Introducing @Steemed-Open

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

I understand it's customary to introduce yourself here. I guess how you would expect me to introduce myself would be something like this: I'm a 46 year old woman, 24 years married, my loving husband is @Sean-King here on Steemit, we have 3 kids aged 12-19, I live in Knoxville, TN, I'm a sorta retired CPA, a definite yogini, and along with my husband and our business partner/yoga teacher we currently in the process of opening Renegade Yoga Center. But that's just the proper surface stuff...that doesn't really tell you diddly squat as to what I am really about. 

So let's go another way...who am I really? 

My deepest driving desire is to see more people live at higher vibrational levels. I want to see folks living with increased self awareness, self acceptance and self manifest their potential.  I want folks to allow more of their intrinsic vitality uniquely exude from their beings! 

In other words I want to support people in becoming aware of  their quirks and to accept them. To be non-resistant, non-repressive and quietly allow their freak flags fly. For more people to "know thyself." To learn to listen to their hearts, and to trust their own experiences. So that in time, rather than seeking answers to life questions from external authority, they come to trust their own experiences and their own inner authority. 

So, in short my life purpose is to serve and support awareness and authenticity. 🙏🏽❤️

Now, to serve and support looks different based on the individual situation. Sometimes I support with love and encouragement. Validation and cheerleadering to a friend who doubts their abilities or who is afraid to show others who they really are inside. 

Sometimes I serve with simple sustenance, food and shelter, a friend or loved one who just needs help with the basics. Only with stability and centering do we feel safe enough to even begin to crack the cellar door of our hearts and minds and to be willing to look at what's really in there. You can't learn how to be more comfortable in being yourself if you don't feel safe enough to reveal who that is, even to yourself, in the first place. 

Support can also be financial. Maybe a friend has a dream but just not the funds to get it rolling. Going into business together, giving a loan, or sometimes just a monetary gift is enough to start the momentum of their dream...allowing the blossoming of who they fully are. 

Support can be just providing a space for folks who are ready to do the work of understanding themselves.  Not solving anyone's problems, but holding space with unconditional acceptance for "fellow travelers who are all working on themselves." (Wise words borrowed from Osho)

For the last 19 years most of my innate desire to support the growth and expansiveness in others has been mainly channeled into mothering my children.  House and home and family has been my primary focus, responsibility, my purpose and my devotion.  My hope, as some of my fledglings begin to take flight from the nest soon, is that my kids know themselves, they know they are loved unconditionally, they do not live in avoidance of their fears but pursue their hearts'  callings, and that they are kind and accepting of others who are doing the same.  

with @Sean-King and our kids in Puerto Rico, 2014

I just want to do anything I can to encourage people to find the courage to look inside, to acknowledge who they truly are (flaws, struggles, gloriousness and all) and to live more fully and openly as themselves. We all have quirks and dreams and fears, but to me that's the juicy stuff that makes a person interesting! Yet most often those juicy bits are the very parts of ourselves that we are most feverently committed to hiding. Let your freak flag fly, Steemers!!

So that's the essence of who I really am and what I'm about. Now I'm not saying I have myself all figured out. This is just what I know today...I'm ever a student of life. 

Oh my gosh...I just had a huge realization from writing this all out. My desire to help people has been life long. That's all I've ever wanted to do, but only as I write this all out does it occur to me -- everything I want to offer as growth support to others mirrors the support experience that I have had with @Sean-King for all these years.  All of the ways of support I listed above of helping people -- I have experienced with This Man. To call Him a husband feels uncomfortably inadequate. He has taught me what unconditional love feels like. He's taught me about abundance, openness, acceptance, facing fears, non-resistance and going with flow. With His encouragement I've found the space and the courage to look inside and acknowledge who I really am, to love and accept myself, and no longer deny who I am to myself or others. 

with @Sean-King, Hawaii 2015

He has provided support and stability to me for 30 years in every one of the ways that I  want to provide to others. He is my guru, my guide, my mentor, my love, and writing all of this out makes me want to kiss His feet. 


I love this intro. :)

It's a beautiful thing to know yourself and hope for others to do the same. I'm glad you're here with us.

