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RE: 3D Character Fanart: Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds

in OCD5 years ago

You can always wait for the cream, but never wait for Fegelein.

I know that reference :-), and on the note of cream, I'm not the only one immature enough to start giggling when he said "Wait for the cream.", right? Anyone else? In all, this is pretty fantastic, and a celebration for one of my favourite actors ever. His facial features are pretty amazing as usual, and I especially love the attention that you've put on his uniform, with all the medals and decorations placed just beautifully. Mmm... I'm just about to give a chef's kiss, and a round of applause for this!


Oooo thank you, Zack! ^^ I personally spot some mistakes in the final render, but I'm glad that it's not completely ruined.

I'm not the only one immature enough to start giggling when he said "Wait for the cream.", right?

Maaaaybe you're the only one. I don't know. XD

When I watched the "wait for the cream" scene I actually found him more menacing. Like, he has this scary, strict personality which he hides with those wits and smiles and friendly manner.

I still can't get my childish notions of cream out of my head XD. Though you are right, Waltz's character can have this wittiness and charm about him on the outside, but you can feel deep inside that he'll kill you just as easily!

I think that's why I've enjoyed him so much as an actor. I dare say the best performance that I remember him in was Alita. What a great movie that was.