You mean your point that I told you I don't have time to do research for you going back and finding things I've read, seen, etc over the last three decades. Also telling you what constitutes proof to me, would likely be insufficient proof to you.
That is your point?
Can you read that? Did I say any words you don't know. If so let me know and I'll try to come up with a different way to say the exact same thing.
If you want to discuss. I'll discuss. If you want to do another no evidence #10 then fine, I'll let you have the last word. If you don't wish to go that route then it may not be the last word and the discussion may continue.
All I want is for you to stop avoiding the issue - lack of evidence - by providing photo or video evidence - I'll stop doing the # thing now that you are into double figures... And I'm getting worried that you might go off like a bomb.
And I wasn't avoiding lack of evidence. I was clear about that. Anything I considered evidence I encountered more than three decades ago in some cases. Before the internet. No way I can recall or find everything I saw. So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw with fresh eyes. Now while I could search, and search, and perhaps find it... I have so many other things to do that I have zero interest in devoting time to doing that. If I was bored, I'd be more than happy. It has been many years since I've been bored.
OK I'll try a different approach - I can't post a video because none exist - so I'm saying you can't either - proving me wrong would be evidence - now that is two more replies showing you have no evidence so you have proved my point many times over now
"So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw"
that's because it was all the original sketchy looking fake ones were removed from the internet more than five years ago
but this one remains - you might like this utter bullshit! (scary thing is some Americans believe this is real - LOL)
I actually think most of that is real. I'll have to see the other material you provided, yet I might have to provide you a post on why. As I said I make effects fairly regularly, and I have kept my thumb on special effects done by people better than me, or with far better equipment. I know the techniques they use. I know certain things to look for. Many of those images would be very difficult to make even today, and they are much older than that. Yet you'd have to know what I look for to state that.
So what makes me think they are real? Thinking about how to make those images/videos. Then even thinking about when they were produced. You can take old special effects techniques, new special effects techniques, etc.
While there are some impressive looking mushroom clouds and explosions in movies, video games, etc and more coming out all the time. If you know what to look for you can see things that are not present in these videos but they do exist in the special effects recreations.
Now if I do that I'll have to take screenshots and analyze them and find out when they were made, etc. Yet I can tell you that in the brief watch there I saw a great many little details that have nothing to do with the subject matter that made be think they were genuine.
This is not as shaky as the moon landing stuff where we did have the ability at that time to fake everything we saw, and there is a strong possibility a lot of that actually did occur.
These explosions are all what is known as a particle effect. You could make smaller explosions yet they only have part of the motion, but I am also watching the clouds, looking for regular obvious repeating patterns, composting of images, etc.
I didn't see any of that in my one watch of this video and I was actively looking for it. We'll see tomorrow as I need to read and review your other material before making an actual reply.
But you don't have to do all that - just name ONE location where a nuke has been detonated - just one, even a test site - that PDF I linked to exposes that angle as well.
I am not going to address that. I am going to address those videos. If they are real then something happened.
You really shouldn't be in the habit of dictating what type of proof you will accept.
My main point is I don't think they could have made those videos with special effects when they made them. You could make them today if you spent an insane amount of money and time (more than they spend on big budget film special effects) because the tricks that are used to make special effects reveal their fingerprints if you know what to look for. So could it be done today with our massively powerful render farms, and the evolution of video tech. Yes.
Yet those videos existed long before any of that stuff was in existence. Even though it is POSSIBLE to make that today, like I said it has qualities that are beyond the tricks used to make such things in the top end effects these days.
So that tells me that those videos are very high probabilty real.
Where they occurred. I can't prove that as I am not a rich globe trotter with geiger counters, access, etc. So you ask for proof and then you start dictating the type of proof I must provide. That's called rigging the game. Kind of like Global Warming switching to using Climate Change. Everything is Climate Change. Global warming was specific. When they switched to Climate Change the rigged the game as they can say "See climate change" as everything is climate change. Yet every climate change is not global warming.
