Mental Health in General.

in The City of Neoxian11 months ago


Mental health involves your wellbeing and yout ability to function well without stress. There is no health without Mental health. If anything affects your mental health, it us safe to say you are not healthy.

A lot of people don't talk about Mental health or acknowledge it because when they think about Mental health, they talk about the extreme issues like someone going mad. It's not always the case.

Mental health problem is quite common and we need to get comfortable to talk about it. There are so many underlying factor to it and it can start from as little as anxiety to depression and bipolar disorder and the likes. It's only when you talk about it that you can get a diagnosis to know what needs to be fixed.

If you don't address some mental health problem, it takes its toll on you. Yes, there are some mental health issues that you will still be able to do the basic things like go to work and do what's expected of you but see it as driving a car with flat tyres.

Most people don't want to acknowledge the fact that they are not in the best of health and try to mask it with faith. It's okay to have faith but you still need to be able to admit things and then ask God for help. It's mostly psychological and social factors are the key things that affects our mental health and if they are not tackled the way they should, it affects us greatly.

Self esteem, attitude and beliefs, interpersonal relationships and the likes form the psychological aspect of things while trying to settle into a new country can take its toll too; gathering money, coming with kids into a new country, financial implications too, breaking away from known circle for the unknown...etc can make up that social aspect because reality sets in and you see things in a different light as there is no flexibility in the new country as you used to have back where you are coming from. You get more busy, no time for socials and the takes its toll on you whether you like to admit it or not.

Financial stress takes its toll on you too vecauae you work so hard and you notice there is nothing left at the end of the day. It can affect someone's mental health. Especially for migrants too that gets taxed on everything too. Accommodation can also be another big deal that can stress in the UK and even in Lagos where you see agents charge you more than you are supposed to pay for a house rent. Relationship issues too can affect your mental health because of distance, change in role adjustments, etc. A lot of these things can affect your self esteem where you start to think something is wrong with you.

Look after your physical health. It's important to take good care of your physical health. Eat well, be active, exercise and the likes.

God is also a very important factor when it comes to dealing with your mental health. You cannot take God out of the equation.

You also need to meet with people. Socialize with people and connect with them. Speaking with people and socialising can help your mental health a lot.

Learn to relax, whine down and take things easy. Sometimes we work so hard that we forget to relax. Ask for help and allow yourself to be helped.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Mental health challenge is an issue that should be put into serious consideration. It could come down with lots of subtle character changes which we might deem as weird or obnoxious... Failing to see right through the inner battles going on within the affected.

Well, just as you said, more attention should be given to our mental state... Least we forget, the mind is power house of the body!!

Our mind is the power house of the body, no doubt and that's the truth. Once the mind is gone, it would be hard to stay up. Our mental state is important to our wellbeing.

A lot of things take their toll on us and we just don't know it. It will just take one simple moment and we will break and fold. It's an accumulation of all we have been through and gone through and those series of events have effect on our mental health. This is another wonderful insight you have shared which should help a lot of us. Thank you.

It takes one simple moment. It takes that single moment because a lot has been pilling up before now. That's why we need to be in good mental shape and try to focus on our wellbeing.

It's a must. We must take care of our wellbeing. We are all we have. If we don't take care of ourselves, no one will. It's our responsibility to do.

Absolutely! Just like that Peak Milk advert...if we don't, who will? No one. It's our responsibility and we have to be dutiful to ourselves.

Hahahahahahahahaha I remember that advert. We have that duty to ourselves and even those around us and save them the anguish that comes with not taking proper care of our mental state.

Exactly. For the sake of those around us who would have to suffer the loss of the suicide that has plagued most. This is a good angle. Thanks for this.

Health in youth is more bad because youth is the only age of a person's life in which a person gets a lot of depression and a lot of stress because even after working hard, when there is no success, then a person falls into wrong activities starts smoking cigarettes and many other such things then it is better that if we want to live a good life then we have to work hard then we will be able to live a good and healthy life.

A lot of people fall into depression and it messes up with their minds which affects their progress in life. We need to take care of our mental state too.

Indeed, a lot of stressors are present to reduce our health, but it is upto us to navigate the various challenges and still come out whole.
I like that you also made suggestions that can be followed to achieve good health.

Ask for help and allow yourself to be helped.

It's very common to find someone who sought for help becoming a hindrance to the help that has come, either by refusing advice or rejecting important aspects of the help due to pride, cultural or personal beliefs.

Another wonderful comment by you as usual. Thank you very much for this. You couldn't have said it any better. Very good.

