How I Overcame the Depression & Now Travel the World as a Digital Nomad

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I'm really excited to be here! My friend Brie (@awakealiveaware) told me all about Steemit.

So who the hell am I?


I'm Kelly Hanner a chick from the Midwest (Ohio to be exact) who was fucking lost a good majority of my life. Being raised in a racist, homophobic, right wing, bible thumping household where negativity was at every corner led me to be a really hurt & depressed person.


That self hatred spiraled into anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, smoking pot to fit in, drinking to make me more socialable, depression, extreme social anxiety & shyness, a habit of snorting Ritalin (because I liked the smell errr... because I would do anything to not feel), acting out, & having no fucking clue what I wanted to do a living, on the Van Wilder college plan. Zero self love. Driving my car into a tree is something I thought about a few times.

Flash forward to now. I'm a 30 year old self made entrepreneur, who's built a 6-figure income online by getting healthy- mind, body, & soul.

I found a new zest for life by diving into the world of personal development. I started flipping the script on the negative ass self talk that coursed through my head everyday for 24 years. While doing so, I documented most of my journey on FB (FB link in my bio) & Instagram (, and have built a hell of a following for being raw, real, a bit controversial, and sharing all the nitty gritty about pulling back all the layers of negative conditioned bullshit I learned from my family, social sphere, and the media.

Throughout this evolution I dropped out of college to start my own business online, got out of an almost 9 year relationship, got the hell out of Ohio & moved down to Florida (my first move ever in my life, and over 1,270 miles from home) where I lived on my own, enjoyed the single life, got into incredible shape, and became absolutely in love with life.

After my lease was up, I got rid of most my shit, became a minimalist and started a year and a half journey of traveling all over the world. I adventured, discovered myself, broke down social constructs, saw some crazy shit, developed a healthy relationship with plant medicine, manifested my boyfriend, and developed a lust for seeing the world through other cultures eyes.

As a digital nomad thanks to my freedom over my time, finances, and entire life, I've traveled all over the world including living in Hawaii for 3 months, Thailand, India, Nepal, Mexico, and Ecuador. This world of ours is an incredible place to see.


Now that I am "settling down" (as much as you possibly can settle down an Aquarius) in California with my boyfriend Max (a former grower) for awhile while we debut a new item for the weed trimming industry, I'll be documenting all the crazy adventures from my travels, sharing how plant medicine has helped and continues to help me, taking my yoga practice & fitness seriously, sharing how to become more confident, the multiple ways one can build income online, and also how I'm detoxing my body after all of my travels while also sharing how to remove parasites, heavy metals, and such.

I'll be traveling here and there, but I won't be living out of a backpack anymore.


Next trip is Bali. =D

I am so grateful for this life, because there was certainly a time where I imagined I wouldn't live let alone ever be happy. I want to share all of how I became who I am today with you.

So for the mean time, please follow me on FB & IG. If you ask to be my friend on FB message me to let me know you're from Steemit! I'll be launching a blog soon, but I plan on sharing a hell of a lot more content here on a Steemit.

I'd love to know what you'd like for me to share...

Overcoming self hatred
Going after your dreams
How to use plant medicine or what plant medicines I've used
Detox methods
Workout/health advice
Travel tips

Please introduce yourself to me!

Thanks for checking me out, welcome to my page.

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Welcome to steemit! :)

This post received a 5.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @finkavenue! For more information, click here!

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100% UpVoted, @randowhale UpVoted & Re-steemed! More about the Initiative here...
Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!

@randowhale and blueorgy vote sometime to me I m new and networthy 👍👍👍

👏🐻 Awesome intro post!!! I feel like I already know you having went thru some of the same life struggles! I am so glad you shared and I really look forward to reading more of your blogs! Keep posting quality like this and you will be a smash hit on here before you know it! 💓

💙 thank you so much. I appreciate hearing that. Do you talk on your page about what you e gone through that makes us have similar stories? 🙂 I'd love to hear more about your journey!

