Once again I made up a batch of peppers to turn into fermented hot sauce. This batch is Tobasco pepper, Red Bell Peppers and Garlic. These 3 ingredients should make a well balanced and delicious sauce!
There are so many types of lids designed for fermenting at home. These that I'm using were given to me as a gift. Someday I'll be curious to use some of the different types to see how they compare. Here's an Amazon link to a wide variety of lids: http://amzn.to/2D9XEHS
The previous batch of Fermented Hot Sauce turned out so yummy. Here's the Steemit post about that batch.
This is something wonderful and exiting for me as I never ever tasted this sauce. I saw once on television that Tobasco pepper is one of the hottest chili, is it true?
I would love to have this homemade sauce. Thanks for sharing such a lovely stuff!
Tobasco has some good heat and flavor. There are many peppers that are hotter. Personally, I don't like the super hots! The Peri-Peri pepper is similar in size and shape to the Tobasco with similar heat but a nicer flavor in my opinion. My garden just didn't produce any of those this year.
Tweeting it out!
Thank you :)
Nice post
I make my own version of Frank's Red Hot Sauce using cayenne and jalapeno peppers from the garden because my husband is addicted to it... but I have not fermented it; and I just started a little fermenting (wine and honey garlic) this past week.
I'll have to see if I can attempt this now too!
It just adds so much depth of flavor when fermented. I love it!
Thank you for the link to your other post on how to make the fermented hot sauce. I'll be giving it a go at the end of the summer!
You can do it! I can't wait to hear of your success :)
Hey Blake, still waiting to do that unboxing video of your hot sauce. Did it get lost in the mail?!? :-D
You just can't trust that postal service ;)
HEY...wait a minute!!! They can't lose it if you never ship it!
Nothing like home made tormented hot sauce. I use Habaneros, re pepper and garlic. I like mine a little hotter...
yeah, yours would probably be too hot for me!
You build up a tolerance over time. 20 years ago, you wouldn't even catch me eating a Jalapena.
Just spotted this. mmmm
We have a few Carolina Reapers that I am sort of scared to eat lol
Will put in a hot sauce