Lo siento que este post es en Ingles. Yo solo aprendo espanol para cuatro messes y mi espanol no esta suficiente para hacer un entrada del blog ahora.
organize a Dutch HIVE meetup. The script that ran over a number of days collected HIVE users who have either voted or posted in 2022, and who have a location in their user profile.This is the first post in a series of post that aims to connect HIVE users. A few days back I ran a little script for @coldbeetrootsoup who is trying to
Ofcource there were many more locations than the Netherlands, so I started looking a bit at the results and thought that maybe this could provide a seed for local communities to connect.
I am doing a series of posts each attempting to bring communities together. I'm not really a discord user, but I created a discord server and when I do a post I'll add the channels. As I arent really a discord user, I hope this is just a first place for communities to get incepted and expanded.
In this first post I am looking at a part-of the HIVE community in Venezuela. The HIVE community in Venezuela seems to be the biggest one in terms of location. So big that I am splitting Venezuela into multiple posts.
My script found 27,572 active HIVE accounts. 2179 of these accounts (7.9%) explicitly linked their location to Venezuela. Chances are the community is even bigger than this.
In this post I'm posting an account list for the four biggest local sub-cummunities in Venezuela:
- Caracas (287 accounts)
- Cumana (163 accounts)
- Maracay (155 accounts)
- Anzoategui (100 accounts)
Image source Cristóbal Alvarado Minic
The Discord channel for Caracas is here. Caracas isn't the biggest active urban HIVE community of the world, it does have the begest urban community within the biggest national community of active HIVE users. As such (hint, hint) maybe a good location for a future @hivefest ?
This is the list of accounts that explicitly link to Caracas in the account profile meta data:
- @aballarde53
- @abbandonato98
- @actioncats
- @afroadrianv
- @agcoeficiente10
- @aguamiel
- @aguijon
- @aidarojaswriter
- @albertozambrano
- @alejandra.her
- @alejandramonzon
- @alejandroj
- @alexandra1301
- @alexis26
- @alexlyamusic
- @altopiensa
- @andreaa22
- @andresdfc
- @andyart11
- @angelik
- @anrux
- @antonimo01
- @antonyjimenezve
- @aricaroo
- @artalneydelvalle
- @ashleyjaramillo
- @ashley.vlogs
- @astrolabio
- @atardeceres81
- @auelitairene
- @avecesmike
- @bard0
- @beatriche
- @belkisa758
- @benantca
- @bettypoveda
- @blackarer
- @bluewater38
- @borregov
- @brujita18
- @by-aranza04
- @camiloferrua
- @caracasprin
- @caracasrandom
- @carlosbp
- @castrochastre
- @ccsoriginal
- @cesarusb
- @cherryblossom20
- @christsnow
- @concienciarte
- @coquicoin
- @crisdevill
- @cvb21
- @daniealbarran
- @danielly1805
- @danielmatos
- @danielvehe
- @darcy29
- @dayanita2
- @dayerlis
- @dearstud68
- @dezters
- @digitaldicast
- @dineronline
- @dmylady
- @dolivero
- @dracrow
- @drrune
- @drummer96
- @dubrasmd
- @edicar59