Your so welcome! In my intro post I touched on my adoption of a heath lifestyle and that I now believe in the power of positivity etc. I haven't yet delved into my history of depression and social anxiety or attempts to self medicate, however I plan to at some point soon. Like you I realized tho my past has been difficult that I have the power now to choose how I feel and when you love yourself it can transform everything in your life. I however have never been a digital nomad but would LOVE to be, haha... look forward to more of your journey as well! 💕💕💕

I look forward to seeing your future posts as you reveal more of your story. Posivity has been so helpful in my journey, when I discovered the Secret, my entire life changed for the better. I'm happy to hear you made it out on the other side of all of that. 💙

Omg to both of you lol @beartribune & @kellyhanner - Same here on similar stories, and just feeling drawn to your post.

I do not have the 6 figure business yet lol. But our upbringings are uncannily similar - what is it with small town America lol.

Following both of you now - and can't wait to read more!

I'm planning on going to Bali end of this year, and would love to see that. Welcome to steemit and I look forward to seeing some of your future adventures!

Upvoted and Resteemed!

Thank you for the support! Any idea where you'll be at in Bali?

I'm not sure. It's one of my friends 30th birthday and she'll be planning it. When are you going? I'd love to show her your post so she can reference it.

How awesome that she's spending her 30th in Bali! I spent my 30th in Nepal. 😁 I'm going next month! I'll be there for about 3 weeks.

Your welcome to this platform. Nice pictures Have fun.

Thank you. 🙂

Your welcome, please due make out time to visit my blog to read my recent and previous article on Steemit, the rich and the poor.

Welcome to Steem friend. Let's build this community! I left an upvote for you! Would be happy if you follow me for the latest tech news etc.

BTW and if you need help, you can always get back to me!

Nice to have you here at steemit, yes... cannabis:)

wooooo legalize it! I followed you, follow back if you may, cheers!

Just move to Amsterdam! love my city and very liberal.
inspiring story by the way

Haha, I'd LOVE to visit Amsterdam! It's a goal for sure. If it were more warm I'd consider living there!

Hi Kelly,

Your intro blog is great and scary to me as well, as it seems we shared similar experiences in our youth including the "lets drive real fast and slam into a tree to see what happens" thought process. Freee of all that now many years later i have a beautiful wife and 2 kids who are just awesome. I still lvie with general social anxiety and Dysthemia (among a few other things) but im happily content with life, just have to work on building up my cash flow as i always rejected wealth but now i have no problem with it haha.

It was nice to meet you and good to hear you have got a great balance on life and health. stay strong and power on!
Shan the sound man

Thanks for the really personable response. Glad to hear you were able to overcome a lot of the stuff from your childhood, also happy to hear you've developed a more positive mindset with money... keep that going, and put some work in and that money will flow right to you. =)

Very nice to meet you, thanks for reading.

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @blueorgy! For more information, click here!

Glad to hear that there are others who can beat their own troublle ;)
Welcome. Glad to meet you..
Mutual Follow and upvote i hope..
Let me introduce myself to you also:
Resteem my post please, upvote, ask questions and Enjoy here ..

Thank you! =)

Welcome. I think you'll do really well here.
I followed you and resteemed this post to give ya a little STEEM!!!!😀 STEEM ON

Welcome to Steem @kellyhanner I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Leaving everything to travel for 2 years was one of the best things I've done! Your pictures look great, hope you enjoy it here at Steemit!

Where all did you travel to?

I was invited to go to Thailand to practice Taekwondo with their national team that I meet at WC2010 in Denmark. Once I was there I didn't want to leave so I just resigned from my job and stayed. I set up a base there, started freelancing to keep my economy up, and then started visiting all around SEA and also Japan.

Sounds like an awesome time! Where was your favorite place is SEA? What do you do for a career now?


Hello and WELCOME! I am so happy that you overcame that, it seems hard huh? Nonetheless, enjoy yourself and stay happy! I just followed you :)).

