This is a great set up of equipment. I read the headline and laughed because I knew you were poking fun.
I like the lighting effect you got in your lenses with the light ring. I took some photos of my gear last week when I cleaned all my equipment, but I'm definitely not going to post them now, they are all very shit in comparison 🤣
So now I can understand why your macro shots are so amazing. Your macro lens has a big aperture. Nice. You certainly do get phenomenal pics.
It might have gone over some people's heads; I thought it was devilishly clever, or fucking stupid, the jury is still out.
My gear does its job for now. I have my eye on some other things but I'll have to rob the bank, or just steal them directly from the camera shop if I am to get them.
I have other big things too. My 200 Series Landcruiser for one.
If I knew what aperture was I would have made a sensible comment in reply. 😁