- @edwing357
- @elcitadino
- @enderlouis
- @enriquegarcia14
- @erikayorley
- @erikotron
- @eriter17
- @erney333
- @evev
- @felixjfarfan
- @fernanvalentina
- @fiona2021
- @fionoalejo
- @formulaccs
- @franckod21
- @franconav
- @fran.frey
- @gatakata
- @geeklania
- @genesishealthy
- @geronimamunoz
- @ginethchira2301
- @glenda
- @glosique
- @granaddiction
- @gusileon
- @gveronese
- @gyp.karina11
- @helyorsini
- @hengary
- @hipertextual
- @hive-142415
- @hive-187620
- @hormigaobrera
- @huesos
- @humoalex
- @ilaz
- @indumukhi
- @inedido
- @isaac241213
- @iscrak
- @iuliapetit2711
- @izulina
- @jamidiamon
- @ja-park
- @jasonherzmartin
- @javyeslava.photo
- @jenc
- @jennynas
- @jesscbrl
- @jessescenica
- @jesusact
- @jesusgarp93
- @jesuslnrs
- @jesymarcano92
- @jhoxiris
- @jomarbym
- @jonadrugsartsvdt
- @joseacabrerav
- @josealca69
- @josilveram
- @jotadiaz12
- @joviedo
- @juanmcar
- @juanpablopirela
- @juanpth
- @jurbinaper
- @k4kashi
- @karlagon
- @karlamota
- @karlaquinviolin
- @kat-nee
- @keivern
- @kerwinjz
- @kimjsz89
- @krakenpei
- @lacasitaderocio
- @latinocaracas
- @lazarccs8
- @lenyscarolina
- @leo-audio
- @leogergabriel
- @leonellaforever
- @leynnerm29
- @lisrl26
- @lphnfotografia
- @luiscreativo
- @luisecarreno
- @luisenriquecp
- @luissoublett
- @lunetsofia
- @m16uellop
- @machiqui63
- @macolina69
- @madefrance
- @manuelmusic
- @margagar60
- @marianavasquez
- @mariano9
- @marielarc07
- @mariita52
- @marvinvelasquez
- @maryed
- @marysc
- @maryxshiro
- @mayrios
- @mayvil
- @mayvileros
- @mechis85
- @merp99
- @michellerodarte
- @miguelangel2801
- @miguelfiguera
- @misterlangdon
- @moralistajess
- @morito13
- @musageta298
- @musicandres
- @musicoda
- @mv-curacion
- @mvl2304
- @nabu.doconosor2
- @nadieramirez
- @nahupuku7
- @naideth
- @naradamoon
- @nbarrios67
- @ninachejov
- @nioberojas
- @norat23
- @ohnoesnelson
- @omarborges
- @onswitch
- @orimusic
- @orquestausb
- @oscarhe
- @osomar357
- @pablojosemusic
- @paop
- @pbarrenop
- @perniachiquito
- @photoquintero
- @rafabvr
- @rainel2022
- @ratspencer
- @rdlinares
- @rebeporto1
- @reenave
- @reinaldoverdu
- @requenayu
- @reymoya95
- @rhfrancisco
- @risckylu
- @rogmy
- @roninvsa
- @rowell
- @sachasanchezv
- @salvadorhr18
- @scarletcorner
- @scarletlopezj
- @scarletmakeup
- @schubertlover
- @sctorresvozalta
- @seijakugabhy
- @silviathomson
- @soniabalzan
- @soniapirona
- @soydiegorojas
- @soyjoselopez
- @soysofia
- @spawndrummer
- @sseremii
- @sthephany
- @sunnypierrot
- @thheyisus0
- @tibaire
- @tibilopez
- @tippingwisdom11
- @todocontexto
- @tomasdiaz123
- @tottylive
- @trascendente
- @txinoem
- @ubaldonet
- @unknownheroes
- @vadimlasca
- @vercejoalma
- @verdesmeralda
- @vezo
- @victorlpa99
- @vvgm
- @waraira777
- @wildermanjnm
- @will83
- @xerox27
- @xmayerccs
- @yazp
- @ydavidm
- @yetxuni
- @yeyaflute
- @yonismith
- @yooerlyn
- @yoslehz
- @yosoyada
- @yoysalseros
- @yskar
- @yuri.ccs
- @yurimar
- @zoexantelamv
- @zuyimar
Image source Wikimedia
The Discord channel for Cumana is here.
