Just stumbled across your page. I had meandered through some of your posts before actually finding your intro and from lots of your pics would never have guessed you to be your age after finding out. The Yoga must be your fountain of youth :)! Age is just a number anyways right? Your mind has many hall ways but the webs seem to have been cleared out long ago. I've always been interested in beginning Yoga myself. Any good tips on where to begin? Maybe I missed that in one of your other posts? Beautiful family you have and a great message you present. Interesting channel. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you and your path. The next time you and Mr. King are in Hawaii look up a Dr. