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RE: What does onboarding 10,000 active users look like?

in #hivelast month

Last month I checked the ~1500 'new users' Hive on Board claimed to have 'onboarded'. I checked a couple dozen of the accounts and one of them had any activity at all, indicating that all the rest were not actual humans eager to use their new accounts to post and comment on Hive, but merely accounts current users simply purchased and stockpiled for future use.

That one account immediately began posting and commenting on Vibes, which is one of the more financially profitable mechanisms enabling accumulation of Hive tokens potential to poorly staked accounts. This did not suggest a new user, fresh to Hive, but rather a sock of an established account seeking to mine Vibes for tokens. Hive on Board is just a mechanism afflicting Hive with bots. All 'Hive marketing' efforts appear to be the same. Valueplan is a plan without value. Nothing it has done has driven any substantial number of new users of Hive to join. Nothing it is planning to do will either. It's mining the DHF, and that's all it is.

There is only one meaningful marketing department on Hive, and it is the same on every social media platform in the world. It is people posting interesting content, happy they posted it on Hive. Upvoting interesting content will please the authors of that content, and people interested in it will find it, come to Hive, see that the creator of the content received money for posting it, and seek to join Hive to become that happy about posting here too.

Every DV destroys Hive marketing, and does little to discourage spam and scams. Creating some modest delegations to people that will upvote content is the best marketing plan that Hive could adopt, and nothing less will cause Hive to succeed. Stewards of Gondor was the optimum plan to enable Hive to succeed, and Valueplan is the worst strip mining of Hive for ROI since bidbots.

Enjoy watching Hive be destroyed by whales in front of our eyes, because that's what's happening.


There is only one meaningful marketing department on Hive, and it is the same on every social media platform in the world. It is people posting interesting content, happy they posted it on Hive. Upvoting interesting content will please the authors of that content, and people interested in it will find it, come to Hive, see that the creator of the content received money for posting it, and seek to join Hive to become that happy about posting here too.

That's the idea, but then, we have retarded crap like this:


You'd probably enjoy the linked exchange.

I am familiar with that exchange.

You summarized well our current state of the blockchain! Well lets keep doing our best , what we thing is right for it! At least we will rest that we did the best that we could! That’s how I think right now! And of course showing the dirty is always good many people that weren’t unware will see it. And of course trying to find the small new users that are trying their best is the most important right now!

If we keep supporting actual people, we will survive the botters that will eventually fuck off, and then we'll be able to use the ability to support actual people to create a Hive social media platform that can capture the actual power of social media that demonstrably has rapidly become the largest sector of the global financial markets. Profiteers stand on execrable principles that actually deprive them of the most valuable and meaningful benefits people can attain. They cut their own throats by cheating and botting, devaluing themselves by doing so.

By standing firmly on sound principles advancing human felicity, people will eventually outcompete liars and cheats that cannot create solid foundations to support ongoing commerce.