👩👩👧👧The new Regional Press Community has exceeded 600 subscribers this week.
Since September 08, 2021
⏲️ Novembre 02, 2021 => +100 new subscribers
⏲️ Novembre 17, 2021 => +200 new subscribers
⏲️ November 27, 2021 => +400 new subscribers
⏲️ December 07, 2021 => +600 new subscribers
We are preparing and gradually improving within our community:
- with @hashtag-booster, the quality and thoroughness of the posts
- with @catalog, a content presentation architecture
Partenariat et perspectives
When the community reaches 1000 actif members, we will connect this community and its members to real life, which will directly allow the rewards and earnings to be used in a very simple and dynamic way.
- We will choose certain tokens to test and adapt our real life exchanges system.
- We are currently preparing this interconnection between Hive ecosystem to Europe, Canada, Africa and Australia. We have some small adjustments to make for the Americas (north, south, central). And we are in contract phase with some companies in Asia.
Top 15 communities
Where our subscribers have published their posts at the same time: (in alphabetical order)
- Principal Tag: @hive-184127 : Regional Press
- Other communities tags:
Communities | Communities |
@Hive: Hive | @hive-110490: Palnet |
@hive-119845: Photography | @hive-125125: Ecency |
@hive-140217: Hive gaming | @hive-148441: GEMS |
@hive-163399: About PeakD | @hive-163772: Haveyoubeenhere |
@hive-174578 : OCD | @hive-181450: Education & Training |
@hive-193552: Actifit | @hive-194913: Photography Lovers |
@hive-196396: La ruche | @proofofbrain: proofofbrain |
We thanks all our subscribers (in alphabetical order)
/ @abdelhakjaballah / @abdelprof / @abdrahmansdiri / @abir1983 / @abla21 / @abla22 / @abrish / @achref34 / @achrefan / @adelbenabada / @adelbenali / @ademfriss / @ademjerbi / @ademkhamassi / @adoumas5 / @afef / @afifihamza85 / @africa-rp / @agonzales / @agrebi75 / @agustindraw / @ahm1 / @ahmed2013 / @ahmedokha / @ahmedt / @ahoussem2 / @aidama / @ajiktice469 / @alainrodz34 / @alaxanderbrel / @alayamaria830 / @alberten / @alexneo12 / @alfreeeddddd / @alibensaleh / @aliceammari14 / @alicov / @alook0061 / @aloulou2023 / @amalamoula / @amammourola7 / @amelarafa12 / @amelieee / @amiiiiiiir / @amiiira01 / @aminabenmabrouk / @aminealoui / @amir.masmoudi / @amiratroudi / @amrjdid / @angelblanc / @angel-devil / @animals-lover / @annbarber / @anneguilberth / @antchiraq700 / @antonellasc / @anwarkad / @arijsoltani1 / @artsofmarynowski / @asia-rp / @asiyato / @asmaprof / @asmedianet / @assalas / @australia-rp / @avril.fortuin / @ayari / @aychagizani566 / @aydas / @ayette / @aymenriahi / @ayoubje / @ayoubnasri / @ayshoriya / @azerrrrrr / @azizasdiri / @azizilyes / @bachl / @baidas / @balkiss / @bambukah / @barenghiemna / @barhoum / @barski / @basemm / @bassemag / @battoul / @bdamien / @bejbouj / @bernc6 / @besmakh1 / @bgfatma / @biologiste21 / @biologiste22 / @biology-edu / @bmeya / @boua8 / @boualianis / @bouthaina / @brahimm / @britneywilson / @brmatheo566 / @buzzing / @cabilag / @carlossmithh / @carolaswith / @catalog / @catrinebertin / @cedricmacron2 / @central-america / @cerclev / @chadliaguesmi / @chahedtbouli / @charlotte-peace / @charyouma / @chebia / @chediamanai / @choach / @choco7 / @chourouk / @chrischristine / @christellej352 / @cissa / @cjem678 / @clairette / @cordinator2 / @cordipri1 / @curieamelie481 / @dalitto / @damelysh / @darinriahi / @darrine2 / @dayanamerelia / @deixykerr / @didactics / @didactique / @didaquest / @diegocor2 / @dimafrithiee / @dizou3 / @djosy / @dolmana / @donisor / @dorra / @dorsaflefi / @dottyp / @doudou2023 / @duplicator / @durandcamille / @eduardoo2 / @edwardl / @efaycelg / @egiordano / @elaarrafa / @emily486 / @emnamediouni / @emnamediounii / @energiesnow / @europe-rp / @evaluator / @even-odd / @ewaninoo / @faarahss / @fancys / @fangm / @farrahiro / @faten1 / @fatenz19 / @fathynofa / @fati1 / @fatmaali / @fatmamay / @fedibio / @feizer21 / @ferdawsoes / @fermanadin / @fernandopiko16 / @fethiiiiii / @fetounna90 / @fikif / @fikif-curator / @firas2223 / @firasdidac / @firooriro / @fjouba / @flegrand / @follamizyana / @follower-rewards / @fonga / @food-booster / @formatrice / @fotomaglys / @foufo / @free-forever / @free-of-charge / @frostrobert / @funya / @gabrielgu / @gagookm / @gaithou / @gallinapierre / @game2 / @game3 / @game4coordinator / @game5coordinator / @game66 / @game77 / @game888 / @game9 / @gbariot / @gecata / @gemes455 / @ghas1 / @giffar12 / @gizel / @go3f / @gollen145 / @grocko / @guilbert / @gymfood / @haaniiiiiiiii / @habarouis / @habibh / @hadhouda / @hadilfaidi / @haifffaaaa / @hamedm / @hamoudahamdi / @hamzaghodhbane / @hamzasakiniie / @hanenmrs / @hanentrabelsi / @hangf / @hannechighofrane / @hanounhanin / @haririadam / @hashtag-booster / @hassenhassouna / @hbib2021 / @hechm22 / @hendba12 / @henridubois / @hghanem / @hiba98 / @hibaaa / @hidaya2023 / @hindou / @hittens17 / @hive-142502 / @hive-143869 / @hive-181450 / @hive-184127 / @hive-affiliate / @hiveboost / @hive-booster / @horriyosri300 / @hou1hichem / @houdaben / @housnimounir010 / @houssemmmm / @hsainitayma / @hssen / @hutanaceh / @ibtihelmarzouki / @ichen / @ihssen / @ikramsaidani / @ili0braz / @imeneayari / @inesft / @ineszar22 / @inhyyouriyin / @intissarmtaallah / @irisworld / @islembenaziza / @istabrikkahlaoui / @itharagaian / @jaafour / @jackstudent / @jadenhart / @jakov7 / @jameljbali / @jamesroller17 / @janjoun / @jaouida / @jchanglo / @jchiodi / @jckmarel / @jeanloui / @jemes8 / @jesica12 / @jihene / @jihenn / @jijitta / @johnnnnnnnn / @joliii / @jonysco / @josephlacoste / @joudaaa / @joudacov / @joudaz / @joudii / @joujou22 / @kahlaouimeriem / @kamelk / @karimaa / @karloc / @katefrancoise122 / @katherinoo9 / @kawther / @kha7 / @khadel / @khadijja / @khalimi / @kham2 / @khameshannoudi / @khaoula.chard / @khayemijulia / @khemiriyoussef / @kivenriro3 / @korbsijasmine2 / @koussbar / @laila12 / @lakatosimre119 / @lalit37 / @lamaii / @lamouchifatma / @lamouchiwejden / @laraabououn / @laurentalyan / @layac2 / @layoussakatoussa / @lazlaz / @learntech / @leazuckerburg / @leyamakhoul / @linakahlaoui12 / @linlove / @lisa-lily / @lisehannecart / @livegaming / @lndhajji / @lnrdcorsa / @lorenadouce / @louiiiise / @loujayn / @lousak / @loveeline / @lover-animals / @lucifeer / @luvquin / @madousy / @magdasensor / @maha-fakraoui / @mahouta / @majd2020 / @majdisnouusi / @majestic-haji / @malekbelahsene / @malekbouneb / @mallouka15 / @mamado / @manololo / @marcjan / @maria26 / @mariaarnoold / @mariadiego196 / @mariem619 / @mariemsaoudi / @marlinken / @marouaz / @marwan93170 / @maryamthabt / @maryema / @marypier / @mathematics-edu / @mayaadnen / @mayac3 / @mayerlingb / @mazdat / @mcastex / @mdaliguesmi / @mdany / @medkhdimallah / @meftahilamia / @melektrabelsi / @melissaao / @melyssa2022 / @meriemk / @merslirima / @mezriguihanin / @michellea3 / @midou12 / @miilkaa / @mimi05 / @mimimaman / @mimou2 / @mirarldragos / @mirkomirko / @mirooo / @mirooo92 / @mohamedi34 / @mohamedria / @mohsennnn / @molka / @molkagusmi802 / @monachta / @mondez / @mondhero / @mooohasl / @morn / @mou3ez / @moumou1 / @mounass / @mouradmelliti / @mriwa88 / @mukhareah / @nabilhumanist / @nadine12 / @nadineguidara / @nancyss / @nanouche / @narfballs / @narimenfaydi / @nawelaziz / @nawrastabka / @nazliacar / @nejla / @neroforever / @nessrinezarrouk / @neyrouz / @nicolaspro / @nicosco / @nooh / @north-america / @nouracharrad / @nouraroso / @nourhen / @nourra / @nrybacov / @nutrition-rp / @octaviusx / @olfarab / @om1 / @ouns / @ourselection / @ourselections / @pascalguillot / @patricalbe4 / @patrickbcor1 / @paulmartin / @paulrichard / @penyaircyber / @peppa12 / @piagetc / @pierresak / @popperc / @post-target / @professeur / @professeur97 / @profwtrabelsiw / @promokahka / @radech / @radhicca / @rafaello06 / @rafikkk / @rafja / @rajblai410 / @rakech / @rambirro / @ramyfano2 / @ranamaawya / @ranukoul / @raouafriss1 / @ravinder6 / @rawenmannai / @rayedon / @rayennnnnnnnnn / @regionalpress / @richardlucas / @rima01 / @rimes2014 / @rivahabibi / @robertjhonson / @roueklai45 / @ryanss / @sa20samar / @saalafr / @sabrisdiri01 / @safa18 / @safaabidi / @safiyasmiriieiei / @salouabarhoumi / @salwaissaoui / @samaryo / @samasim / @sameh1 / @sami12 / @samihion / @samila / @samimezrigui / @samiratou / @samirso / @sammsouu / @samriah / @sana1 / @sana1982 / @sarahos / @sashac1 / @sassou / @sawsenrh / @science-edu / @scienceteacher / @seifbest / @selmyyteja172 / @seydou / @shaja / @sheikoooooo / @silver67 / @simonnicolas / @sisi09 / @siwarb52 / @skan1 / @slimene / @slwab / @smithbolt / @sofiajonso / @sofias / @solta2022 / @sondes / @sonia2023 / @soniaabid / @souha886 / @souleimalahmer / @soumaya98 / @soumeyamac / @sousouchou12 / @sousouuuu / @south-america / @steempower-001 / @stephane619 / @sunitab / @surej / @swarez / @syllaabdallah / @syrphinae / @takatoa / @takwaaa / @takwaaaaaaaa / @tamill2 / @target3f / @target-post / @tasnim5 / @tasnim-argoubi / @tasnimova / @taxi-vtc / @teddys / @thinkermind / @thomas3 / @tlemsanimayar18 / @tocmac / @tomas021 / @tomrafaral / @tonysamo / @toprojla09 / @trainer-lali / @trawree / @tunisia-rp / @tunisie-rp / @tydynrain / @tysons / @verginoo / @vibaziz / @virginiawoolf / @vygot / @waeltra / @wajih / @walidn / @walidprof / @waltdisneyy / @wanderingbella / @wansa / @watsjame2 / @wayma / @wiem1997 / @wikihive / @wnouira / @xavier4 / @xouthos / @yasminamizyana / @yass1 / @yassinemassoudi / @yingc / @yogac / @yosrabenhenda / @yossefjosef / @yousarsibigen / @youssef98 / @ysrso / @zackdicaprio / @zahraa / @zaliz / @zayndurand / @zidenebi157 / @zied / @zizobehi / @zouhoursouli / @zoulaikhaa
Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!
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thank you for tag and good job @hive-184127 i'm proud to be a member in this community :)
I am one of those tags (hive-143869)...
Just remember that some people downvote post where the majority of the content are TAGS ... Not always a good idea and considered by some as tag spamming...
I have nothing wrong against it, just wanted to warn you that some have.
Merci pour linformation qui est très judicieuse. Dans ce poste nous remercions surtout les membres jusqu'à atteindre les 1000 inscrits pour lancer la connection avec les transactions dans la vie réelle.
Encore merci piur votre clairvoyance car certaines personnes pourraient penser a du spamming
Glad to be a part of hive community 😁😁
Thank you @hive-184127. Glad to be a part of hive community 😀
It is proof of the reliability and seriousness of this great community and especially its perseverance to offer the opportunity to all people. A big thank you ECENCY and good continuity.💐💐💐🎯👍👍👍
I'm very honored to be part of the hive community and a member of the Intercommunity hive affiliate
Keep up the good work everyone and best of luck for a fruitful future. ❤️🖤💜💛🧡
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Your next target is to reach 300 upvotes.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
I am very honored to be part of the Hive community and a member of the Intercommunity hive branch🤩 A big thank you EENCECY and good continuity😉
Gracias por el apoyo!!!!