Lots of changes and therefore a lot of starts :) Speedy, Racy, Drum&Bassy track should make all these: Flying Starts :)
Nice, you're gonna make an appearance at One Tribe Radio. And studio time is also part of your to-do schedule :)
Hmmm, the whole argument with HIVE being the backup when the website goes down is pretty weak on imho. Any proposed website owner has the proper backup features implemented. The few users I know using HIVE in combination with an external website, hardly interact with other HIVE members. In essence that is not a problem, but somehow it disconnects those website semi-HIVE users from the HIVE blogging community. Not that I'm against it, but rather find this a little downside of our still very small community.

Thanks for listening in and yeah, spending more time offline has helped clear the haze.
As for what you said regarding websites and hive etc. Not everyone has back ups of their website and even if they have, the 3Rd party they are using cannot be deemed to be trustworthy - just ask @fionasfavourites and other WordPress bloggers who share their posts to Hive (@traciyork and @plantstoplanks) and they would probably disagree with your counterpoint.
The exxp plugin integrates very nicely and comments can go back and forth between Hive and WordPress so there will still be interaction. We need to move away from this whole tribal thing around HIVE in my opinion.
For example, I tried bringing in musicians and music fans from outside and prominent Hive figures (official looking accounts too) just totally shit on my twitter page (which a lot of professional people saw) so I'd say there's a few other reasons why people aren't connecting as well 🙂
I popped in because my good friend, @nickyhavey, called me over. I see, like so many of us, you've walked path or two in the blockchain! You are most certainly not alone in that and I speak for myself when I say that I try not to poke my head too far above the parapets....
disappeared. Anyhow, thanks to Nick, I've found another, and more reliable host, and I continue to post to the blockchain. That said, I also don't always post from WP - it depends what I'm wittering on about and I make use of PeadD and Dapplr...That said, I do want to endorse, as Nicky said I would...the WordPress plugin that the @exxpio team has put together. I have more than once, and twice that I remain annoyed about, lost content from websites because webmasters and/or hosts went AWOL. Most recently, nearly on a year ago and I am still re-capturing some of those posts. Fortunately all of those that I posted during that time are all on the blockchain and when I discover they're "missing",I "recapture" them from the blockchain. In this instance I was very, very annoyed because my site and my domain was hosted via a Hivean and he just
I admit to being cautious about bringing people on to the blockchain for exactly the reasons you suggest. However, there is no social media platform that is free of bullies, mean people and some whose interests leave me cold. I've seen on WP, too, when I started blogging - six or so years ago - and I was astounded. It did, however, give me cause for pause about how I conduct my "online" life and with whom I associate. Not much different from 3D life, really.
In the end, we all seem to find our niches. Hope you do, too.
Be well.
Well said Fiona,thanks for sharing your exxperience 😁
Any time! 😀
I have a large network in professional music side of things and wanted already for 4y years to bring them onboard. I never started this, since the dynamics at HIVE (and the blue one before HIVE) was not good at all for professionals. Too much fighting, Too childish behaviour, No support from the bigger accounts. Very unfortunate :( You know Viberate? That service can use a social element, and this could be HIVE. Though I had an opportunity to talk with their CEO, I refused to talk about HIVE, since that time (and still today), I don't think I'll get the support from the HIVE devs to help integrate the services, make the adaptions required for whatever is needed to get Viberate onboarded.
HIVE tribals:
Sure we can move away from HIVE blogging as such, but then I like to see changes in that direction across the board. A vision must be created for HIVE, something we don't have. Without that vision, and the drive of multiple dApp teams to continue HIVE blogging (tribes), I second that. Though, as said, am open to many other directions. My daily curation rounds with my Curie backed power, goes to those who add value to HIVE, this included also 1 or 2 exxp integrated services. But I must say, I vote less for these services than for those who ineract within the HIVE community, outside their own blog. But my softrules for Curie powered curation, changes over time. I adapt when needed, or when I wish to do so :)
In my honest opinion, a blockchain is not the best backup solution. The best solution is, to get a website hosting company with a proper backup solution. Many around, but may costs a little more money. Blockchains are way to expensive and inefficient to function as Backup. Also, when taking an extreme scenario, 90% to 100% of HIVE is used for website backup, HIVE will have a super low value and our own stake becomes (almost) worthless. Something we don't want, right?
That is still happening 4 years on and you can call it STEEM, it exists, it's where I started and I'm not offended by it 😁 But I couldn't agree more, really making me wonder if I should just go elsewhere on dedicated music streaming sites and focus my attentions there.
I've not heard of Viberate and it's such a shame that kind of thing happens where you (in general) don't even want to talk about HIVE because of these politics. Peakd developers are probably your closest bet, they put Spotify and Mixcloud embed players in after I requested/didn't stop nagging!
Regarding vision
Only the people who developed HIVE and arguably STEEM (which is where HIVE came from) in the first place would have the vision of what they are developing here. Otherwise people are just coding for the sake of coding? Was the vision for HIVE/STEEM a content rewards platform or something else? Now it's like it's a bit of "free speech", a bit of "rewards", a bit of "censorship resistance", "builders", "dapps", "decentralised", "blockchain", "3 second feeless transactions", "social media"... The list goes on!
Everyone has their own experience and view point depending on how they have spent their time on the platform (I'm talking about platform as PeakD).
Who is HIVE aimed at? Honestly, I don't know anymore 😂
Hear Hear!
All you've said, I 100% agree with.
HIVE is everything. All good, but not at all to be honest. All good in the world of Total Freedom. But terrible to get an establish brand in the market. I think those who play ball with HIVE, are the devs, and many of them seem to believe in no marketing, devs will find HIVE when they want. Whenever I read something like that, I think: "You never ever had experience in building a business and what it takes to become succesful." While years ago I thought: "I can drive some business on HIVE, ie integrate it with whatever, or create a new service with HIVE as a store of some sort", but I can not sell the concept of using HIVE to professional businesses. Too many HF. Too little transparency. Too much depended on a few people. Its beyond my comprehension, some to more of the devs are ok with their service having (frequent) hickups, or the chain not functioning for hours and hours, and sometimes weeks (like after last HF). Anyway, I think you understand the problems I see for HIVE and professional businesses.
Music: I don't think HIVE is the right chain for music services. It may be for the blogging, news side of music, but not to distribute music like some are now trying with 3Speak. I love what 3Speak is doing and planning to do, but I don't think music consumption works the YT/3Speak way, but much more like the Soundcloud, MixCloud and Spotify way. None of our services in the HIVE eco system offers something like these services. Dsound has a chance, but still, the service experience and features most be at least onpar with Soundcloud, or even better since the community is so small, therefore no professional in the music business will spend time on such service. When no professional, little influx of music fans. A few exceptions to the rule, as always :)
I keep it in mind, PeakD and the team. I may connect with them and see if they are open to support some bespoke developments. Thanks for the suggestion.
We have lived the same experiences it seems!
I agree with you about HIVE and about the music too. Peakd seems to be a good supplement to share music with your crypto followers like with a Facebook page or Twitter profile but to grow your music following - Soundcloud, Spotify and Mixcloud for radio shows just shine the brightest and I've had the most success on Spotify in terms of listeners.
Dsound just seems to have faded. Others I've heard of are Emanate, ROCKI and Audius but too small an audience, mostly focused on producers and.. integrating crypto with music... I've seen many communities split over it.
It's Friday man, let's just chill and have a beer hey 🍻
Hahahaha indeed... way to serious talk for the Friday... That's why this comment comes onto the chain and to you on Saturday! 😉
Most (to all?) crypto based music platforms are geared to producers. Not to fans. Wondering though how producers earn money when it are not the fans using these platforms. Will also be a major block to real growth. Anyway, all these project owners and devs should work it out themselves 🙃
Cool you have some traction with Spotify. So many are just shitting on them, but I suppose these are the artist who believe their income should come from publishing music only. Anyway, their problems, not mine 😉
Wish you a great weekend.
Yeah man, pretty much agree with everything there!
The only thing I'd like Spotify to have would be a comments section like with soundcloud so that fans can comment with artists and the bond can be built from there. If they did that, there'd be no competition.
But like you say, I'll leave the comments about artists shitting on Spotify alone - they can always set up their own site 😁😶
Hope you have a great one too!