Escaping the cubicle: my journey of travel and personal economics

in #introduceyourself9 years ago

Hi, I'm firebat

I discovered steemit via an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper taped to a light pole in San Francisco. There were two of them. One had been partially torn off, but the other was mostly intact.

The meeting attracted a mix of content creators and bitcoin fans. In fact, it seemed as though it doubled as a bitcoin meetup. Even though I didn't understand (still don't!) all of the different currencies involved, I met some nice people.

Most important, the concept sounded about right for me.

Nearly two years ago, I abandoned my cubicle and my paycheck to live frugally, travel and enjoy life. After I finished school, I realized that I needed to make money. While I truly enjoyed not being broke, I quickly realized that I didn't need much luxury, and that pushing papers around in search of other (green) pieces of paper was more circular than significant.

Abandoning my cubicle made my life happy, solvent and more real than ever before. Now, I spend my days writing, volunteering, hiking, learning languages and diving.

I want to teach others to make the same leap that I did. Over the next few weeks, I plan to post about being solvent without a day job, my travels and adventures, and how to use economics to your advantage.


Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now