What I can do is try to prove the high probability those videos are real.
that's because it was all the original sketchy looking fake ones were removed from the internet more than five years ago.
Most of it I saw was before the internet, so it'd only make it onto the internet if someone decided to archive it. There is a lot of pre-internet stuff that never has made it onto the internet. Some places worked on digitizing things, but so much was never touched.
I suspect some of what I saw on the subject was even on Real to Real camera projector type stuff.
I'm not trolling, just curious to see if you ever grasp that every time you reply without any evidence you are proving my point
Not as far as I'm concerned as I already told you at the outset I don't have time to do that research. Anything we discuss beyond that point is simply a discussion. Expecting me to do something I already said I wasn't going to do and continuing to converse with you proves nothing.
I think you are real and we go way back - I'm fine with disagreeing, and I mean it when I say have a good trip - you are one of the good ones.
Here on Steemit I've learned way too much lately, and the reason I'm back using this account is because it still has voting power. But shit is hitting fans and the deceptions that have gone here since the outset make atomic bombs look like a much more simple con. Most of my friends who know this stuff have stopped posting, and for the first time I feel like I really got suckered.
What comes next I have no idea, but when I say someone on Steemit is real, that is now a significant compliment. Many here are far from real!
Also for me to say why those videos are real as far as I am concerned if after I am done looking at this other material I have two ways to approach it.
Make a video response. I dislike this and it is very time consuming so it may take me a lot longer to do and I am more likely to not do it, or start doing it and not finish as I have other things I need to be doing.
Written, link to videos telling you at what time points to go in videos to be relevant to what I am talking about. I can also do some screen grabs of the parts I am talking about. This still will be quite a bit of effort, but is more likely to do than #1 above.
How detailed I can go will greatly depend upon how many other things I have to do.
The videos themselves being real as far as I am concerned at the moment does not remove the potential of other fraudulent happenings occurring within the nuclear arms race. I have no doubt there is some of that... these are governments we are talking about. When do they not end up with a lot of fraud?
You mean your point that I told you I don't have time to do research for you going back and finding things I've read, seen, etc over the last three decades. Also telling you what constitutes proof to me, would likely be insufficient proof to you.
That is your point?
Can you read that? Did I say any words you don't know. If so let me know and I'll try to come up with a different way to say the exact same thing.
If you want to discuss. I'll discuss. If you want to do another no evidence #10 then fine, I'll let you have the last word. If you don't wish to go that route then it may not be the last word and the discussion may continue.
All I want is for you to stop avoiding the issue - lack of evidence - by providing photo or video evidence - I'll stop doing the # thing now that you are into double figures... And I'm getting worried that you might go off like a bomb.
And I wasn't avoiding lack of evidence. I was clear about that. Anything I considered evidence I encountered more than three decades ago in some cases. Before the internet. No way I can recall or find everything I saw. So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw with fresh eyes. Now while I could search, and search, and perhaps find it... I have so many other things to do that I have zero interest in devoting time to doing that. If I was bored, I'd be more than happy. It has been many years since I've been bored.
OK I'll try a different approach - I can't post a video because none exist - so I'm saying you can't either - proving me wrong would be evidence - now that is two more replies showing you have no evidence so you have proved my point many times over now
"So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw"
that's because it was all the original sketchy looking fake ones were removed from the internet more than five years ago
but this one remains - you might like this utter bullshit! (scary thing is some Americans believe this is real - LOL)
I actually think most of that is real. I'll have to see the other material you provided, yet I might have to provide you a post on why. As I said I make effects fairly regularly, and I have kept my thumb on special effects done by people better than me, or with far better equipment. I know the techniques they use. I know certain things to look for. Many of those images would be very difficult to make even today, and they are much older than that. Yet you'd have to know what I look for to state that.
So what makes me think they are real? Thinking about how to make those images/videos. Then even thinking about when they were produced. You can take old special effects techniques, new special effects techniques, etc.
