Having a lot of tea, and sneezing almost constantly. Nose itches and sinuses hurt.
I might have to go for covid screening again tomorrow. Damnit. And this came just a day or two after visiting my father. What a shitty feeling.
I just made myself a cup of chili cocoa with honey. It felt good, but now I feel I might need another...
See ya!
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Hola! Te entiendo completamente, yo también sufro del mismo mal y se lo terrible que se siente, yo sufro cuando hay mucho frió o mucho polvo de verdad que la paso fatal.
Yeah, sinusitis is definitely one of the most painful diseases, however I think ear inflammations are the worst, thankfully I haven't had those in a few years. When I was a kid, I suffered from those constantly, and that pain is just unbearable.
Es horrible la sensación, pero yo estoy tranquila cuando estoy en climas tropicales o calurosos, cuando empieza hacer frio o hay humedad, mi nariz no deja de estornudar, aunque no me he al doctor para que diga que me activa la sinusitis, pero se que el frio y el polvo lo activa. Y mientras no me rasque la nariz como loca, estoy bien. Porque cuando lo hago se me inflaman esos senos paranasales que dices y no puedo respirar bien.
You should try a sauna for five minutes! If you could hold your breath for ten seconds without panting, you don’t have Covid. Take lots of vitamin C, spread the doze to every few hours!
Doesn't feel like it's in my lungs. I just feel itching and stinging in my nose, my sinuses and throat ache too, but the sneezing seems to happen completely because of my itchy nose. For some reason hot cocoa with chili seems to help a bit. Tea not so much.
I've been taking vitamin supplements (multivitamin and D), zinc, and eating mandareds (a cross between a mandarine, clementine and a blood orange), they seem to pack quite a punch when vitamin C is concerned.