How To Barge Good

in Threespeak3 years ago

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If you want to learn how to barge good then watch this video.

You can also view my previous instructional videos here:

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That's some good bargin there.

Thank you. I have a black belt in bargin which is why my bargin's so good.


It was a funny bargin too!

No kidding, that bargin was so good and funny it had me crackin up like a maniac!

Like one of them tent maniacs living over there in them woods.

But seriously dude. Wtf were you doing? LOL!

Oh I was just out there one night drinking cheap whiskey and laughing at all the barges going by on the Ohio River. Haven't you ever done that before?

I laughed at a canoe once but it turned out to be Mr. Canoehead so there was nothing unusual about that and everything was normal.

I'm not certain I learned what you wanted me to learn.

Well I mean you either know how to barge good now, or you don't. I feel like the video makes things pretty clear.


I mean,
I mean
I learned how to laugh maniacally into the darkness while watching lights fly along the river at breaksnail speeds. Is that barging?

Thanks for the grub.

Yep that right there's bargin'.

I came here to learn how to barge good but I don't think that (I never thought that I would say this but here we go) I'm long enough. Do you have an educational video on how to be long good? Oh, you have only four words on your how to videos. Okay. So do you have a video on How to belong good?

Hmm. I'm still developing my style for these instructional videos so I might have room for more than four words in the title for future videos. And there really isn't much difference between Belonging and Being Long, so I could probably cover both in one video. I will say this just off the top of my head though, if you feel like you're not long enough to belong, then you probably need to keep moving along till you find a place where the people are less long.


Three words or the tiny OCD person in me has a meltdown.

That was a creepy experience that creeped the crap out of me culling all questions of your sanity.

Is that the barge they sent for all the garbage you've collected? Was the "oh gawd" I heard because you missed the connection to load it and now have to spend months moving garbage by yourself?

I'm not sure what kind of barge it was but I don't think it was a garbarge. It was just one of many barges that went by while I was camped at Tower Rock campground in Illinois. Probably about a dozen a day. One of them hit me with their spotlight one night while I was out staring at nothing in particular and forgot that my headlamp was still turned on. I waved but they didn't wave back.


It doesn't look like a garbage one. Huge barge snake. That's a lot of barges barging into your space. Trail cam eyes, now spotlight eyes on you in the night. Bizarre that they would check out a tiny headlamp from a distance and not wave back, seems anti-social to me.

I guess they were just really focused on their mission of barging from one place to another. Probably requires too much concentration to wave.


Barging from one place to another seems to be something many do, not just barges passing in the night. Concentration, can't lose that, so few brain cells these days, concentration takes up all of them.

Is there a certificate that comes with watching this video? I'm hoping to take this training straight to the HR people at barge headquarters. It's time to move into the barging business... I really think it will up my game moving illicitperfectly legal goods.

Not speaking of illicit income, I was told by a mutual acquaintance that this was the place to drop off a couple grand to smooth things over in the judging for that comedy contest. I was thinking I'll leave a grand now, as a show of good faith, and we can negotiate from there. This is a totally clandestine and anonymous space, right? I mean, Illinois?

I've had this grand scheme for a while to get things off the barges out there in L.A. Harbor. We just fill up another barge with willing cash-and-carry customers, barge them on out to the other barges, and set up a flea market. If those customs people want their taste, they'll have to get off their asses. Take enough in transaction fees to cover the boat and, ah, promotional expenses, we call the whole thing a charity, make some spare change, clean up the harbor, and get much needed luxury items to desperate American consumers.

Let me know. I'm throwing all my eggs in this basket. Er, barge.

Unfortunately I have no certificate to offer, but your grand barge scheme sounds brilliant. No need to go looking for a blessing from those HR nutjobs. Your training included instant fluency in bargespeak so just use that to coax one of the empties to shore and load it up with customers and you'll be off to a great start. I'll take 10 percent.

I tried making a go of it, but it's like -6°F here, and my sneakers froze to the ground before I got to the end of the driveway. After coaxing some of the local feral cats to lick my boots free of the ice, I decided that this plan will have to wait until I weave some snow shoes, or learn to control the weather.

10% of the reported profits sounds great, it's a deal.


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