Haha, I'm afraid my memory of Life of Brian is merely restricted to Biggus Dickus for the most part. I'm going to have to rewatch it, now. Also, might as well rewatch The Holy Grail to see if G-Dog made a cameo as a Knight of Ni. I'll bring some shrubberies next time XD
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I was on annual leave when my brother-knight of Ni was accosted as above. I got back only just afterwards and when I heard what happened I said...Ni!
Ni! Your brother-knight stood proudly and firmly against the invaders of the forest. You should be proud of what they did that fateful day.
Ah yes...There was much rejoicing that night and our brother-knight was the star of the evening. We all gathered around and collectively, in in great unison, shouted Ni three times in a row before singing our theme song in acapella.
Good times man. Good times.
That, and a barrel of ale is perhaps the best way to celebrate any occasion. What a grand gathering of lads. We Ni together, we Ni together. Brother-Knights of Ni for life.
I don't think works too well outside of Bad Boys 😆
Nah, it works...Lol.
I will now end this comment thread with a simple question...
Lol...If only I knew.