This is the list of accounts that explicitly link to Cumana in the account profile meta data:
- @abdulmath
- @abuelacosturas
- @acostacazorla
- @adncabrera
- @adriana34
- @afarina46
- @alejandrorigo
- @andresromero
- @anestesioloco
- @angelcharlot1
- @angerbertineo
- @anitacariaco
- @anniess
- @antoniarhuiz
- @anyelit
- @artefactoestudio
- @augusto-cordova
- @bimaladevi
- @cantantecumanes
- @cesarisaad
- @cesarmarcano
- @chelina
- @chinotattooart
- @chumis02
- @cielitorojo
- @cimillan
- @cumana23
- @damarisgm
- @damelysh
- @danieldedosd2
- @danny23
- @dano0903
- @davidguitar78
- @diami
- @doegsanand
- @dumouevarist
- @edmundocentenor
- @elamaria
- @elcoloso
- @eleidap
- @elgatoshawua
- @enriquemarval
- @erka.franco
- @estebandido1983
- @eudarcabello
- @evagavilan2
- @evamillan
- @evaplunar
- @fabiarte
- @felixmarranz
- @figueroa1
- @flordulceysalado
- @francisaponte25
- @franciscomarval
- @gcreaciones
- @geritacs94
- @gilbertomarcano
- @ginko1
- @gooze
- @gracielaacevedo
- @guada6901
- @hernanleon
- @hlezama
- @hylene74
- @isauris
- @itsjunevelasquez
- @jaquelins2
- @jeanfrancopit
- @jineska
- @joanm897
- @joecariac0
- @jose3000
- @josemalavem
- @josesalazar200
- @josevallera
- @josfuentes
- @jpulido0306
- @juancenteno-1
- @juliolunar
- @karelysar
- @karelyta
- @karla12
- @khenshin
- @kiaradel
- @legwikk
- @leidimarc
- @leomolina
- @lstriker
- @luishitho
- @luzkary
- @lyon-89
- @manujune
- @marcex963
- @mariajruizb
- @mariart1
- @mariela53
- @marievar
- @marivic10
- @marlyncabrera
- @marygourmet
- @maxipiano78
- @maxipiano
- @mayifiestas
- @mead.ven
- @melor9
- @migueleduardoe
- @milagrosg1
- @milezer22
- @miralkys19
- @morenaluna
- @morey-lezama
- @nancybriti
- @nancytarojas
- @neyjgg97
- @oacevedo
- @octocel
- @omarcitorojas
- @omarrojas
- @orianacorales
- @oriongg
- @osandrdes
- @palabreador
- @patriciamor
- @paugomez
- @pavanjr
- @pvemp
- @railis93
- @ramaco54
- @ramhei.textual
- @rejicoronado
- @rjguerra
- @rsalmeron
- @salmeron89
- @sandracabrera
- @saulmarquez
- @siomarasalmeron
- @socram
- @soyanafuentes
- @soyili
- @soyliliena
- @spavan697
- @steelmusic
- @stefanimg
- @suralla
- @teobaldo11
- @tesoro4
- @valeria20
- @valprincess
- @vemaya
- @vicrivasr
- @vnzla-cumana-art
- @vvarenas
- @wilast
- @williansmarquez
- @yeceniacarolina
- @yoselindiaz
- @yuliannysimc
- @yulilemus02
- @yurgelismm130
- @yusmarymarin
- @zailecita
- @zeleiracordero-2
- @zharat
Imagge source Wikimapia
The Discord channel for Maracay is here.
This is the list of accounts that explicitly link to Maracay in the account profile meta data:
- @acpc24
- @alasia
- @albisn
- @aletoalonewolf
- @alexandrafv
- @alex.xt0
- @andres-gera
- @angeleandradeb
- @angelosw
- @antidepresion
- @antoniojg
- @antoniojoseha
- @aplausos
- @armandolnrs
- @blas-training
- @bonnie.serizawa
- @carlosp18
- @carmary
- @casmar551
- @colososbike
- @criptochain-ac
- @danielorbita
- @david-rodriguez
- @deliciasayj
- @djbp
- @doctortrillo
- @dosorio5
- @drawsforfun
- @dwas
- @egor.art
- @eliassamuel
- @eliodorove77
- @endopediatria
- @erickrivera
- @ernesto27
- @felianysuarez
- @ferarevalo147
- @ferjart
- @fotorincon12
- @fyree
- @g33erardo
- @gabifigueroa15
- @gaboarzola
- @gabrielb
- @garybilbao
- @gary.nunez
- @georginamaneiro
