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RE: The Hunt goes on | AlphabetHunt for the letter P

in Feel Good5 years ago

Good afternoon Johann 😊. So true the Alphabet Hunt has changed how we think and what to keep in the files in case we need them later.

The effects of the hurricane won’t reach us until later on the weekend. Once it hit landfall at 150 MPH (241 KPH) in Louisiana it slowed down and now a tropical storm. So much destruction in Texas and Louisiana on the news.

The prediction is excess of rainfall here on Sunday and hopefully the wind speed will not be as high predicted on this model


Have a wonderful day dear Johann.🤗


Good morning Jo 😊

I think the Q will force us to be more creative than usual, because a quick look for Q words didn't help me 😉

So the storm slows down over land and speeds up again over the sea? I hope for you that it doesn't get that fast. I have never experienced such storms like hurricanes, but 85 MP/h sounds bad to me.

Cheers and !BEER

The Q is a queer letter to find words. Do you have any towns or cities that start with a Q? There is Quebec here in Canada but I didn’t have a photo to relate.

September seems to be the month when the hurricanes churn (most times) in the warm Gulf of Mexico waters and by the time it hits the Atlantic Ocean, the cold water here will slow the wind speed down. So there is advantage to having colder weather.

Have a safe and wonderful Frigg’s Day dear Johann 🤗

No town and no place I would know, but I will have a look, because I don't know everything 😉 lol
When we play a game where we have to find cities, countries, rivers and such everyone writes Quebec when the letter Q is drawn 🤔

As I said, now we need creativity, but I am not sure if there's enough time for me 😁

Let's hope it gets real cold, right before the hurricane arrives 😉

It's warm here, but it might rain soon.
Wish you a nice Frigg's day too, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

The news is full of the destruction caused by the hurricane coming up through the states. The cold Atlantic waters should stop anything in it’s tracks. :)

It’s a nice day here with a little breeze.

We will have to do some thinking for the Qs. You might will find places like Quilk in Austria .

Have a good evening dear Johann .:)

We don't know such storms here. Very seldom we have bad storms like 2 years ago which destroyed a lot woodland and caused high water and such, but that's seldom and not comparable to your hurricanes.
So again I hope you will be safe.

Still no rain here - we have a nice evening and you too I hope 😊

Hey, you have researched for me 😁 I have never heard of this village Quilk, but I think I should keep it in mind - thank you dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

Morning Johann 😊,

You are lucky not to experience a hurricane. I haven’t actually seen many here but sometimes we get the tail end of one coming up the eastern seaboard. A few years ago Hurricane Arthur blew quite a few shingles off one side of the roof.

It seems this hurricane Laura is now a tropical storm and hopefully will not be much left by the time it gets here.

Yes I did a little research and saw a couple Q names. 😀

Have a wonderful weekend dear Johann. 🤗

Good morning Jo,

maybe the climate change will bring different weather situations to us, because I can't remember having such weather when I was young as we have it now.

Laura is a nice name, so the storm will be nice to you too 😊

After you told me about Quilk I searched too and found also a few, but all too far away. Quilk is the nearest I believe and about a 2 1/2 hours drive from here.

But it is raining here and so I think I stay at home today. Tomorrow I am working, but there are still a few days left to think about what to post 😉

Have a wonderful Saturday, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

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