My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community.

in #hivewatchers4 years ago (edited)

I talked to Hive Watchers on Discord (thank you for the invite,. @damla)

What did I do wrong

It is came to my attention (people on Hive told me recently) that translating articles is plagiarism. This is what I have done. Translating articles from Hungarian to English (I am a native Hungarian). People also told me that it is important to mention the sources whenever I use anything from other sources, which I already knew at least in the case of images. I am doing things in good faith, and I honestly did not knew that translating articles is plagiarism.

I have done translating with the faith that I put work and time into the translations, and that is accepted. But it is clearly not. By multiple reports from @erikah, I ended up on the @hivewatchers blacklist. This resulted in excessive downvotes from @adm and @spaminator. This means that even my completely original posts got downvoted. Every pending rewards on my latest posts has been reduced to zero. I do not understand the downvotes from the latter. I did not spammed, and I will not spam, but I am getting those downvotes, even on my comments.

I also mention the fact that I often used the help of online translators (for example DeepL) and dictionaries (for example MTA Sztaki, Webfordítás) to translate the articles.

In addition to the translations, I also did paraphrasing on one occassion.

The links to all abusive (plagiarism/translation) posts (and the paraphrasing post) from me

The translations:

The paraphrasing:

The other (original) posts were Actifit report cards, Splinterlands related posts, a giveaway post, and black and white photos, which was all made by me, but they were still downvoted by the above mentioned and/or other accounts.

My apology to the community

I already apologized multiple times, but I do it again.

I am honestly truly sorry for plagiarising by translating articles, and paraphrasing. I promise not to do these things again. I also promise that whenever I will use any kind of content from other sources, I will mention the sources in every case.

I kindly ask everyone to please forgive me for these mistakes.

I know that I made mistakes, and I already learned from them, and I will post original content.

I know that my appeal consist of 30 days, and I am aware that I have to ask a review on Discord after that.

Again, I am really sorry. And thank you for the second chance.


For your information:

  1. I did not report anything, so stop spreading lies.
  2. You included the pending plagiarised posts and left out those that are past payout! You haven't started plagiarising this week, it has been going on for months.
  3. Stop tagging me in every post of yours. Excessive tagging is considered spamming.

I did not report anything, so stop spreading lies.

I am not lying. You tagged them here and here.

You included the pending plagiarised posts and left out those that are past payout! You haven't started plagiarising this week, it has been going on for months.

If I would have to include literally every translated article, then I would have to go back years, not months. The website literally does not load after a certain point, so therefore it is impossible to include literally everything. And no one said that translating articles is bad (so far), so I did not know (so far). Only you mentioned it in the recent past.

But then again. I am really sorry for doing this mistake. Even if I did not know it.

Stop tagging me in every post of yours. Excessive tagging is considered spamming.

I tagged you in one or two posts, but okay. I understand, and sorry again.

Tagging is not reporting. Reporting means going to their platform and filling out a form, which I didn't do.

You just admitted that you've been plagiarising for years. Nice!

And no one said that translating articles is bad (so far), so I did not know (so far).

This is not the kindergarten, the only person responsible for your actions is you! When people tried to tell you rewriting articles is plagiarism, your only concern was to contradict everyone and play the victim card again, same as always.

You may want to reconsider what you're doing here and start acting like a responsible adult.

As far as I'm concerned, this matter is closed, I've wasted enough time on this. Move on!

You just admitted that you've been plagiarising for years. Nice!

Yes, I do. I plagiarised for years. Completely unknowingly and unwillingly, of course. I absolutely and honestly regret it. I am a honest person. I do not know why you cannot see that?

This is not the kindergarten, the only person responsible for your actions is you!

And I took full responsibility! I admitted that I plagiarised, and I apologized, and I apologize again. And I also promised and promise not to do them again.

Hopefully the community and the Hive watchers forgive me.

Edit: Just please tell me one more thing. After reading this, do you forgive me?

It's not about if I forgive you or not. It's not like I am mad at you, I'm not your mother.

I just wish you could see what you're doing is the fastest road to nowhere. You've been doing this for four years, complaining, throwing tantrums because, as you said, no one cares.

You can't force people to vote and engage on your posts. That has to be earned. Try to write about things with your own word, do one post and one actifit, focus on quality and not on quantity.

You may be surprised to find support and people who engage with you.

You can't walk on the same path and expect different outcome. If 4 years of doing the same thing hasn't brought you what you wanted, it's time to reconsider what you're doing.

Just my two cents.

One last thing.
Plagiarised posts about things you read everywhere, two black and white photos with the same copy paste text every day and your actifit posts with almost the same text every time.