- @hectorwallstreet
- @helenameza
- @henrycalu
- @howardrojas9
- @iraimi
- @irissol
- @isaack95
- @javisem
- @javwee32
- @jayoxaju
- @jerusa777
- @jesustiano
- @jhonymedina
- @jimramones
- @jjuuaanchoo
- @johakse
- @joseg
- @joseph1956
- @jose-sw31
- @jrafaelrivero
- @juan.avelif
- @juanmatute1
- @julioromero
- @karinanunez
- @kathesm
- @kathysm
- @klderon
- @krisbeldiaz
- @larryparra
- @leninbracho50
- @leninernesto
- @leomarylm
- @leslym
- @ljtorres2
- @maeugenia
- @maitt87
- @majonu92
- @manuelramos
- @marcobaw
- @maria1989
- @marin-city
- @mariu.espinoza
- @marlenyaragua
- @marucha01
- @maryjoseb25
- @marymoncada
- @marynessc
- @marys.f13
- @maykit55
- @milagroscdlrr
- @mildred271
- @mjcarvajalp
- @mochinliin
- @moi-eb
- @mrcesararts
- @nacarid
- @nadeurdaneta
- @naimajudith
- @nats19
- @nelsonjm
- @nelson-torres
- @nestorrdz-30
- @nini08
- @odinnmm71
- @oizaguirres
- @omardrea
- @oneray
- @oscarcampos86
- @paokarinat
- @pararova
- @pastry.yass
- @pavonj
- @periodistech
- @pexpresiones
- @proymet
- @rafaelberrios
- @raizalorant
- @ramsses-sw25
- @raumijares
- @rayjose
- @ricardogoto
- @rodyservi
- @romifuenm
- @romulexx
- @rosana6
- @rousbertsw99
- @sarapi
- @sellergenius
- @skiaoart
- @snow.ders
- @socramrangel
- @sofialorenzo
- @solanaya94
- @soyjaelrincon
- @uzcategui
- @vgalue
- @vickvelasquez
- @wayuu-reg
- @wil-leandro
- @yackelynher
- @yeral-diaz
- @yirbeel
- @yittserelatos
- @yoshuarz
- @zuleima7611
- @zulism
- @zulma
- @zuly63
Image source ivenezuela
The Discord channel for Anzoategui is here.
This is the list of accounts that explicitly link to Anzoategui in the account profile meta data:
- @andreamaestre1
- @andryscarias01
- @andryscarias01
- @angeliz
- @angeliz
- @baticuevafcl
- @byvonat
- @cindycam
- @cindycam
- @ciruma
- @corderito
- @cruzjimenez01
- @cutmadeart
- @danielhive2021
- @donatella3
- @dorihann14
- @dorytagil2022
- @dorytagil2022
- @duneskya
- @duquenessij
- @duquenessij
- @elchacin
- @elielkenobi
- @elpastor
- @emiliovzla
- @emiliovzla
- @fangosaurio
- @felixgarciap
- @felixgarciap
- @franciscofjs
- @franciscofjs
- @fuentesjo3006
- @fuentesjo3006
- @georcastellanos
- @georcastellanos
- @gertu
- @gertu
- @giloriana
- @gloriana071
- @guelmi1958
- @guelmi1958
- @ikigaidesign
- @ikigaidesign
- @jaredkhamanah
- @jaredkhamanah
- @jesusosorio95
- @johalys48
- @jorgelisz23
- @jorgelisz23
- @josmastar
- @josmastar
- @jsr89
- @jvelasquez
- @karolrodriguez
- @karolrodriguez
- @katiuscarub
- @leivid
- @leonella-akira
- @leonella-akira
- @lvelasquezc
- @lvelasquezc
- @mamidalia
- @mamidalia
- @marybellrg
- @marybellrg
- @maykath
- @maykath
- @nestorarman2
- @nestorarman2
- @ninamorffe
- @oscarcede
- @putignanoespe
- @raquelsmile
- @razielmorales
- @renji-sw
- @robertorangel
- @robertorangel
- @robertrz
- @robertrz
- @rosymend
- @rpcaceres
- @sabrip
- @sabrip
- @selenediva
- @sergimarmartinez
- @stephi98
- @suanky
- @syberia
- @tinacastely
- @tommy27
- @valeskarc
- @veronicaparente
- @veronicaparente
- @wilddrumss
- @wilddrumss
- @xpax120
- @xpax120
- @yanco
- @yanco
- @yisusandcece
Build those communities
I'm just seeding here, creating a way for all you guys to find eachother. Guys, connect, start out on discord, or here, in the comments. Build those communities.
