I must say I appreciate your thoughts. I have the the least amount of followers here on this platform than any. That being said you guys hold my feet to the fire better than any others. If I slip up on either side of things I usually get bitch slapped back in line. I still stand by my post. In the end my reasoning for the post was to shine a light on what you pointed out in your last comment. If it took your comments to get that done so be it.
"It's a global imposition of totalitarian tyranny, a political conquest, and that's what I oppose, and reckon you do as well. Free beer isn't the problem. It's symptomatic of a broken, common cored, hopeless society, and that's why we should oppose it."
That is the end game and I appreciate you stating it. It's through discourse like this that understanding is born. I appreciate you taking the time like others on this platform to make sure I understand the narrow line that the truth follows. We may not always agree on every little aspect but the underlying truth never waivers. That's the thing with truth.