Please stay and isolate...we'll give you beer, cigarettes and weed!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

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King County temporary hospital misusing public funds?

My interest in these "temporary field hospitals" the King County health district funded and put in place around the county has been on high alert. The facilities took a long time to erect missing the critical point in the coronavirus response in my opinion. This aroused my interest since it seemed like an enormous waste of taxpayer money. Then to find out public officials are possibly bribing homeless people to stay at the facility with free beer, cigarettes and "as a last resort" products containing thc.

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Self isolation for those that have nowhere to go

There are four such hospitals that have been erected in King County. Their purpose was/is to house those exposed to the virus or those that have it and do not need to be hospitalized yet have no where to self isolate. Basically these are for the homeless population. Most if not all of my focus has been on one located in Shoreline, WA(links to video's below). I had my friend and fellow concerned citizen(Extortion Everywhere) out at the location on several occasions to document what was happening there. While my ever questioning mind rand wild nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be happening. Of course other than at the lack of patients. To be fair current reports have about 25 patients at the Shoreline facility at any given time.

Videos at Shoreline, WA temporary field hospital

Initial video of site
2nd video - still setting up
Extortion Everywhere visit after hearing of boos/cigarettes/weed to patients

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What's really going on with the homeless population and coronavirus

I've questioned the numbers of homeless people affected by this "pandemic". It seems reasonable the homeless population would be hit a little harder than the general population because of lack of social distancing etc. I expected to see higher numbers at these facilities, but so far like the rest of our healthcare system this virus has far from overwhelmed it. No worries, we'll just keep the economy shut down and continue the snuffing out of the middle class anyway. I even had Extortion Everywhere visit an outdoor walk up testing clinic that seemed to be very underutilized. Workers were more worried about him than social distancing, changing gloves appropriately, and changing their useless masks regularly. But hey at least we all feel better about it. I guess that is a little proof of the placebo affect. You can watch Extortion Everywhere's video of the walk up testing clinic here

Early on when construction of the shoreline hospital was just being finished I found this article on covering the hospital. In the article officials discussed what would happen to those not wanting to voluntarily stay at one of these field hospitals. Here is what was reported as a quote from an unnamed official,

“To identify when somebody is leaving the facility against public health guidance and then follow them so we can maintain contact, attempt to re-engage them in isolation, [and] re-engage them in recovery and treatment,” he said. “That might also be an opportunity, if the person doesn’t voluntarily comply after we attempt to do that, to escalate the enforcement.”


After a little more time passed and some digging by other independent journalists it seems maybe the county health district found a better way to convince patients to stay. has uncovered patients at the Shoreline facility are receiving beer, cigarettes and edibles containing THC. Here is a the article and here is the quote from a nurse at the Shoreline facility,

..."The ‘patients’ are suspected or confirmed COVID positive homeless people awaiting test results or waiting out their quarantine periods. There is room for 140 patients with approximately 25 in house/tent now… they are GIVING (i.e. AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE) 2 beers per patient every 4 hours or 12 beers per day (you know, DTs etc) and free cigarettes as much as needed to the patients. I’ve heard this is the only way to keep the ‘patients’ within the facility. I was hoping this could be a chance for some homeless people to detox under medical supervision and get back on their feet but apparently not… I found it hard to believe…"

In response to questions from the county stated the beer was to help those patients experiencing withdrawal.

"...providing alcohol to guests with alcohol use disorder reduces the risk of death for the patient."

Regarding cigarettes given to patients. Pretty much the same response.

"Similarly, guests with nicotine addiction are offered nicotine replacement (patches or gum) during isolation. For some patients, nicotine replacement is not sufficient to reduce their cravings and cigarettes may be offered when necessary to help to reduce the chance of complications from nicotine withdrawal and prevent guests from leaving. These guests are always counseled on the importance of reducing or quitting smoking, particularly when experiencing respiratory symptoms common with COVID-19."

Lastly, let us not forget the THC products.

