Plagiarism Hypocrisy

in Archon4 years ago

Most people on Hive understand you should not take a stand on a guy who has nearly million Hive Power and @blocktrades phone number.

On the other hand, some people fail to understand that risking 3 Hive weekly in author rewards skews the math considerably - especially if you have a few thousand Hive invested in tokens that are being abused.

Those blessed with analytical thinking can work out that adjusting 3 Hive weekly to zero changes the risk-reward ratio from temptingly solid to infinite rewards. That is why I am back here, posting about DACH one more time.


plagirised himself reposting a three-year old post. The post was zeroed with 22 downvotes (Part Two took 35 downvotes). I do not think reposting one's old work without reference is cool. It is an obvious deception attempt. The apology could have been more visible too. OK, quite a few people can feel good about having the work done (including those who auto-DVed following a trail). I think they are fooling themselves wasting energy at marginal abuse.To put things in perspective, I have recently noticed @spaminator downvote on a @chronocrypto comment. I am not a fan or investor in Utopis project but his #4 position on ARCHON richlist made me check. Apparently, chronocrypto


Dach is a German word for "roof" and also happens to represent the world's three German speaking countries - Europeans are familiar with the acronyms on license plates - D for Deutschland (Germany), A for Austria and CH for Confederation Helvetica (Switzerland). It is also the name of the most toxic Hive community I currently know of.

Disclaimer: If German happens to be your first language it does not automatically make you a DACH member. Hive Communities are voluntary.

there is a good reason.. The list has some characters on it. Plagiarism is a lifstyle that sometimes comes together with the urge to lie about your actions. It is as tough as alcoholism when it comes to abstaining after leaving rehab. Still, I consider Lassecash tribe just a safely enclosed zoo.Yes, I am familiar with Lassecash. The leader is a highly eccentrical bloke who is really deep inside @themarkymark 's head. To be fair,

huge essay/manifesto. It is great to have Layer 1 token's inflation distributed among various groups (not just miners, for example). For me, liars and spam creators fit into the definition of various groups. Let us evaluate their Layer 2 tokens on the market but the effort marky (and a few others) are putting into zeroing the Hive rewards feels an overreaction to me. Lower the rewards - fine. Zero the rewards - shaky ground.The big picture was touched by @theycallmedan in his


I am not saying that because I have just got Layer-1-zeroed as well. I totally deserved it on the cheap shot at posting a stub about what seems to be a new division of the Hive's largest dairy conglomerate. I was short on time and wanted to react quick. OTOH, I do think everyone can benefit from reading the Barrel Fallacy article even if not playing Splinterlands. Maybe that is the downvote that can serve as a platform for @onealfa and @trostparadox to unite their tribe edging a civil war. It provides an opportunity to arrive at the same conclusions despite starting at opposite ends of the opinion spectrum in the general downvote debate.

As for my downvoted comments, well - going from one legitimate post to another and removing curation rewards from a handful of people networked into the community is a pure lunacy. Rich people are allowed to be insane, too.


So obviously, the downvotes are not post-specific. I understand them as an acknowledgment of the relevance of my previous work mapping German language spam structures. I have already been complimented by @schlees, who happens to be on's shortest-description downvote trail owned by @altonos. "@louis88" is supposed to be an explanation. The only thing I could understand from it is that a decent chunk of Hive community has been silently accepting being shat on their heads for a while now. Louis is obviously not a random account below the rounding error line.

Is altonos an alt account? I do not care.


Is @kirstin alt of @barmbo account? I do not care again. Other way around? You should not care either.

Even though there are supposedly actors properly playing the characters at DACH Meetups, it is obvious the two accounts are operated by the same person. It might as well be balte, who delegated identical HP amounts to both of them on the same day in 2019. He is probably not. The owner might have just snapped two identical offers on dLease.

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

You are really messed up dude...

We defend what you think you have to attack because of your strange opinion, so just keep your idiotic bullshit.

Ano ano ano. Bla, bla, bla ... a Země je dutý plochý disk.
Konspirační teoretici

Dach is a German word for "roof" and also happens to represent the world's three German speaking countries - Europeans are familiar with the acronyms on license plates - D for Deutschland (Germany), A for Austria and CH for Confederation Helvetica (Switzerland). It is also the name of the most toxic Hive community I currently know of.

