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RE: "whale" you help me understand? 😏

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

sigh. indeed.

but - i got a lot of cool ideas today in private dm! so... i'll see if we can come up with a solution that is for the community by the community.

we'll see.. always we'll see hahahaha


It's good to see what I'd consider to be a productive approach to bringing this to light.

Not easy tackling these things.

Even one step forward is further than before.

We'll see.

I agree... lots of people have been surprised that this didn't dissolve into a massive debate. but I really do think (call me naive) that if people just take a breath and come into discussions willing to talk.... things CAN be accomplished!

and always nice to see you hehehee

I've always taken the position things can be settled with words. It's hard to say things some might not want to hear though, in a way they'll at least listen, especially if things are already heated. It's backfired on me so many times I'm both hardened and discouraged at the same time. Pobody's nerfect.

yep - we'll always see. lol

time will tell.

Try to stay focused.

me gots the post ready

no idea if it will make a bit of difference.

but i did my part. if it works. coolio.
if teh community doesn't like it - i shall happily step aside and let the talks convene for the next 9 months LOL

Been waiting. Very curious to see what you've all come up with.