My Actifit Report Card: January 31 2025

in Actifit9 days ago

Ahoj. Dopoledne jsem šel s Cesmínou a Dantíkem zase za město na pole.
Odpoledne jsme odjeli na víkend na německou stranu Krušných hor do hotelu Schwarzbachtal.

...(Translated by DeepL)...
Hi. This morning I went with Cesmina and Dante out of town to the fields again.
In the afternoon we went to the German side of the Erzgebirge for the weekend to the hotel Schwarzbachtal.

Na poli Cesmína jako vždycky honila myši a s Dantíkem jsme trochu trénovali, hlavně slalom mezi nohama.

In the field Cesmína was chasing mice as usual and Dantík and I were practicing a bit, especially the slalom between our legs.

Odpoledne jsme dorazili do Hotelu a šli na krátkou procházku.

In the afternoon we arrived at the Hotel and went for a short walk.

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