in Actifit3 years ago

As earlier said, I will attempt to catalogue my morning exercises not just to inspire others to achieve physical fitness but also to motivate me to do so. If a lazy person like me can do it, you can if you want to. @alin has jogged consecutively for 421 days. Gosh! You are such an inspiration.


I woke up by 5:15 and prepared myself to begin by 6am sharp.Today's was different. Instead of my usual morning runs, I decided to take the advice of @jamerussell to speedwalk. He said it basically has the same desired effects and only a little of the exhaustion...I think. That was what he meant, right? Ok.


I began by 6am and because it was a speedwalk I decided to have a destination to motivate my walk. My destination was 5 times the distance I usually run.

My runs usually were on a secluded path and as such it was easier to jog without the interference of passers-by but since I had a destination for my speedwalk, I encountered challenges stemming from motorists, cyclists and those jogging.

It wasn't all bad. The intermittent claps from fellow joggers were delightful and the music in my ears spurred me to double the pace of my walk.

I walked for 1 hour and then decided to run the remaining 6 minutes because I needed the exhilaration that came with running. I know what you are thinking. “You didn’t speedwalk fast enough to feel it's effects properly”. Well I did, I was quite fast and the look I got from those jogging proved that. Infact I think in one or two occasions I almost kept pace with some slow joggers. It was an 11 kilometres journey.


I’d love to hear what @steevc and @liftslikealady thinks about speedwalks and jogs.

I enjoyed the speedwalk so much. Does that mean I'm not burning enough calories? I'm asking because I have always been told that exercises that are more tasking and no fun, best improves your physical fitness.

@khaleesii join in if you can.



But I know many people who walk, and many people who run. And they are all happy with what they do, so it's a matter of personal preference, that's why I suggested it.
The fact that you tried it is worth a gold medal, as at least you gave it a try no matter what lol. Awesome!!! AND, glad you like it, if you incorporate it into your routine, it can give your feet, knees, and back some relief from vibration, and you may feel better.I am super glad you tried it out @piratethanos, the entire point of the exercising is to get your heart pumping and build stability and endurance, and it does not necessarily mean running or jogging, but it's all about moving the body. I spent many years working on the road with heavy equipment and hand equipment, and one of my favorite toys was called a Pion Jar, it was a 90 pound 2 cycle jackhammer; I would take that up on the side of a hill to install a sign; digging down 30". It was very strenuous, and I worked many nights in the mudslides in the middle of the night with mud that was 16 to 18 inches deep. So I never spent much time running, I did that in high school, but got lucky later on to work on the roads.

You are a very strong person...working with jackhammer amidst mudslides.

Thanks for suggesting it. I'll learn to combine it more.

I've not tried speed walking, but if it gets your heart pumping then it's good. There is a lady who does it around here a lot. I wonder if she does walk races.

Is there anyway I can reach her?

I don't even know her name :) I am sure there are plenty of race walkers online. May even be some on Hive.

I'll find more

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Join in 😆 in the conversation or trying to exercise.

If it's the latter, I'll tap out, I hate running and speed walking, I am more of a walker but @almostsober runs so he has more experience on this topic.

I feel like you are doing good though, people always feel like they have to feel a certain way while exercising and it isn't always like that.

It is calories in, calories out.

people always feel like they have to feel a certain way while exercising.

This is true. In many ways I feel so too.

It isn't always like that

What's the saying again, "nothing good comes easy?"

Especially fitness, doesn't come easy at all.

I think it is good that you went out! Changing things up helps to prevent burn out for me. I jog slowly, and there are probably some speed walkers that would be with me some of the time. I am slowly getting faster. I don't really know much about speed walking, but would guess it has less impact on your knees amd also works some other muscles and in different ways than jogging.

I think any fitness is good, we have to find what works for us so that we keep doing it. Keep moving! That is how I feel anyway. :) I want to stay mobile amd fit to help me when I am older and to stay healthy.

Nice. This is great information. I'll be more deliberate about alternating between speed walks and jogs. Your posts have been helpful on this journey.

lately, I haven't been exercising much, and speedwalking seems like a good way to get back into it, starting to jog again after a while I feel like it's going to be too much :c

great post!

Thanks. It's nice to ease into things. I'm sure after a well it'll be easier.