
I was prevented by my inexperience hahaha, I have no knowledge of rig, I simply invent.
I have to find some tutorials about it.

Theoretically you could have just used a two bone chain and weighted the lid and the rest of the box to one bone each, and then just moved the lid bone :) I think there's also a way to do it without bones and using null objects instead but that one I'd have to play around with to see if it's worth the effort.

And then of course there's more complicated things you can do to make it easier to control if you were animating it or using it in a game but that might be overkill for what you were doing here :D

There is also the question of the influence of each bone and the mesh is deformed, I use many for that hahaha.

Use weight paint mode to adjust the vertex weights for each bone 🙃

I have to learn a lot, I have to investigate, I don't know anything about it

Ask if you have questions, if I can help I will :)

Thanks brother, whenever it is something specific I will take it into account, because something extensive is difficult to explain and understand in a comment XD