Weeeeelllllllll... if you'll take my word as proof, all my therapy has severely improved my clairvoyance. For example, I was doing energy healing on my cat the other day and saw that back when she was a stray she got hit in the head and sustained a concussion (which explains a lot of her random weird behavior, weird even for a cat). When I healed that for her, in two steps, she sighed, both times.
And today I was working on a patient's neck and asked the tissues what was wrong (with the tiny pinecone of my mind). I got an image of a fork (yeah, wtf, I don't know), so in my mind's eye I removed the fork and in that instant the tissues relaxed and found their natural shape again.
But if you prefer a gif...
I'd be ok with Betty White becoming some kind of third eye deity.
A loss for words, huh? Some consider that flattery.
Others think of that as writer's block.
I think of it as...
You can say anything on the internet! Well, anything except that thing you know about that guy that got killed in Quebec on August 17th, 2013.
😂 Luckily for me, I don't know any male Quebecers alive/half-dead/dead since forever.
I can say anything I like online, providing I have authorization. Same applies offline, and in person. I'm ruled by my self-rules listed longer than a ruler that doesn't infinitely exist.
As I was writing my last ost this afternoon, I saw the notification number start clicking up and up. "Oh, Nine must be online," I said to myself.
Rules rule!!! When healthily self-imposed.
Oh wowzaz! That sounds fun. Writing an ost. I don't know how to do that. Can you give me some ost pointers please?
Ob hoy, I said to my other self, the one that was online at the time.
You wouldn't want me interfacing in this world without my rules. Trust me on that. Besides some psuedo authority would surely attempt possession in my abstention.