BTW, I won't mind reading your article on overcoming self hatred.

Welcome to Steemit @kellyhanner!
Dropped you a follow for support!
Please dont hesitate to reply and ask if you need any help!
Hope you enjoy your time here as I do!

<3 thank you

Follow your dreams and make it happen..

plan on doing that everyday of my life. <3

Welcome to this beautiful place:)

Hey i am new as well very interesting and inspiring story you have there. You have a follow from me, looking forward to read your content have a nice day!

Thank you. 💙 I appreciate that!

Pleased to meet you! 🎸🎶🎶❣
Wonderful story, Best Wishes @kellyhanner for Great Travels!

Celebration point.jpg

San Jose del Cabo
California del Sur

Welcome to Steemit, @kellyhanner!

Hope you enjoy being here!

This message was written by my introduceyourself bot, but I'm a real user :)

Shall you have any questions, feel free to reply to me. I'll gladly answer your questions :)

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Welcome to Steemit @kellyhanner!
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I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

Welcome to the Steemit Community! We share the same passion, I blog about self discovery life hacks. I am learning a lot and hope you will, follow me @zimi

Hi My name is Tuakana and im from New Zealand @tuakanamorgan

Wow such a cool story, very inspiring and I can relate to a lot of what your saying . Good on you for sorting your life and not giving up

Thank you! I long to visit New Zealand! It looks so magical!

I use to be a roadie for a NZ reggae band so I was lucky enough to travel for free and get paid while on working holiday. I got to see alot of great an beautiful places but have to agree that New Zealand is the best and most beautiful place to live

Damn that sounds like an awesome gig. My boyfriend hitch hiked through NZ when he was about 19. All of his stories of NZ paint it to be such a nice, beautiful place.

Welcome and very nice introduction, Kelly. I'm in Thailand getting ready to take my 6 month de-worming pill so I think we might have some things in common.

I'll be very happy to see your posts. I left San Diego over a year ago after 20 long years, and I'm much healthier here now.

Be super careful with the food. It's gone so downhill since 2012 for at least 50 reasons. You can stay healthy there, but just check everything and drink nothing. Find a spring if you can. I'm sure you know the drill but new laws allow a lot more spraying and radiation and "sanitizing" even on organics except at markets. Now It's best to find your farmers and neighbors for food.

My best detox method is Dry Skin Brushing. I've been doing it a few years now and love it. Detox in general is probably my most needed topic or going after dreams :)

Ooooo do you know the name of the deworming pill? 😍

Yessss the state of affairs with our food/water supply here in the US is devastating. What we're letting these corporations get away with is truly murder.

What benefits have you found from dry brushing?

The one I got is called albendazol and there is another one that ends in -dazol too but I can't remember it. I found this out on one of my Expat Vietnam groups in a post about how you need to de-worm yourself every six months in SE Asia. Several people replied that "of course I do this!" New info for me!!!!

I got one 400 mg pill for about $1 and supposedly that is all I need. Maybe tonight :) My Thai guy in the pharmacy told me I should definitely be taking it every six months and also if I ever "feel worms." Oh my goodness. You may be able to find this at a reasonable price and with no Rx at a petco or petsmart or something like that.

I stick with Dry Skin Brushing for the soft skin results. This is pretty much immediate for most people I know of. The little bumps on my skin are reduced or gone, stretch marks and scars fade, and cellulite is reduced. I like the detox since it is fairly gentle after the initial start. I like the DIY aspect and the low cost in time and money. It's kind of calming for me. My nose runs and I have to pee after every time I do it, so I feel like it gets things moving.

I had a hard time starting DSB - emotional issues stop many. Then when I did start the detox was brutal as I am old and had a pretty toxic history before that time. I have all kinds of free info at my website - fitinfun - and two books on Amazon. It's part of my bigger mission to help people to lose weight and get healthy. I wish I would have started DSB long ago and I know it would have helped me in my weight loss. I did not start until I was almost at my goal.

