Yes, this is a beginners journey into the wild crypto outback (in designer clothes), so I'm sharing my first week of how to buy, what to buy and how to maintain a sense of humor.
I'll try not to meander too far of the road, but turning frustration into fun adding a few turns here and there is essential.
Last week I opened a Coinbase account.
It came with the recommendation that it was; easy to sign up and easy to use. So I enter my bank info, it tells me that in 1-3 business days the penny amounts would appear in my account, yea, yea, yea same as my trading account.
So I go to the bank yesterday and ask the teller to check my account for these penny deposits.
So now you think "what"? "Don't you bank on-line" ?
I say no, a few years ago my bank (a different one) got hacked, it was 2 months of trouble. Secondly my bank is a small, hometown kindda place in my rural area. I know they don't have the resources to hire MIT tech grads as security staff to guard my accounts.
I stopped drinking Fluoridated water years ago so I can still add and subtract and old enough to know what a checkbook is.
Candace (the IT gal) most likely got a microsoft repair certificate at the junior college.
She still has her hair done like that Kate plus eight lady.
The haircut, with the little spikey things is still amazingly popular after ten years here in Texas.
I'll just breeze through the rest: I plug in the penny amounts last night, Yea!!! I can buy some Bitcoin to move somewhere else to buy something else (next edition details).
I buy 50 bucks worth of Bitcoin which looks amazingly puny in print: .000000538613 and then rolls into a fibonacci sequence.
But I can't get it until next week, Tuesday to be precise. I poke around and find the "select other payment method" it was not anywhere in big print.
So I go there and enter my credit/debit card info-rejected twice, we all know the -3- times you're locked out crap so this morning I try again and it tells me it's a "merchant problem".
I call Candace and yes Coinbase is out of Great Britain so automatically blocked.
Get cleared, but need to wait. I remember I have an old paypal account , Coinbase accepts paypal, I figure I'll put some $ in paypal and then I can buy some goodies!!
Meantime I get an automated call saying there's "suspicious activity" on my account can I confirm the following purchases?
I call Candace, and no nothing suspicious about my grocery shopping and gas, but because there was a flag on my account they were just checking.
Now I opened paypal because I'd bought some tree seedings that never came , the vendor would only refund my $$$ into a paypal account.
I try to transfer some $$$ from my checking account to paypal. They wanted my driver's license number AND my social security number and my first born male child to put money -IN-! You kiddin'me?
I never use paypal and have been piddling the paypal money away on worthy causes and Gofundme stuff, so if you have a worthy cause I have about 12-bucks left in there.
I go back to Coinbase, figuring it's been a couple hours my card should be good to go. I fill out my card info again. Now they want a shot of my drivers license front and back.
I'm not happy, but do it, "rejected ", not clear enough. I try to do it again and here I come to the end of the saga--a little box pops up saying I have to wait 12-hours to try again.
Meryl Streep in Fatal Attraction "I'll Not Be Ignored"!
I move another 100-bucks from my checking account over buy another sliver of bitcoin and will wait til Wednesday to move it to buy something...I'm laughing, sharing and now that my day is wasted it's cocktail hour and I'll research some more and wait til next week, cheers!
Here's part one if you're so inclined.
I've had problems with Coinbase in the past. Now I use Gemini to buy Bitcoin & Ethereum. Check it out!
Will do sag, I'll check it out, I'm clearly not happy with coinbase, thanks!
I love Meryl Streep
I hate Coinbase
I'll follow you :)
IMO for $50 your probably just better off buying locally from
thanks,I've heard that a couple times and will read what you sent. Peole that have been in the crypto-scape for awhile don't seem to have much time for beginners and I do think it has gotten more complicated with so many new exchanges and coins. Thanks Again!
Step one is to get your money out of FIAT, soon you will realize that most of your wealth will be in crypto. I would have never thought to put all my money into crypto, and in time it just will end up that way.
For example lets say I had $100,000 in my life savings, and I bought $500 dollars worth of bitcoin at $10. If I lost it, my life savings is intact, but obviously now it is equal to my life savings in dollars. This is the power of crypto, soon you will have most of your life savings into crypto because of the growth compared to traditional methods. As long as people are trying to get FIAT into crypto you will gain, the FIAT exchanges are the gate keepers to a world of awesome. It's worth the wait!
Welcome aboard! Follow me at
Will do bitgeek, I'm all ears for learning! I'll follow!
I think you did good as compared to next years slice-price :)
Too illustrate how new I am I have no idea what a slice-price is?
Ha! Nicely written and fun. You have gained a follower.
Thanks so much, writing fun stuff and laughing about all this is keeping me sane (and cocktail hour)! I'm just sharing so other newbies can learn from my missteps!
I had similar problems getting it cleared by my bank. I agree, that can be frustrating but now that is setup it is extremely easy to use. I recommend linking with bank account instead of credit card because while there is a waiting period, the fees are lower. It is nice that you can also buy Ether and LTC through Coinbase as well. But definitely...if you find another way that suites your needs and works for you go for it! One of the amazing things about crypto is the power of choice! The space is getting increasingly competitive which is great for consumers! Good luck on your crypto journey, I commend you on your willingness to learn!