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RE: Weird times. Time to take a big break from Hive?

in Threespeak3 years ago

You know in Vegas I actually know a few people that died from fentanyl being in cocaine but not actually straight up people being addicted to it. And the 3-speak thing I love the developer there but yeah there is no views there. And the most views you will get it's like a hundred and that's if you get like a $400 upvote. I mean it's cool it's just real depressing day. Having it start off with my Lyft driver telling me that Vegas was a great town to live in and there is no crime there while going on about the mass murders committed by white people in Boise and the Boise state football coach being the towns main drug dealer. Just to be told by teenagers that they are all hooked on Fentanyl and in trouble because their friends whom they got the drugs from told on them. While making fun of each other for being white.

But yeah I don't know man it's just a wacky day. I think somehow I got to like find a wat to stay in my room until 2025. I thought what I was experiencing in Vegas was it Vegas thing but man I think this whole world has gone nuts.


Laced cocaine - Yeah, that.

I copied this from discord. I actually said what I'm about to say to you on our discord page because it's so shameful I'd rather it wasn't public and then I'm all... Since when do I censor myself?

This is roughly 25 years ago. I'm with my first wife. I can't remember where I was or why I was there but I remember a skinhead telling me I won't like Idaho. Told me I wouldn't be welcome there because (at the time) my wife was Asian and my bad leg makes me weak.

I wish I was lying. I'd rather that was fiction. And to this day, I've never even driven through the piece of shit. I can take a hint.

You know in 2017 I took a korean natural farming class in Idaho, Ironically enough. I brought my Grateful Dead father figure friend here with me. He came only because he wanted to support me but was hesitant to because of the history here. But he had a great time. He was surprised at how awesome it was here. My 1 week spent here was amazing. But I am currently in a weird neighborhood in Boise, The North End. Its amazing in this neighborhood. But apparently anywhere outside of it is some kind of weird twilight zone thing. Black people and Asians do live here in the North End as well as lgbtq flags everywhere.

But anyways There are alarm bells ringing outside of this neighborhood, Massive homeless people, radio silence on news stories like football coaches selling drugs, Kids hooked on fentanyl, Churches with acres of land choosing to ignore their land for refugees while kicking out world famous farmers because of what seems like money and then to top it off you need vaccine passports and masks to go see music.

It really had me thinking after seeing the state of affairs the farm was in and how this world famous farmer was kicked out of the church farm for smoking cannabis but yet they do not want to spend any money on greenhouses that will keep the FLOCKS of geese that live there from eating the food away from the food. But will take the money for housing refugees and having drug addicted kids there.

So who knows. I think I was really triggered yesterday having the kids, lyft drivers and some other locals better inform me about what is really going on here in Boise. Seems I will be fine if I stay in the North End.

Hive is such a small place and is looking like a ghost town. I would spend hours if not days on a well written post or even doing video stuff for my farm in vegas to not get any support just to get more support for curation posts and threespeak videos that are cheesy.

Now the curation posts dont get support and after trying to onboard people to hive they are like but dude you get like 1-2 views on videos lol.

I think I need to spend some time in some piece quiet reading a book and meditating. The only thing that made sense in this world was my children but being a white male in Vegas and everything that happened to me there made me think I had no value left in this world and no matter how hard I worked for them or did right it would never be enough.

So yeah anyways thinking that Boise is just a pit stop of self discovery. I guess I had to see it is America that is F'd up and ran by money & drugs. I guess no wonder people on Hive wanna tell me that Americans or all bad.

All I've want is to be somewhere I don't want to leave but anyway..

I call it little brother syndrome. I was none the wiser til we lived abroad a few years. Seeing us from over there, we're the little brother. You know how they are.. Screaming and fighting for attention always like "look at me!" The US shouldn't be compared to anything other than Macy's in December but anyway..

Wherever I am is always cool when I'm visiting.