More #Venezuela posts are comming up, I didn't want to tag in
Thanks for your information, Wow, there are a lot of us around this hive.
Gracias por tu información, Vaya, somos muchos en esta colmena.
Vaya somos muchos Venezolanos haciendo vida en HIVE, saludos desde Guárico 👋👋
It's a lot a Venezuelan Hivers! 😀
I am not from Maracay. I am from Maracaibo.
Oops. I used fuzzy name matching because of different spellings and accents, seems those two places got merged in processing. 64 people from Maracaibo got mixed in with 91 from maracay.
Added a maracaibo channel to the discord here
Best regards.
Another "Maracaibero" has already come out and put things in their place.
Ya te salió otro "Maracaibero" poniendo las cosas en su lugar
Congratulations, thanks for sharing.
~~~ embed:1578069944604016649 twitter metadata:dmljcml2YXNyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3ZpY3JpdmFzci9zdGF0dXMvMTU3ODA2OTk0NDYwNDAxNjY0OXw= ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @felixgarciap, @vicrivasr ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Thanks a lot My Friends ☺️
Wow! what a great job, it's incredible, I'm going to open a discord channel for all those people from Caracas that I see that they don't have it, so we can get to know each other and support each other in Hive, thanks for taking the time to do it.
Hola que tal, excelente toda la información sobre estas zonas de Venezuela e iniciativa de tu Post, me Encanta...y con mucho gusto me conectaré con los Hivers que mencionaste aquí. Un fuerte abrazo para ti.
Hola. Buen día. Excelente información 👏🏻 Aún falta gente de Maracay que conozco en Hive.
Estaremos en contacto 🤗🌹
Excelente trabajo, y los usuarios que aun faltan que no tiene la ubicación agregada a su perfil.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(2/5) @felixgarciap tipped @pibara (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!
I didn't want to wait any longer and I opened a Discord channel here is the invitation link https://discord.gg/XvmjYN7e If you can edit your post and add it that would be great!
Hola!! Gracias por esta información. Felicidades!
Wow, we are quite a few Venezuelan hivers, what a thrill! 😍
It is an excellent contribution to the community, welcome to Venezuela Hive community continues to grow and more cities continue to join as friends from Barquisimeto our friend @zullyscott can help you with this data.
Thank you for the mention. In @hiversbqto you can see the events held for the promotion of Hive in our city and I will gladly pass on the details of all the Hivers that we do life here. Thank you dear @madefrance
Muy bueno esto, desde hace un tiempo que quiero conocer e interactuar con más hive de mi zona, pero ha sido difícil, espero que por aqui nos conozcamos más, desde Anzoategui, buena iniciativa, saludos.
Congratulations @pibara , very interesting application and although I don't have a Discord account and some are already friends, I will save the list to greet my neighbors.
Venezolanos creativos por coñazo jajajaja best regards, thanks for the compilation. 👍🏼
Gracias por la información.
This is a great contribution to the Venezuelan Hivers ecosystem. Surely there are many more, in my case I am from Caracas and I am not on the list, so I imagine that the population of Hivers from Caracas and other states is even larger.
Thanks for the invitation to the Discord, and create this channel that links us more. Blessings
Wow! Thanks fot the information. I didn't know we were so many Venezuelan hivers, and much less that we were so many in Cumana. Maybe we should do a @hivefest here. What do you think? @soyanafuentes
Ya hubo 🤣🤣
Queeeeee. Bueno, hagamos otro porque ese me lo perdí jajajaja.
No estamos solos compañeros 💪
Thanks for the information, I'll keep an eye out for it. greetings!
Es genial y hay comunidades muy unidas que organizan eventos presenciales para enseñar y convivir 👋
You know that the second city of Venezuela is called Maracaibo, capital of Zulia State. It earns that honor of being the second because the capital Caracas is the first (since that is where Simon Bolivar was born and is the seat of the Government). Now the city of Maracaibo, after the capital, is the one that has a little more than 2 million inhabitants (no other), its economy is the first in the whole country (in all areas). In your list you present very nice and enterprising cities, but I think you should have put the city where I live (I don't live in Maracay).