A lot people use faith to mask a lot of things that would have taken a trip to the doctor to fix. Often, they realize too late and they live in deep regrets. Someone shouldn't joke with their mental health. It's what keeps them sane and there's nothing to be benefited from masking it.

We mask a lot with faith. Wisdom is profitable to direct even the Bible states that. God will do what He would do and we also need to take step and do what we should do. Thanks a lot my friend.

What a great post my friend I think there is not much to add to this complete post, as you rightly say, we all need help or we all at some point have had worries that affect us or a love disappointment and all that is accumulating, as a good friend of mine says if your head is bad definitely you are not well referring to mental health, exercise, eat healthy, talk it over with someone and always seek God at all times would help us a lot, another great post from you my friend ♥

Thank you so much my friend...for your support and consistency. Yes, God will help us and we always have a part to play as well in making sure our mental state is up there. Faith in God also helps when we have positive declarations we read daily.

Certainly friend, but be careful not to leave it all to God, we also have to do our part so that the mind is very well and in sync with what we want to do, try not to get discouraged when things do not go as planned, in addition to train and fill the mind with positive things to attract all the good to our life and thus significantly decrease the emotional downturns that may appear ♥

Yes, God will do His part and we have to do ours as well. Heaven help those who help themselves. Thanks a lot for this as usual.

Of course yes friend, God proposes and we dispose, only then we can have a healthy and preserved mind at all times, thanks to your contributions always friend, hopefully many perosnas can read this post because it is very complete and mental health is a subject that concerns us all ♥

I really hope everyone reads this and take good care of their physical, mental and emotional health. It's important. Thank you very much, my friend.

And the saddest thing is that almost no one can say for sure that they have 100% mental health, we all have some footprints created in our childhood or as time passes, and currently poorly used technology is something that influences even more on this issue, doing physical exercise helps, but not in its entirety.

That's the place of good management of our mental state and doing what won't take us steps back and knock us off. It's our responsibility to make sure we are at our best. Thank you, my friend.

At the end of it all, we need to take things easy and also be easy on ourselves. That’s why it is always good to surround ourselves with kind people. So many things have happened in this world that is fvcking our mental health up and it will be unfortunate to end up being surrounded by foolish people
There’s no time for that

We surely need to go easy on ourselves and handle disappointment better. Life will happen and when we get to the point where we can't take it, we need to seek for help so we can overcome that stage. Our mental state is important.

You have said it all, mental health issues are very common and should be discussed and addressed.

I hear about people who go through a lot as a result of anxiety and depression. The most rampant cause is often money.

Anyone who is reading this should definitely take care of their mental health.

Mental health issues should be discussed and addressed because it's important to our existence. We need to take care of our mental state. Thanks for that.

It is a fact that if our life is going well then our health will also be good. And it is a fact that if a person takes too much trouble, he will leave this world sooner, so we all should try to live life with laughter and other people who are with us. They should also be happy in the same way so that they too can live a good life.

Take care of your mind, soul and body and you can achieve anything you set your mind to. I want to believe this is what you are trying to explain because you lost me there for a minute. Thank you.

A lot of guys are really suffering from depression due to the fact that it seems they are really ignored and not attended to when it comes to their feelings I mean. In fact some of them have fall into taking their life when it seems all the world and the society is against them. They try to reach and cry out but it actually looks like nobody is willing and ready to hear their cry

Depression... suicide and deficient mental health has been the order of the day and if not checked, things will go on the rise. Emotional intelligence should be something everyone should cultivate so as to be able to help those who cry out one way or the other.

There are a whole lot of men we have lost to the hands of death because their problems mentally were not addressed early and this took them to their early grave. It is high time the society respond to the men mental cry and attention

Even everyone...not just men. We all have a part to play to take care of our mental state because a lot rests on it.

We really have a role to play. Everyone of us and not untill everyone realise this from the perspective you are talking about, we might not see the change we need to see in the society because the change is needed for both of us both men and the women

Yes...we don't have to wait till things get worse before we start doing what we should have done a long time ago. Health is wealth.

Perfectly true. Like they always say, prevention is always better than cure and the truth is if our society can actually see this from that angle and tackle some issues that is affecting a lot of people mental health generally not only about men now but generally, it will help avoid some things getting out of hands. But no, our society always like to wait till when things seems to be going out of hand before they start thinking of responding which should not actually be so

We mostly wait for things to go wrong before we take the necessary steps. Our mental health should be our priority.

Perfectly true. Our mental health should be our priority. In fact I guess I will write on this particular topic in my next post. A lot of people are suffering from this mental health and it is really affecting them a lot. Most especially the men in the society. And just like you said, we should not wait for things to go worst before we respond. We should address things before we go out of hands