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RE: Lavender, but it's not

There is something so refreshing and beautiful about these shots. The color? The drops? The way your carelessly (although very careful) pose them inside and outside of the box?

Perhaps all of the above and then again, none at all?

The thought that goes into it, from start to finish, the care that is put into it, and the deep respect you have for nature. And beauty. And life.

Killer shots, Galen.


Hey Swiggles! I hope you're well and the weekend has been a good one.

I enjoyed this shoot a lot, these are nice plants to like, the colours are amazing, and I was really pleased with the results. The one of me holding the spring in the light box isn't as focused as I'd have liked but it's hard to hold my hand there, still, and do what I need to do with the arm isn't that long! I included it even though it's a bit rubbish just because...well, because..

I'm glad you like these shots, I do too.

Get a small tripod. It will give you the stability you are looking for. Either that or grow another pair of hands.

I included it even though it's a bit rubbish just because...well, because.

I get it. :)

I have a tripod, it's not about stability. The tripod is set up in front of the light box, my hand is in the light box, and my arm is not then long enough for me to sit behind the camera and see the screen clearly, too close to the screen. I need a hand model, that'll solve the issue.