Little correction, Dach does not represent the 3 countries, only the apronym in big Letter DACH or D-A-CH.

Oh, the little policeman tries to reach a detective ranking:)). I wish you success.
Best regards.

Verstehe sein Problem immer noch nicht, naja muss man ja auch nicht, gibt wichtigeres.

Naja, fachlich-sachlich ich auch nicht.
Er will halt offenbar einen Kreuzzug gegen die "most toxic" (wie er es nennt) deutschsprachige "Community" mit seinen personal blacklists führen, will nun auch andere dazu per "civil war" animieren, an seinem crusade teilzunehmen.

Dann will er einen tschechisch-deutschen Konflikt hier offenbar konstruieren, was auf Seiten der deutschsprachigen genauso hanebüchen ist, der einzige der ein Problem hat, ist er. Ich geh lieber regelmäßig mit tschechischen Freunden von mir auf die Jagd z.B. und bin häufiger und gerne in Tschechien.
Das hat alles auch einen gewissen Unterhaltungswert, was er da so ausbrütet, ich habe es ja gestern noch in Reimform gefasst😀.
Einen größeren Vollpfosten mit little policeman Gebahren hab ich nun lange nicht mehr getroffen hier und solange er weiter auf Basis seiner blacklists downvotet wird er eben nun auch von mir "malicious"😀, wie er es nennt,downgevotet.
Von solchen Typen taucht immer mal wieder einer auf, das kenn ich nun auch schon lange.
BGvB. Und er verbreitet dabei wirklich lächerlichsten Bullshit (musst mal nur die ganzen hanebüchenen Unterstellungen lesen, was ich so alles tue, wer ich bin, welche Nöte mich offenbar so plagen-müsse mich als vermeintlicher "Ausländer"-da ich zwei Pässe habe- lieb Kind machen im DACH-Breich, und wessen phone number ich z.B. nach seiner Meinung so habe😀 und welche Zweitaccounts ich haben könnte -hab nur einen😀-, @barmbo u. @kirstin könnte ich ja sein, weil ich 2019 gleichzeitg an beide ein bischen HP delegiert habe und die beiden schon lange immer wieder mal upvote) und sieht sich als selbsternannter Bewahrer des reinen Contents.

Lieber @balte, danke für deine Unterstützung!

Nein, Du hast keine gespaltene Persönlichkeit! :-)



Der Typ vermutet dass Du und Kirstin ja ich sein könnte, weil ich Euch 2019 ein bischen HP gleichzeitig delegiert habe😂, oder Ihr seid eine Person, denkt er, ein echter Brüller, der detective.

Dann müsstest Du ja die halbe deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft sein, weil Du hier viele unterstützt hast. Ohne deinen Support wären viele nicht dahingekommen wo sie heute stehen. Dafür gebührt dir Dank und keinerlei Anschuldigung! !BEER !LUV :-)






@balte, you've been given LUV from @barmbo.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (1/10)






@balte, you've been given LUV from @barmbo.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/10)

Du hast zwei Pässe oder glaubt er das nur?
Und selbst wenn? Ich habe kein DACH-Pass, was dann mit mir?

Habe das gefühl, das er vielleicht einfach nur neidisch ist?

Blöd gefragt, selbst wenn jemand zwri, drei, vier Accounts hat, was hat das für einen Vorteil? Einizgen den ich wüsste ist, man könnte sich selber Upviten ohne das es als Selfvote direkt gesehrn wird. Aber wie ich mitbekimmen habe gibt es ja genügend die das ja machen, also selfvotes, und es gäbe ja auch andere Möglichkeiten.

Vielleicht gäbe es ja nich einen Vorteil wenn man bei den Spielen (Splinterlands, risingstar) etc. Mehrere accoubts hat, aber der Aufwand wäre auch doch hoch, wohl höher als der Nutzen.

Hat er nicht zudem selber min. zwei Accounts!?

Nur mal zur internen Aufklärung: @kirstin und @barmbo sind unter 1 IP online! Warum sollten denn meine Frau und ich auch verschiedene Internetzugänge nutzen? Wir gehen zu denselben Zeiten online, wäre auch Quatsch wenn wir uns nicht gleichzeitig um unsere Accounts kümmern würden. Irgendwie hat er wohl nichts besseres zu tun, oder ist ein Hobbydetektiv "Sherlock Humbug".


