Excessive DHF funds should be burned, the inflation is far too high and we are overpaying for most initiatives. Some of the people doing 'the work' are not keeping minutes and are being paid hundreds of dollars a day even if they are taking days off or working a fulltime job elsewhere. We also have duplicate projects and overlaps such as multiple things to hold keys, multiple front ends, etc. Why are we paying for more? And don't get me started on the Steem monsters or whatever they call it, Splinterlands now. They are taking $1000s per day and giving zero back to hive. We should loan businesses money not provide them with grants. This is why I won't invest another cent in Hive and it scares other people away.
As for charity, the world is full of suffering. If we give one user money, more will come. It will be endless. Corporate charity is mostly done because of the tax write-offs and free advertising. If someone wants to come along and submit some proposal to make a better way to give, I wouldn't support that either. Just tag charity, help, etc. and hope for the best or use another platform. Hive is struggling, the market cap should be 5 to 10 times larger, the users should be growing exponentially and people who have been here for years should being doing great. This is not the case. Ask for money when the price of hive is $5.00 not $0.2x
I don't disagree about the first paragraph , but I wanted to focus on the second! I think many share your feeling. I totally understand the despair of someone in need! but we need to separate business from helping....DHF fund is money for business. Many problems on it? yes, but what you said I just answered the same in another comment hehe . The best way for this things is by community voluntary actions. Maybe some one can open an account and manage this account to receive donations, and when someone wants to apply, and the donations come from voluntary donations, not derived from DHF funds. There isn't a need for a DHF proposal for that! Just a trustable person or group of people managing an account probably there are already some of these accounts around, we just don't know about them.
Adding more layers and sophistication to charity just leads to more administrative costs, it increases the potential for fraud, there will be bias and there will be guaranteed waste because of complexity. If Hive moves in this general direction, I am out. It probably scare many investors in general as they like to separate investing and giving. Charity should be grassroots. If you want to help someone retweet their post or do as you are, go one step further. Write posts about them, spread awareness and as you know there is a mechanism to tithe a percentage of your post to other user accounts.
We don't need someone or some frontend acting as an intermediary for charity. As I said, Hive is broke and most of the users with a significant amount of hive as suffering from years of low prices. That being said, if you want to educate people on how to give or share a percentage of their post to others go for it.
Maybe i wasnt a bit clear i wasnt suggesting using any hive’s fund for that! It could be something like you said in the end! We are in the same page !