Congratulations @kellyhanner!
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You are warmly welcome to the best social media network on the planet. It is my desire that you find this place very interactive and interesting.I will always upvote,follow and resteem your post so please do same for me.You can contact me @sadiq .You are once again welcome my dear.

kelly you get a follow upvote and resteem from me cause this is just soooo freaking cool... huge love to this post

Thank you, I appreciate all the love. 💙

Awesome introduction Kelly. Looking forward to more content. I am writing blogs based on experiences in my life. And of course following my goals to entrepreneurial success.

Very cool, Anthony! What kind of entrepreneurial endeavors are you involved with?

Hi. Welcome to Steemit. I'm sure you will have a great time here!

Love the elephant picture

Thank you. It's from the elephant nature park in chiang Mai, Thailand.

Nice introduction post! Glad you made it onto this platform. It’s going to change your life, hope you have a good time.

Thank you, excited to be here! =)

Wooohooo! Welcome kelly and great freaking post! I love it so much and so happy about your share. Had no idea all of that and Im so happy I know you and you are on this platform to share your life with the world. You are awesome! Im all about travel as we both already know, haha Im excited to meet you in far away lands that have nothing to do with our hometown hahah

Hahaha for sure, Brie! I look forward to meeting you in some exotic location someday. 😍 thank you for all of the great content you share, I've learned a lot about life and not being shameful of sex thanks to you! 😉

Awesome! Welcome to Steemit! You're story is pretty epic. Would love to hear about the different ways you generate income online. I'm partly nomadic myself and work remotely for a web dev firm but I'm working on breaking free entirely. Thanks for sharing your story and looking forward to more posts.


Very cool that you work remotely too! As artificial intelligence gains momentum there's going to be an influx of people breaking free, working remotely and doing their own things so you're on the right track with where you're going, Ed!

Awesome story! Welcome to Steemit :)

Cool post Kelly! We can do anything in life, glad you are living your life to the fullest. Following

That's so true- we're capable of doing so much, if only we believe we can. 😉

Hiii.. I sani, Im Indonesian, plz see my account @kakilasak
I hope u can follow me n upvote my post :)

Would love to hear your detox methods and how you make a living online! Your story is inspiring and makes me feel like I should manifest freedom for myself as well. By the way why is that elephant glowing? :p

Lol photo editing is guilty for the glow... but maybe it just illuminated the elephants aura? 🤔 I'll be happy to share my detox methods with you, thank you for sharing what you'd like to see!

The almighty ganesh god face descended into the elephant and just blew up the whole space with radiance maybe! haha sweeet i'm down for yo sweet posts anytime kelly! Will check out yo IG too;)

What an awesome being you are. Thank you for sharing YOU with US. You show your strength and inner beauty by allowing your light to shine. I hope other people who have or who are struggling with similar problems see your message. Just because we are born into a family situation doesn't mean we have to stay there. You've proven that. Those beliefs are theirs, not yours.
You get to choose. Well done. You go girl!

Thank you, @Sidewalktraveler. I love that you take walks and focus on being in the present moment. I love walks for that reason. Its nice to take your time, have your phone put away, and just be in the moment. <3 I appreciate your kind words.

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Sounds like you'll do very well here!

Nice to meet you! What part of Ohio are you from. I'm from Ohio. That is awesome you were able to overcome so much. I followed you and look forward to your future posts.

Thank you for following! 🙂 I'm originally from the Toledo area, how about you?

I'm from the Canton area.

Thanks for the post. Good luck to you and success in your positive endeavors.

This is my post about avoiding depression

Certainly enjoying your journey so far Kelly. I been to Bali to it rocks. I now been living in Thailand for over 1year. Look fwd to your posts ;)

Very cool! Where in Bali did you visit? Where are you in Thailand? =)

the midwest can be a tough place to break out of due to ALL those things you mentioned. they're all so pervasive.

glad you made it out!

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