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RE: Art Around town

Thanks got the hugs
I slipped while gardening yesterday and hurt my finger luckily nit broken but swollen like crazy I tore some ligaments so got to see a hand specialist next week and wear a stupid finger brace till then it’s driving me nuts !LOL
Sorry your going insane with things

That’s a cool idea got a ghostly selfie I must try that sometime

Hang in there my friend


noooooooooooooooooooo i'm so sorry!!!!!

you have to stop falling and hurting those fingers! lol last time it was a slip down the hill for that shot!

please tell me that you didn't have to like.... relocate it! hehehehe nooooooo don't tell me LOL

and i thikn that ghostly selfie -WITH those wings??? oh man.. that would be such a cool shot! hehehehehe

i'm hanging in there - and YOU TOO! and no more falls!!!!

my insanity is a good insanity hehehe
but just never ending these days LOL

Lol ok I won’t tell you anything about my finger and what I did or didn’t do

Will try to not have any more falls lol

Glad it’s good insanity

ughhhhhhhhh no no no... hahahaa

i'm gonna tie you up weretwin! LOLOL

Well after I hurt the other pinky years ago and just went to the ER it ended up healing bent and I didn’t want that but I won’t say what I did lol

oh my gosh

please tell me that it isn't not...unbent now?? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ohh no the old injured pinky is still bent and working fine I am crazy as you know but nit crazy enough to try and straighten a finger that isn’t hurting lol

no i thought maybe THAT was the one that you hurt hahahaha
and you had a little 'HELP' in straightening it ROFLLLLLLLLLll

ooh - i forgot! i can do the thingie