Greetings!Hello @pibara
Sabes que la segunda ciudad de Venezuela se llama Maracaibo, capital del Estado Zulia. Se gana ese honor de ser la segunda porque la capital Caracas es la primera (ya que ahí nació Simón Bolívar y es cede del Gobierno). Ahora la ciudad de Maracaibo, después de la capital, es la que posee un poco más de 2 millones de habitantes (ninguna otra), su economía es la primera en todo el país (en todos los renglones). En tu lista presentas ciudades muy bonitas y emprendedoras, pero yo creo que deberías haber colocado la ciudad en donde yo vivo (no vivo en Maracay).
Saludos!Hola @pibara
Excellent work friend! You managed to group a good part of the Venezuelan community in Hive in a single publication, I hope that this is only the beginning of a much stronger and more tangible union process.
@pibara Un saludo, excelente post, realmente interesante la cantidad de personas que estan en la comunidad de Hive en Venezuela, o donde soy, Caracas. Ideal un @hivefest
What a beautiful spirit you breathe in this publication. Thank you, @pibara! Greetings to the Venezuelan hivers, especially those from our beloved Cumaná. Can you imagine if all 27,572 supported each other? A big dream! hahaha!
Thanks for the mention @pibara , I'm still active and present on hive, although not with this account
Saludos desde Cumaná Estado Sucre!
@pibara How interesting these statistics that you show us, fills me with joy and pride that we are so many Venezuelans active on this platform. Thanks a lot. I hope one day we can all meet in a great event.
It's so impressing... Is a great and good job that you do...
I'm too study english and this is the best that I can write now... 🤗🤗
Thanks you so much!
Que bien, no sabía que habíamos tantos venezolanos en esta plataforma que bien se siente saber eso.
Que bueno es saber que somos tantos Hivers venezolanos, soy de Cumaná y este seria el lugar ideal para un HiveFest.
Hello, very interesting information, but I'm not from Maracay, I'm from Maracaibo 😊
¡Así es!
Defendiendo tu zulianidad ¡Bravo!
Interesting statistical publication of the active users of Venezuela @pibara and as Caracas concentrates the most active, it was logical to be the most cosmopolitan city in Venezuela with more development compared to other cities in the country.
You should continue with the topic I found it very interesting to read this data.
Hello, my friend! Thank you very much for the mention, I had no idea that the Venezuelan community in #HIVE was so big, it's amazing. I send you greetings from Caracas.😘 @pibara
Gracias, por mencionarme, saludos, amigo @pibara desde Caracas, Venezuela.
Thank you for mentioning me, greetings, friend @pibara from Caracas, Venezuela.
The hivers of Venezuela would appreciate more data which would encourage them to meet and get to know each other (in Venezuela there are 24 states and you have already shown data from 4) I am sure they would feel the same if it were done in other countries and then for each region/state/principality. This information is really useful, great job.
Venezuela at the forefront of the adoption and use of Blockchain technology. Hive is amazing!
It is impressive how many Hivers there are in Vzuela and sincerely this fills me with a lot of pride!!!!
I thank you very much for the mention but currently I don't live in Venezuela!!!!
Blessings, a hug!
Estoy orgulloso de mi país Venezuela. Solo una observación. No soy de Maracay. Soy de Maracaibo,estado Zulia.
I really proud of my country Venezuela. However, there is an observación.I live in Maracaibo, Zulia state.
¡Que viva el Zulia!
Que bonito que seamos muchos, en esta colmena ! Y esperemos que siga creciendo cada vez más
De verdad que increíble lo que lograste hacer con este post!!!! Realizar una recolección de información sobre la localidad de algunos cuantos hives debe ser bastante arduo, te felicito por esto y gracias por esta mencion, no sabia que habían tantos hivers en la gran caracas!!
Muchas gracias por esta recopilación de la comunidad activa de Venezuela. Muy agradecida por la mención. Saludos :)
Excellent @pibara, thanks for sharing that important information, we are quite at Maracay, we need a fest. Saludos a todos los demás Venezolanos.😉
Thank you for the initiative!
Gracias por la iniciativa!
Muchas gracias por la invitación les saludo desde caracas !