing. Thank you @dandays, you're best, a real friend.

Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆

That is so true and I feel the same.

 3 years ago  

Oh wow I love that! I can tell how much fun it has been. 😄

The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall"

Lol that explains the infection comment 😂. It’s so great when you can get help from a fellow Hivizen and have fun along the way.

Thanks so much for sharing that. I look forward to reading content from you both ~ 😉

It has and I kind of need a large amount of fun regularly (like every day). If there isn't some, I'll create it, even alone. 😂😂😂

I thought you'd like the full story. Lots of lovely people here I've met. Kindness. Assistance. Patience. It's best when I get to know people, take the time to do that. It makes for a very rich experience, especially with a whole lot of people in the same place.

Thanks so much for sharing that. I look forward to reading content from you both ~ 😉

You're welcome and thank you. For @dandays, I sit and savour slowly because there is so much deliciousness in his posts, it's a requirement for me. 😂

 3 years ago  

Hahaha that's so funny. Nope you're not alone on that...the struggle is real. 😅