Now you may see why you have no engagement on your posts.

Thank you for mentioning this too. I really try to improve. This is why there is a 30 days appeal time. I will correct my mistakes by posting original (and more engaging) content.

Downvoted for trying to pass some blame off on @erikah for trying to make it seem like she was the reason you were getting downvoted. Also, all pending posts were wiped of rewards because of all the rewards you have received from other posts made with stolen content. As long as you do the right thing from here on out, you should be fine. This was no one’s fault but your own.

I do not blame anyone. That was just/only an unfortunate sentence composition from my side. So you are right. This was completely my own fault, and I take full responsibility for the things I have done. And I already mentioned this.

As long as you do the right thing from here on out, you should be fine.

This is what I am trying to do. I will write about my own life, and the events and things I see, including both real life and video games, as well as my Hive journey, and my own views on various things.

Jó érzés olvasni, hogy beismered a hibáidat, hisz bárki hibázhat, de nem mindenki veszi a fáradságot, hogy bocsánatot kérjen, inkább jellemző módon szidja a kritikusokat. Szívből kívánom, hogy megkapd a második esélyt. Hozzáteszem: én is hibáztam, mikor még a Steem-en posztoltam, túl gyakran használva a voting botokat (ami itt hál'Istennek nincs!)persze nem csak én, de aztán jól pofára ejtettek, hogy ezt nem szabad. Itt sokszor én is idézek(fordítok), és használok más helyről származó képeket is, de a forrást mindig megadom.

Köszönöm az elismerő és bíztató szavakat. Igyekszem fejlődni, és a külső források használatát is elkerülni, de ha mégis külső forrásból használok valamit, akkor figyelni fogok a forrásmegjelölésre. Egyébként itt is vannak botok. Például a Droida. Ennek a használata például ingyenes. Olyanról nem tudok, aminek a használatáért itt fizetni kellene, de ettől függetlenül lehet, hogy van olyan is.

Oh no, you got stung! That really sucks, I feel for you man. I don't think you should have to apologise really, especially since there's no way you could have known. It's not like this place comes with a clear instruction manual

But there's a huge problem with plagiarism that isn't really that visible, mostly because of the work that Hivewatchers do...

The proper protocol in this situation, as I found out, is to decline payouts on any translations and only claim rewards on one language-version of a post. Or to put both/all of your translations into a single post. You might already know this by now

It's really unfair, but until someone thinks of a better way, I'm told that's how it has to be

I wish I knew how to fix it. I only speak English so I haven't experienced what it's like. I can imagine how demoralising it would be to be downvoted after putting in the effort to manually translate your content so it can reach a wider audience. Did the downvoters explain their reasons?

I guess the blame ultimately sits on the minority of people that abuse the network. Like every sphere of existence, they ruin it for the rest of us

Damn humans gonna human

Anyway, maybe this will cheer you up. Or at least make for a distraction

Rossz Csillag Alatt Született

You'll either hate it or love it 😈

Did the downvoters explain their reasons?

Under my original content posts? No, they just simply downvoted them. But yes on the translated articles. And I deserved those, because those posts were mistakes from my side, even if I did not know it.

I do not blame others for my own mistakes, but people should have been really told this (the fact that translating articles is plagiarism) to me earlier, not just/only now.

I am doing this for a long time.

The only thing is cheering me up is the fact that I admitted my mistakes, I apologized for them, and I promised not to do them again.

Okay, I see now. I misunderstood. We all make mistakes though, it's what makes us human

I think it will be okay in time. It takes character to admit when you're wrong and accept responsibility, but doing so shows more integrity than a person who acts like they never do anything wrong


Guess you didn't listen to the music?

Guess you didn't listen to the music?

Now I gave it a quick listening to this album. I like the violin, but the most of the titles of the tracks of the album are melancholic and/or sad. The music itself does not give me that mood. It rather gives me a calm and relaxed, or even inspired mood. Good music. Thank you.

Oh cool. Yeah, I don't know what the titles mean

Inspired I agree with. Calm and relaxed... Venetian Snares?! Not so sure. Glad you enjoyed it though


For me, the 30-day appeal process is too long, too tedious, and too discouraging. Because in my opinion you really plagiarized posts (though without your knowledge, especially since the rules of plagiarism differ by country), people have the right to downvote your posts (only the plagiarized ones) to zero, but then since you were not warned ahead of time, I believe you should not be put on any blacklist. Yes, you unintentionally plagiarized content, but you were doing it for years without anyone mentioning it. We appreciate your honesty.