Ich habe mir sowas schon gedacht, wie gesagt selbst wenn, würde ich da ja kein Problem drin sehen.

Gibt ja auch leute die schon einen Account für Ihre Kinder angelegt haben die nich nicht mal krabbeln können....

Ich selber würde nur mit Accounts Probleme haben wenn diese genutzt werden um Fake News etc zu verbreiten.




Dazu gehören wir auch!!

Unser Enkelsohn war grad ein Tag alt, da hat Kirstin ihm einen Account erstellt. :-)

@barmbo denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@barmbo thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !






@mein-senf-dazu, you've been given LUV from @barmbo.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (1/10)

"Sherlock Humbug" trifft es.

@barmbo denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@barmbo thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thanks for your detailed summary - the DACH community has been splitting for some time and apparently the downvotes are part of the project. Looks pretty weird how they act and running such a project.

The downvotes are actions of individuals working in or associated with our company. They do not reflect the attitude, opinion, or belief of the company. This behavior has been criticized internally on several occasions.

In the end, however, we are all still private individuals and what people do on their private accounts is not for us to determine. We can only control the actions of the company/project account and it has not participated in the downvotes or engaged in this dispute in any way so far.

You are just telling bullshit-stories here, and you know that. Best regards.

What a pathetic move...

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 7
Feedback from the September 1st Hive Power Up Day

your are not happy to discuss, you only want to try to fight a "civial war2" against "the most toxic community", and you are just insulting a lot of people in your posts without any reasons, Thats how you act. Best regards.

Maybe that is the downvote that can serve as a platform for @onealfa and @trostparadox to unite their tribe edging a civil war. It provides an opportunity to arrive at the same conclusions despite starting at opposite ends of the opinion spectrum in the general downvote debate.

It's a bit unclear to me what you mean here. Can you please explain what you're thinking in a bit more detail?

I am still not following. What action do you think alfa might take and what action do you think I might take?

Okay. Your post merely reinforced my belief that downvote abuse is much too easy, and almost never countered. In fact, the way the system is set up, there is no effective way to counter the abuse. I'm not sure alfa would be persuaded, though.

Some have said that the 'community' can counter any supposed downvote abuse by simply upvoting the content to overcome the DVs. There are two major flaws with that argument.

The first deals with timing. A large stakeholder intent on punishing another accountholder can simply wait until the very last minute and apply the DV, thus negating any chance of the 'community' coming to the rescue of the author.

Secondly, even if the community does 'come the rescue' by upvoting a heavily-downvoted post, they are doing so to their own detriment, because their curation rewards are reduced proportionately to the size of the downvote. Whereas DVs cost the DV'er nothing, the malicious downvoter, intent on abusing another accountholder, can do so ad infinitum because it costs them nothing, but is costly to both the targeted author and the community striving to support that author. At some point, the other side (author or curators or both) will grow tired of essentially subsidizing the DV'ers actions, with no end in sight.

The only reason why you will get malicious downvotes from me till you stop your stupid crusade and your little policeman behaviour are your bullshit assumptions and misrepresentations.
Best regards.

Yes, I follow you.

And, yes, you are correct in that, under the current 'code' the only way to combat malicious DV'ing is by enlisting whale accounts to enter into a DV war with the 'abusing' account. Because DVs cost nothing, they can be used with impunity, forever, unless and until there is a genuine penalty brought to bare against the abuser.

The problem then becomes, a whale penalizing an abuser could then be labeled (by someone sympathetic to the abuser) as abusing the abuser.

So, it's hard to see where this sorts itself out.

BTW, I am definitely open to creative solutions, especially on Layer 2, where they can be tried and tested and easily reverted if things don't go as expected.

I do not care how many battles (zero rewards posts) I have to lose before winning the war.

I am curious as to what "winning the war" would look like, from your perspective.

"plagirised himself " That's funny.

Look at the anti-buse crew.




"I think they are fooling themselves wasting energy at marginal abuse." Nah the whole hivewatchers trail votes on many auto posts.. 😂
If commenting 60-80 times and voting those comments for months on end. Claiming they are raising money is not considered abuse 🤡.

They are now getting DHF funding too.

Sure. let’s not try to shame though.

tactics are fun.

Your car analogy is rather cute.