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RE: How I Overcame the Depression & Now Travel the World as a Digital Nomad

Welcome and very nice introduction, Kelly. I'm in Thailand getting ready to take my 6 month de-worming pill so I think we might have some things in common.

I'll be very happy to see your posts. I left San Diego over a year ago after 20 long years, and I'm much healthier here now.

Be super careful with the food. It's gone so downhill since 2012 for at least 50 reasons. You can stay healthy there, but just check everything and drink nothing. Find a spring if you can. I'm sure you know the drill but new laws allow a lot more spraying and radiation and "sanitizing" even on organics except at markets. Now It's best to find your farmers and neighbors for food.

My best detox method is Dry Skin Brushing. I've been doing it a few years now and love it. Detox in general is probably my most needed topic or going after dreams :)


Ooooo do you know the name of the deworming pill? 😍

Yessss the state of affairs with our food/water supply here in the US is devastating. What we're letting these corporations get away with is truly murder.

What benefits have you found from dry brushing?

The one I got is called albendazol and there is another one that ends in -dazol too but I can't remember it. I found this out on one of my Expat Vietnam groups in a post about how you need to de-worm yourself every six months in SE Asia. Several people replied that "of course I do this!" New info for me!!!!

I got one 400 mg pill for about $1 and supposedly that is all I need. Maybe tonight :) My Thai guy in the pharmacy told me I should definitely be taking it every six months and also if I ever "feel worms." Oh my goodness. You may be able to find this at a reasonable price and with no Rx at a petco or petsmart or something like that.

I stick with Dry Skin Brushing for the soft skin results. This is pretty much immediate for most people I know of. The little bumps on my skin are reduced or gone, stretch marks and scars fade, and cellulite is reduced. I like the detox since it is fairly gentle after the initial start. I like the DIY aspect and the low cost in time and money. It's kind of calming for me. My nose runs and I have to pee after every time I do it, so I feel like it gets things moving.

I had a hard time starting DSB - emotional issues stop many. Then when I did start the detox was brutal as I am old and had a pretty toxic history before that time. I have all kinds of free info at my website - fitinfun - and two books on Amazon. It's part of my bigger mission to help people to lose weight and get healthy. I wish I would have started DSB long ago and I know it would have helped me in my weight loss. I did not start until I was almost at my goal.