Ahoj. Poslední ranní 12 hod směna.
Po třech dnech jsem si už musel jít zaběhat.
Vytáhl jsem i syna s Dantíkem.
Hned jak jsem z práce dorazil domů, tak jsme vyrazili k jezeru Medard.
Byla krásná jasná obloha. Mrzlo.
První 3 km jsem běželi západním směrem a sledovali na obloze planetu Venuši, zpátky nám do očí svítil měsíc téměř v úplňku a planeta Mars.
Krásný to bylo.
...(Translated by DeepL)...
Hi. Last 12-hour shift this morning.
After three days, I had to go for a run.
I took my son and Dante out.
As soon as I got home from work, we went to Lake Medard.
It was a beautiful clear sky. It was freezing.
For the first 3 km we ran westwards and watched the planet Venus in the sky, back the almost full moon and the planet Mars shone in our eyes.
It was beautiful.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
12 hour shift that's a hard days work my friend!
Glad you were able to get out for a good @actifit run your friends look like they enjoyed it as well!😄
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