Thank you very much 🙏🏽

Just stumbled across your page. I had meandered through some of your posts before actually finding your intro and from lots of your pics would never have guessed you to be your age after finding out. The Yoga must be your fountain of youth :)! Age is just a number anyways right? Your mind has many hall ways but the webs seem to have been cleared out long ago. I've always been interested in beginning Yoga myself. Any good tips on where to begin? Maybe I missed that in one of your other posts? Beautiful family you have and a great message you present. Interesting channel. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you and your path. The next time you and Mr. King are in Hawaii look up a Dr. Cassar. He has a retreat. I think it would be something you'd enjoy, maybe not. Check him out on youtube for a closer look. Fascinating man. His work has helped me in my life for sure. Following.

Thanks! I have an amazing life but it's taken me years of clearing out my mind filters to see that. The side benefit of yoga is the physical… The main thing is that it helps clear out the mind. Place to begin is just to begin. Just go start...anywhere. People seek a beginner classes so they feel belonging with other beginners, but if you introduce a new dog to a pack you don't put them in an all beginner pack. They learn best from a mixture of some old and some new.

You are welcome and thank you. Yes, clearing out the mind sounds like something I could use. The older I become and as life progresses on the more cluttered it becomes. Just begin..... hmmm, I suppose I have already in a sense as my soon to be three year old and I do poses, mainly balancing, and standing stretches along with our made up renditions of mock karate in the kitchen every morning. Ha! Wouldn't trade it for the world. It does calm me and the stretching feels good. I suppose at some point I should find a group or teacher. Maybe youtube? I've always been a bit interested after being a fan of Sting for years and learning of his yoga practices along with the shape it's kept him in. Very nice to have met you on such a fine day! The pleasure is mine. I hope to see you around.......

Great post, and deserves more recognition then the 46 votes it has at this point. You really put effort in to describe your self and show us who you are. Hope more rewards come your way!

Aww, that's very kind. Thank you! I really just wrote it out for myself and decided to share here. I can never write for influences how it comes out then.

@steemed-openI just finished reading the entirety of your 2 year old #introduceyourself post

It gave me those good bodily vibes.
You were narrating my thoughts throughout this writing.
We are the same in many ways.

I even know what you mean when you talk about your guru, guide, and mentor at the end.

Mr. King too has built me my own ark. It’s not the flashiest one quite yet, but it allows me to have hope to finally experience life fully like I dream of. One simple gesture coming from his upvotes is like giving me all of my magical powers.

I am thankful for the both of you.

You deserve to be living in paradise. You are a fantastic couple, this world is blessed to have had you two descend upon us.

Best Regards,


Thank you @daltano 🙏🏽 He is a special man is many ways. We are glad to know you here.


I somehow missed this when you posted it! Welcome to Steemit Cindy!

He has provided support and stability to me for 30 years in every one of the ways that I want to provide to others. He is my guru, my guide, my mentor, my love, and writing all of this out makes me want to kiss His feet.

Sean is a great guy indeed! He helped me a lot with my queries regarding Steemit and crypto when I first came on board here. It really helped me understand the site and the systems.

You guys are great! Looking forward to seeing more from you both. :) Cheers!

He is such a good man, is totally enthused about Steemit, and will help people who want to get on board with it. Thank you for your kind welcome! 🙏🏽

Go Volunteers! My wife is from Knoxville. I lived there in the early 90's, and again for about 4 years in the 00's. We have been back and forth between there and my home state of Wisconsin. Now that ALL 3 of my kids are in college and just about completely on their own, I may grant my wife's wish of moving back. :-). It's crazy; I am also 46 and have been with my wife for 24 years. I just joined #Steem myself, and am working on my introduction post. Welcome!

We have several thing in common! Nice to meet u here. Get to postin'! 😉

I can feel how satisfying and relaxing your life is. Welcome to steemit.

Thank you. I do have a wonderful life. 🙏🏽

Welcome! Glad you decided to join as well :) I've followed his many great articles already, he writes really good and take good photographs!

Its nice to see the community growing! :)

Thanks for your friendly welcome! I'm glad you enjoy his posts and pics. I find Him brilliant.

Hawaii ... OMG..

Welcome :)

Hawaii...omg...I know! It was a dream trip for us.

No, just good last photo. Perfect colors!

Aloha nui loa.

Excellent introduction.


Lovely intro. I have been putting off getting further into yoga and you inspire me to do so : )

Thanks! Yoga has changed my life. Jump in when ever you feel ready.

Bikini and legs wide open should get you some good rewards !

Welcome to Steemit. Thanks for sharing your passion for yoga and some great shots too. Hope you like it here:)

Thank you for the welcome and compliments. I've been watching steemit over the shoulder of my man for a month. It's a crazy interesting place!