Have a !PIZZA with !LUV.

$PIZZA@xplosive! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @savvyplayer.

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@xplosive, you've been given LUV from @savvyplayer.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/10)

I accept the 30 days. At least people (including me) can prove themselves. I also deserved the downvotes on the plagiarised posts. But some accounts also downvoted my original content, and now I am receiving downvotes from @spaminator. That is unjustice, because I am not a spammer. But then again. I am sorry for all of the plagirism I have done. And thank you for your understanding. Also thank you for the support. I also give you some !LUV and !PIZZA. Have a nice day. All the best.






@savvyplayer, you've been given LUV from @xplosive.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)

$PIZZA@savvyplayer! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

I've read the comment section and someone mentions that people did try to tell you that just translating content is plagiarism. Is that true, or was this the first time ever this was brought to your attention?

This was the first in the recent past. The comments under my posts was rare anyway. But better late than never. I mean that I do not want to do bad things, so I am glad that people are now notifying me about it.

This was the first in the recent past.

So you had been warned about it?
You tiptoeing around the issue does not create any trust, can you see that?

So you had been warned about it?

No, I already wrote that I did not know about it.
I have been told about it after I done it for years.

You tiptoeing around the issue does not create any trust, can you see that?

I am not tiptoeing around anything. I already admitted my mistakes, I apologized about them, and I promised not to do these mistakes again. Hive Watchers accepted my apology post. I have 30 days appeal time.

Nos, engem is elért a bálnák haragja, egyetlen apró hibámért (ugyanúgy fordítás volt, csak kihagytam nagy sietségemben a forrást). Most az amúgy kifogásolhatatlan posztjaimat is downvote-olták teljesen méltatlan módon. Úgy látszik, bűn, ha túl jól dolgozom, magas színvonalú cikkeket adok. Igazán nem értem, miért kell sokszorosan büntetni? Mit vétettem? Most úgy állok, hogy itthagyom az egészet a Ha gondolod, megtalálsz, jobb híján a facebookon. Szívesen cserélek tapasztalatot

Velem is pont ugyanezt tették. A teljesen saját készítésű bejegyzéseimet is a nulláig downvote-olták. Plusz az összes bejegyzéseimet és a hozzászólásaimat is mind a mai napig downvote-olják (spaminator), holott soha nem is spammeltem, és nem is fogok. Remélem, hogy ez utóbbi megszűnik, ha az egy hónap lejártával (remélhetőleg) levesznek a feketelistáról.

Látom, írtál valami bocsánatkérő posztot. Én úgy érzem, inkább tőlem kéne bocsánatot kérniük. Visszataszító, ahogy megalázkodásra kényszerítik az embert. Én nem vagyok az a típus, pár sz...ros dollárért nem éri meg az egész bagázs!

Igen, két olyan bejegyzést is írtam. Amúgy jó lenne, ha dollárról lenne szó, de az én Hive-os bejegyzéseim többsége csak centeket hoz. A bejegyzésenkénti bevételem általában nem haladja meg a fél dollárt ($0.50 USD). Még a mobilinternet előfizetés havidíját sem tudom megkeresni ezzel, ami egyébként jelenleg 5330 Ft (körülbelül $17.97 USD) havonta, de szerintem december 10-én le fogom mondani. Akkor jár le a két éves hűségnyilatkozat. Ha napi $0.50 USD bevétellel számolok, akkor az havi $15 USD, plusz ha átváltom és eladom, akkor ott vannak tranzakciós díjak, és máris alig marad belőle valami. Ha csak a pénzügyi oldalról nézem, akkor felhasználói szemszögből időpazarlás az egész Hive. Nem csak nekem, hanem úgy általában a felhasználók többségének. Az emberek többsége centeket keres a Hive-val. A Hive milliomosoknak (bálnáknak) jó, akik hatalmas összegeket fektetnek bele, hogy aztán még gazdagabbak legyenek.

Igen, a többség csak centeket keres. De én kb. 4 év alatt beledolgoztam magam, és komoly jövedelmem volt belőle, persze szorgalmas, kitartó munkával. Most az egész elveszett! Találnom kell egy olyan platformot, ahol meg tudom mutatni kreatív dolgaimat és utazások során készült fotóimat, és némi jövedelem jöhet belőle költségeim részbeni fedezésére (ahogyan itt is működött). A facebook oldal sajnos erre alkalmatlan, mert alig látják egy páran az 1000 ismerősöm közül

Csak annyit még, hogy ha be akarsz jelölni, előtte írj rám Messengeren, különben nem jelölök vissza senkit akiről nem tudom, kicsoda.