My Actifit Report Card: December 16 2024

in Actifitlast month

Dobrý večer, Good evening,

dnešní vtip
Na mořskou pláž vyleze z vody potápěč a nese v náručí obrovskou perlu. „Kde jste to vzal?“ diví se lidé na pláži. „Tam dole na dně je jich spousta,“ vysvětluje šťastný potápěč. Lidé se hned nahrnou do obchodu s potápěčskými potřebami a skoupí všechny skafandry a kyslíkové bomby. „Tedy pane vedoucí, to byla zase dneska tržba, viďte?“ povídá prodavačka. „Ano to byla,“ přitaká vedoucí, „ostatně jako vždycky, když se brácha projde ve skafandru po pláži s tou skleněnou koulí.“

today's joke
A diver emerges from the water onto the beach, carrying a huge pearl in his arms. "Where did you get that?" the people on the beach wonder. "There are plenty of them down there at the bottom," explains the happy diver. People immediately rush into the diving equipment store and buy up all the diving suits and oxygen tanks. "So, Mr. Manager, that was another sale today, wasn't it?" says the saleswoman. "Yes, it was," the manager agrees, "as always when a guy walks along the beach in a diving suit with that glass ball."
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


This is a good joke!
All that glitters is not gold.
