Daily Language-Scanner Report 2023-04-06

in #hive2 years ago

Dear Hive-Users,

This service is intended to effectively expand the reach of users, especially newcomers, who blog in languages other than English.

This service scans the blockchain for new posts in the following languages:

Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Korean and Turkish.

More languages will be added during further updates!

These languages have a main-tag on HIVE, which you can use to easily and effectively expand your reach - we strongly recommend using them.

Following tags are used:

Spanish: #spanish German: #deutsch Russian: #ru Chinese: #cn French: #fr Portgese: #pt Korean: #kr Turkish: #tr

We would appreciate assistance to complete/finalize this list.

Today we found 166 HIVE users who wrote in a language other than english, but did not use the corresponding language tag.

Missing #spanish

Hemos notado que escribes en español, pero no estás utilizando la etiqueta de idioma correspondiente. Te recomendamos que la utilices en el futuro para aumentar tu alcance de manera sencilla y efectiva.

@alexisgr93, @dnagameroficial, @tobbysax, @rizzosart, @diegoloco, @murcy22, @zorili91, @albiro2050, @sayury, @antoniojg, @nony, @anarodriguez, @folarin01, @happyfrog420-new, @jetta.amaya, @gohalber, @mariajcastro28, @miguelbaez, @boom-bap, @heberwords, @catrynart, @ramaco54, @hiveopenmic, @jygy89, @joecariac0, @mballesteros, @liseth.zamora, @criptomonedastv, @hero-gamer, @actioncats, @ricardoeloy, @richardalexis, @elamaria, @milei, @alejandrorigo, @lyon-89, @miriannalis, @ydaiznfts, @maurojd, @danieli98, @franciscomarval, @javilinares, @morenokaka, @zagieluno, @alicia2022, @josman831, @dodokan, @denissemata, @osismi, @dirego1, @orita, @mariela53, @marianars, @beluhan19, @fernandoylet, @mati14, @inici-arte, @delicarola, @healjoal, @ladyunicorn, @edgargonzalez, @naza3783, @ashleyjaramillog, @freed99, @janetedita, @enovf, @karinanunez, @carolinawnn, @kitzune, @gloriaolar, @davixesk8, @indonesiabersatu, @pcojines, @flquin, @oriongg, @danideuder, @yeniluci, @merit.ahama

Missing #deutsch

Wir haben festgestellt, dass du auf deutsch schreibst, dabei aber nicht den entsprechenden Sprach-Tag hierfür verwendest. Wir möchten dir anraten, diesen zukünftig zu verwenden um einfach und effektiv deine Reichweite zu erhöhen.

Solltet ihr Hilfestellung bez. diversen Themen auf HIVE benötigen, so findet ihr uns auf diesem Discord Server.


Missing #fr

Nous avons remarqué que vous écrivez en français, mais vous n'utilisez pas le tag de langue approprié. Nous vous conseillons de l'utiliser à l'avenir pour augmenter facilement et efficacement votre portée.

@bonus-fr, @koussbar

Missing #cn


@bxt, @tina1219, @bo022, @lifang123, @tingjie, @alexwo

Missing #ru

Мы заметили, что вы пишете на русском языке, но не используете соответствующий языковой тег для этого. Мы хотим посоветовать вам использовать его в будущем, чтобы просто и эффективно увеличить свою охват.

Missing #pt

Percebemos que você escreve em português, mas não está usando a tag de idioma apropriada. Recomendamos que você a use no futuro para aumentar seu alcance de maneira simples e eficaz.

@osomar357, @ayummi, @lilico, @shiftrox, @barretinn, @eijibr, @alepdias, @crazyphantombr, @wiseagent, @underlock, @michupa, @guuh, @nexo.digital

Missing #kr

당신이 한국어로 글을 쓰고 있지만, 그에 맞는 언어 태그를 사용하지 않고 있다는 것을 발견했습니다. 앞으로 이를 사용하여 쉽고 효과적으로 범위를 확장하는 것이 좋습니다.

@khaiyoui, @daju060, @zinasura

Missing #tr

Türkçe yazdığınızı ancak bunun için uygun dil etiketini kullanmadığınızı fark ettik. Gelecekte erişim alanınızı artırmak için bu etiketi kullanmanızı öneririz.

HIVE ile ilgili konularda yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa, Discord sunucumuzda size yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyarız. Sunucuya erişmek için şu bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz: Discord sunucusu.

We hope that by doing so, we can expand the reach of many users to further enhance their experience on Hive.

Your Hive-Learn & More team.


Muchas gracias por la acotación. ❤️

Gracias por la recomendación utilizaré la etiqueta para mis publicaciones de contenido en español.

Muchas gracias

Muchísimas gracias por la acotación ✨

gracias lo tendre en cuenta

Da es mir mit den actifit posts nicht so sehr um Reichweite geht, bitte wenn möglich aus der Liste der gescannten accounts herausnehmen?

Das obliegt gänzlich dir, du weißt bescheid, dass ist uns das wichtigste.
Machen wir gerne :).

ok. got it. can you remove me from the list please?

Perfect :). Done.


It is excellent that they promote the use of the tags of the language of publication, in my case I always use it, unless the publication is only in English, so I find it strange that it is in the list because I always use it among the first 5 tags.

Es excelente el que promuevan el uso de las etiquetas del idioma de publicación, en mi caso siempre la uso, a menos que la publicación este solo en inglés, así que se me hace raro que esté en la lista porque siempre la uso entre las 5 primeras etiquetas.

Thanks a lot! This post is where you missed it :).

You are absolutely right already, I corrected, that tag should not be missing there, thank you.