While there are some impressive looking mushroom clouds and explosions in movies, video games, etc and more coming out all the time. If you know what to look for you can see things that are not present in these videos but they do exist in the special effects recreations.
Now if I do that I'll have to take screenshots and analyze them and find out when they were made, etc. Yet I can tell you that in the brief watch there I saw a great many little details that have nothing to do with the subject matter that made be think they were genuine.
This is not as shaky as the moon landing stuff where we did have the ability at that time to fake everything we saw, and there is a strong possibility a lot of that actually did occur.
These explosions are all what is known as a particle effect. You could make smaller explosions yet they only have part of the motion, but I am also watching the clouds, looking for regular obvious repeating patterns, composting of images, etc.
I didn't see any of that in my one watch of this video and I was actively looking for it. We'll see tomorrow as I need to read and review your other material before making an actual reply.
One of us is horribly wrong here :)
But you don't have to do all that - just name ONE location where a nuke has been detonated - just one, even a test site - that PDF I linked to exposes that angle as well.
I am not going to address that. I am going to address those videos. If they are real then something happened.
You really shouldn't be in the habit of dictating what type of proof you will accept.
My main point is I don't think they could have made those videos with special effects when they made them. You could make them today if you spent an insane amount of money and time (more than they spend on big budget film special effects) because the tricks that are used to make special effects reveal their fingerprints if you know what to look for. So could it be done today with our massively powerful render farms, and the evolution of video tech. Yes.
Yet those videos existed long before any of that stuff was in existence. Even though it is POSSIBLE to make that today, like I said it has qualities that are beyond the tricks used to make such things in the top end effects these days.
So that tells me that those videos are very high probabilty real.
Where they occurred. I can't prove that as I am not a rich globe trotter with geiger counters, access, etc. So you ask for proof and then you start dictating the type of proof I must provide. That's called rigging the game. Kind of like Global Warming switching to using Climate Change. Everything is Climate Change. Global warming was specific. When they switched to Climate Change the rigged the game as they can say "See climate change" as everything is climate change. Yet every climate change is not global warming.
What I can do is try to prove the high probability those videos are real.
Most of it I saw was before the internet, so it'd only make it onto the internet if someone decided to archive it. There is a lot of pre-internet stuff that never has made it onto the internet. Some places worked on digitizing things, but so much was never touched.
I suspect some of what I saw on the subject was even on Real to Real camera projector type stuff.
I'd simply figure I was being trolled and decide it was a waste of my time. ;)
I'm not trolling, just curious to see if you ever grasp that every time you reply without any evidence you are proving my point
Not as far as I'm concerned as I already told you at the outset I don't have time to do that research. Anything we discuss beyond that point is simply a discussion. Expecting me to do something I already said I wasn't going to do and continuing to converse with you proves nothing.
I think you are real and we go way back - I'm fine with disagreeing, and I mean it when I say have a good trip - you are one of the good ones.
Here on Steemit I've learned way too much lately, and the reason I'm back using this account is because it still has voting power. But shit is hitting fans and the deceptions that have gone here since the outset make atomic bombs look like a much more simple con. Most of my friends who know this stuff have stopped posting, and for the first time I feel like I really got suckered.
What comes next I have no idea, but when I say someone on Steemit is real, that is now a significant compliment. Many here are far from real!
Also for me to say why those videos are real as far as I am concerned if after I am done looking at this other material I have two ways to approach it.
Make a video response. I dislike this and it is very time consuming so it may take me a lot longer to do and I am more likely to not do it, or start doing it and not finish as I have other things I need to be doing.
Written, link to videos telling you at what time points to go in videos to be relevant to what I am talking about. I can also do some screen grabs of the parts I am talking about. This still will be quite a bit of effort, but is more likely to do than #1 above.
How detailed I can go will greatly depend upon how many other things I have to do.
The videos themselves being real as far as I am concerned at the moment does not remove the potential of other fraudulent happenings occurring within the nuclear arms race. I have no doubt there is some of that... these are governments we are talking about. When do they not end up with a lot of fraud?