“A very small number of guests who were otherwise unwilling to remain at the sites were provided with THC products as a last resort. However, this practice has since been revisited and discontinued,”

Now of course the county did state no taxpayer funds were used to purchase any of these products. Any of them purchased were done so with private funding. I'll be doing a couple public records requests to try to uncover what really happened here, but we all know its not that simple. Those funds private or public could have been used to actually help someone detox or get counseling from the counselors on hand for this crisis. This is a perfect example of how those who use money stolen from free people are so reckless with it. I say it all the time and I'll say it again, the only remedy to this behavior from the ruling class is voluntary interactions.

This is just one tiny example of government stupidity and waste. Anyone else want to start exploring what else is laying hidden beyond the public view?

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Interesting what is going on.

Look, there's two sides to this coin, and you're missing both of them. If you're in favor of convincing folks to stay in isolation, then means short of force are good. Despite your nanny state like desire to tell folks what they should or should not ingest, if cheap beer, smokes, and weed is all it takes to get them to voluntarily suffer arrest and detention, then that's a win for the enemies of freedom.

If you're against such captivity as state policy, then that's why you should oppose providing free beer, smokes, dancing girls, or happy-ending massage to convince folks to endure captivity.

Being against providing such things because they're immoral, or harmful to people, is just playing God, and demonstrates you have no interest in freedom, but just want your brand of oppression to be imposed on free people.

FFS. You of all people...

What I'm against is the captivity of the state and stealing of property by a small group of people and used as they deem necessary rather than the rightful owners of said property. If they want to set up clinics and try to get people to isolate with money given to the clinics voluntarily I'm fine with it.

You make some valid points as far as the beer being a cheap way to get them to stay in isolation. I'm not sure it's the best thing for the long term health when as the nurse pointed out she had hoped this would be a great opportunity to help detox these individuals under medical supervision. Instead of giving medical care which is what they are paid to do they chose to take the easy way out. All I hear about right now is how these are the people on the front lines and they are heroes. This is far from heroic and I don't mind pointing it out. I never threatened violence against anyone for doing these deeds. I never even said they should cease. All I did is point out how this temporary clinic staffed with nurses and counselors chose to enable what they determine as destructive behaviors rather than do what their actual job is and we were told they would be attempting to do at this clinic. I understand you can't make an addict receive treatment. Then just be honest with us about things instead of trying to hide things and sugarcoat what is being done with stolen money. That is all I was trying to point out.

I applaud people for wanting to help those in need. I don't applaud them for indiscriminately and thoughtlessly using money that was stolen and not earned to do what was easiest for them rather than what was in the best interest of their patients. Thank you for your thoughts on the subject.

You say this here,

" If they want to set up clinics and try to get people to isolate with money given to the clinics voluntarily I'm fine with it."

...but you said this in the OP,

"...the county did state no taxpayer funds were used to purchase any of these products. Any of them purchased were done so with private funding."

So, your protest that giving the homeless free happy ending massage to persuade them to suffer voluntary captivity for this reason makes no sense.

That's my point.

I'm against inducing captivity, and note that the desperation of the banksters is such that they're using free beer as an inducement to be held as a captive.

I don't fret that the victims of their manipulation get free beer. I pity them that they'll trade their free agency for beer. I pity the nurses that they're job has become tempting the homeless with free beer to become slaves to the state. It's not what they signed up for, but they don't get to tell their employers how to spend that money. They either do what their employers want for the wages they're paid, or they find other work.

I found other work. So can they, so I don't pity them too much,eh?

The real story here isn't the duplicity of the hapless nurses, but of the banksters funding this charade. Free beer is a tell that the imposition of lockdown isn't due to medical reasons at all. If it's not for medical reasons, then why is it happening?

It's a global imposition of totalitarian tyranny, a political conquest, and that's what I oppose, and reckon you do as well. Free beer isn't the problem. It's symptomatic of a broken, common cored, hopeless society, and that's why we should oppose it.

Not because we don't approve of homeless people drinking beer and smoking weed, or nurses doing what they're told for their wages. This free beer and weed proves the cynical intent of the political forces imposing this lockdown, and you're missing that point by ranting about the nurses instead.

They're not in charge, and those that are need illuminating. Shine the daylight of dissent on the guilty parties, because I think that's what you actually want to do. I know it's what I follow you to see.

