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RE: It is now illegal to harvest food here but the orgonite making has begun!

A very good friend of mine (a highly skilled psychic and mentalist) told me that in truth, men are the ones who are more emotional, while women are the logical ones. To me, it feels natural indeed to look at things logically and analytically.

Wow! This is a fantastic insight. And based on everything I have so far learned about this world where reality is so often inverted to be the opposite of what it should be, this makes total sense. I can only speak for myself but certainly I am very much an emotional being! I try to be logical but the real fire & motivation in me is emotional in nature. Like mixing quartz wands with the biocircuit, there was very little logic behind that decision. It was pure excitement, grabbing what I could find in the space of a few mins so that I could give it a try right away. The wands were sent to me recently by a friend in the US, by chance. So a greater power than me ensured that I had the 'right stuff' in my house at that moment to accommodate the emotional response to what I was reading.

I'm also coming to the conclusion that the reason why both genders are so messed up is because we all are not taught to deal with feelings in a healthy way. Men especially are taught to suppress them, and consequentially when feelings arise, they have difficulties to cope with them appropriately.

Agree 100%. There was a time in my life when I was a drug addict, on the road to nowhere. Thankfully I was able to get myself to a rehab clinic in South Africa where amongst other things I learned to express my emotions better. I recall one of the most common questions we were asked multiple times of day was simply "how do you feel?". So simple, yet so effective as a method to help us look inward after a lifetime of blaming other people for how we feel. South African men are known for never crying. So they looked at me as a very odd character when I started to let it all out! It was actually at this rehab clinic where I found a copy of 'The Secret', which peaked my law of attraction interest and ultimately led me to where I am now.

Nice idea using dowsing to guide me. Do you dowse? I only started this year and still forget all the time how useful They are. Even yesterday I lost my phone and probably wouldn't have thought to use them if it were not for your words here. Needless to say the dowsing rods were INCREDIBLE in the way they directed me straight to a book on a small corner table, under which my phone was hiding. Blows my mind every time.

Am almost done with my article on this subject now and discovered something yesterday which I thought you may enjoy looking at in advance of my posting:

So beautiful right? Though perhaps more aesthetic than functional. Is he using resin with the copper plates and will this have an effect on the user I wonder?

It would seem that Pranatonics does not exist as a company and the only way to buy this product is to contact the creator directly. Bit odd, but I will email him to find out more. I want to know why he doesn't place the vial in line with the circuit. Perhaps it doesn't matter?

Left-handed or right-handed spiral?? I would do both, and compare the result. Potentially different plants also thrive better in different spirals.

I've not started building this yet (still clearing the land of stubborn trees) but my design can be seen here.

spiral garden.jpg

As you can see the E/W spirals effectively run both ways. The design was borrowed from the Nasca lines which feature this type spiral a few times. Whereas the N/S spirals are opposite so will provide opportunity for comparison. Without a doubt different plants thrive better with different types of spiral. Lettuce I have found don't seem to like them at all! But this can only be said for the Summer months. It may well be different in the Winter.

Panic starts already ten people before it's your turn.

I know that feeling very well.

I don't want to make a "conventional" intro. I hope that's not expected (like name, age, profession, country of residence etc. pp.).

One of the things we value most on this platform is our right to anonymity, so no personal details are required. Unconventional intros are the best!

I recommend you look at this page only to know how NOT to do it:

You could just be honest and tell the story of how you came to be here? We have a saying on hive which goes something like "I came for the crypto but stayed for the community". However, this is very much not the case with you!
