Men have the same emotions as women, men are expected to be a cut above women in everyway so they are moulded to be this way by society.
To cry is human, men have this macho, super human ego which does not allow them to cry. To cry is considered as becoming a woman (a substandard being) in many communities.
Women are considered to be a lower form of creation so to confide in one is below a man's dignity.
If you notice the kind of jokes people share it's mostly about women, their stupidity and silliness. This shows a deepseated feeling of inferiority in men. These feelings cause them to over compensate with such jokes, controlling behaviour
and abuse of women.
Honestly it's a matter of perception. Mem just fool themselves by believing in these silly social prototypes.
In the process they suffer emotionally. This could lead to anxiety, depression and possible self harm.
They will agree otherwise.
Most people don’t realize all these happen due to what is happening in our societies.
Glad you see it this way @nhaji01 . People may or may not agree but this is what I see around me.
I understand you.