Ahoj. Po dnešní ranní 12 hod směně jsem hned vyzvedl Danteho a šel ho vyvenčit.
Potom jsem ho vzal na chvíli k nám.
Večer u TV jsem se trochu projel na eliptickém trenažéru.
...(Translated by DeepL)...
Hi After this morning's 12 hour shift, I picked up Dante right away and went to walk him.
Then I took him to my place for a while.
I did a little ride on the elliptical tonight in front of the TV.
Už se stmívalo, a my šli jen na louku na sídlišti. Dante dostal svítící obojek 🙂
It was getting dark, and we just went to the meadow on the estate. Dante got a glow collar 🙂
U nás si trochu hráli.
They played a bit at our place.
Krátký lehký trénink.
A short light workout.
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