My Actifit Report Card: November 22 2024

in Actifit3 months ago

Dobrý večer, Good evening,

dnešní vtip
Pepíček se ptá babičky: „Babi, proč Bůh bydlí na záchodě?“ „Ale Pepíčku, jak jsi na to přišel?“ ptá se babička. A Pepíček: „Když je na záchodě dlouho obsazeno, tak maminka říká: ‚Pane Bože, ty tam ještě jsi?!‘ “
today's joke
Pepíček asks his grandmother: "Grandma, why does God live in the toilet?" "But Pepíček, how did you figure that out?" asks his grandmother. And Pepíček: "When the toilet is occupied for a long time, his mother says: 'Good God, are you still there?!'"
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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