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RE: The Toxicity of HIVE

in OCD5 years ago

free speech can be of any type. Selfish, angry, wrong, silly, disgusting, false. If some hypocritical power-crazed type like you starts to brand some forms of speech as inappropriate - it's not a free spech.

I live in Russia, and know who talks just like you? Mr. Putin. He can trow you in jail for a "selfish speech". I hate it to the bottom of my heart. It's a blessing that you can only do some downvotes to silence your enemies, that you just CAN'T silence people with a violence. Power corrupts. You and ones like you are corrupted by power of your downvotes.

It will be better to not seduce anyone with power to attack fellow humans. Downvotes are cancer just like self proclaimed enforcers, censors, custodians and guardians. If you don't like what other people say - you can argue, you can disagree or enlight. But you want to do harm instead, to use brute force. And by this you confess in having no vaild argumets, all you have is a pointy stick to poke people in submission.


I will oppose your selfishness rewards on your own comments to the very end. Only those with something to hide upvote their obscure comments at 100% near payout.

Your comparison to Putin is laughable, at best. It shows how little you know about free speech, etc. No matter how many downvotes you receive on this platform, your speech is not erased.

Money is a form of free speech:

Putin controls my rubles too. And I go to BTC to get free. Even to HIVE. But HIVE can't survive if it not a pro-free speech. If I whant a controlled media I can go to Facebook or Reddit why I need HIVE if it's controlled by likes of you? People make HIVE to flee from Justine Sun's tyranny. Someday they will flee from you too and than you can censore yourself as much as you please. Alone.

The CORE principle of crypto is neutrality. No one can interfere with how you are using YOUR money e.g. speech.

You can't delete my posts, yes. But you can do them invisible. "it's there! No one can't find or see but it's there! It's not censoring!" What kind of a moron can believe such a puny excuse? You just use power to forcefully shut my mouth.

What kind of a moron can believe such a puny excuse? You just use power to forcefully shut my mouth.

What kind of moron can't find "hidden post" on an immutable blockchain? You don't even know how things work.

None of the payouts are yours until pending period is over. If you hate Hive, go to Blurt, where there's no downvote. You'll see how fast your money is worth nothing when everyone chooses to print with a click of a button with no repercussion.

Freedom and Liberty are not the same thing. You say freedom but you mean liberty. Freedom is what you have when you follow the "rules" and they let you do some stuff without too much hassle. Liberty is living by your own rules.

Liberty is not safe. If it was safe it would be because you are doing something nobody wanted and it wouldn't be worth anything. The one time I was truly free I had an armed drone circling me, snipers around me and was waiting for the heavy hand of the US government to fall on me.

In Russia we have no schisophrenic divides between freedom and liberty. It's only one word for these - "СВОБОДА". To be free you must have: will + power + knowledge + resources to do what you want. Freedom in the world is at maximum when everyone have equal will, power, knowledge and resources to do what they want without oppression from more powerful ones, so no one can subject other bu utilizing brute force, information inequality or wealth gap.

IRL we have inequalities and can't get rid of them practically. But we can make people immune to some abuses: you cannot "kill infidel" if he is anonymous. Even if you are stronger. With anonymity, weak one can speak loudly and be not afraid of a brutality from a strong one. So anonymity = freedom. Likewise you can't start a downvote war if there is no such thing as a downvote. Rich one can't hurt a poor one for a dare of speeking something that rich one don't like. So elimination of downvotes = freedom. Freedom is allways good if it's freedom for all equally. So if there is no one with a power to downvote, it's benefitial for ecosystem. Invincibility is freedom. Freedom for all is good. Give us all invincibility from a power hungry, censoring, wannabie dictators. And then they can be free to say and do what they whant. I don't mind as long as evil people are harmless, let them be free to be as evil as they want.

To get a free society you must discourage attempts of people to attack and subdue other people. Downovotes is a weapon of destruction, and a tool for agression. Don't listen those who preaches: "I beat your for your own safety". It's what a states saying to get your liberty form you. It's a downwards chain of command with powerful on top and us on the bottom. Aggression makes HIVE worse. We do not need it.