I must say I appreciate your thoughts. I have the the least amount of followers here on this platform than any. That being said you guys hold my feet to the fire better than any others. If I slip up on either side of things I usually get bitch slapped back in line. I still stand by my post. In the end my reasoning for the post was to shine a light on what you pointed out in your last comment. If it took your comments to get that done so be it.

"It's a global imposition of totalitarian tyranny, a political conquest, and that's what I oppose, and reckon you do as well. Free beer isn't the problem. It's symptomatic of a broken, common cored, hopeless society, and that's why we should oppose it."

That is the end game and I appreciate you stating it. It's through discourse like this that understanding is born. I appreciate you taking the time like others on this platform to make sure I understand the narrow line that the truth follows. We may not always agree on every little aspect but the underlying truth never waivers. That's the thing with truth.

Those are quotes from officials taken from articles about the situation. That's not me saying it. I'm pointing out what the officials said regarding the use of beer etc. and the facility.

My protest is against the system. I don't care if people want to drink, smoke whatever as long as it doesn't harm me. Believe me I understand that the people are all just pawns in the scheme including the nurses. I just thought the whole thing was ironic. Statists will justify the stealing of their money to pay for this stuff because of the possibility of helping them detox and live healthier. The ones doing the jobs just take the the easiest route to the desired end results. The people are fleeced while the banksters get all the richer and gain more control over us.

I agree with you. I pitty the ones trading their freedom for beer, cigarettes and or weed. I certainly don't blame them. They are the real victims in all this.

Ah, that was unclear from the formatting. When I quote an external source, I do as I did above quoting you, and also add a link. Had you done that, I might have managed to grasp you were quoting others and not expressing your personal outrage that nurses gave bums free beer and dope to convince them to remain captive.

However, when you keep referring to state, or public funds, being used for this, you are making it up, as far as I can tell. You state in the OP, as I point out, that private funds are paying for the party favors, not public purse.

Don't see much point in that, and do see plenty of reason not to make that false statement.

Understood, I have included all links to where the quotes came from. I new at actually writing a blog post like this so I appreciate the advice.

I deeply appreciate your passion for liberty. I am just as passionate for care to not misrepresent facts. Doing so always bites me in the ass. It's appropriate to note that it would be criminal to use public funds to buy bums Lambos to get them to remain captive, but it's not to say it was done if it wasn't.

Careful wording can be necessary to do the former without doing the latter.

The incessant disrespect of God this spam intends to induce is revolting. By forcing your blather onto every blog on Hive, you deliberately drive people to detest the content of your spam messages, and drive them from the word of God.

Hellfire is awaiting those that separate God from His people.

Forgiveness can only be sought through repentance. Jesus cannot forgive sins you intend to repeat, so I sure can't. Jesus said 'Go, and sin no more.' That's what you should do, I reckon.

I hope you have read my comment, because it is sincere, and should strongly encourage you to undertake your stated goal differently. God does not bring repentance and salvation in cans, on an assembly line, or through spam, but speaks to each heart personally and with extraordinary familiarity.

Should you seek to engage folks to introduce them to God, simply covering every blog they see with spam is the absolute opposite of what you should be doing. Salvation doesn't come in a can, but each sins and requires saving uniquely. Once you have engaged folks who are interested in your biblical verses, then your blog would be an appropriate place to serve them up.

Every other blog on Hive isn't where to do that. If you spam biblical verses where they're not welcome, you drive people away from God. If that's what you want to do, keep spamming Bible verses where they're unwelcome.

For all things there is a season, and a place. On the page of the Hayne's car repair manual that explains how to adjust the framistan, where I look when intent on adjusting the framistan, should I find the 23rd Psalm instead, I will throw the car repair manual away because putting the 23rd Psalm where information on adjusting framistans should be when I need to adjust a framistan makes the car repair manual worthless.

That's what you're doing - making that love letter worthless, and causing people to throw it away.

It would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and plunge into the sea than to drive people from the Bible, as you are doing.

You do not grasp my point. When your child is foolishly running onto a busy highway, and you need to alert them to danger and tell them to stay off the street, it's not the time to recite the 23rd Psalm.

There is a time and place for everything. Do what is meet and proper when you shout with joy, lest your shouts cause people to stumble and reject God.

God is not mocked. You, however, are making a mockery of God.
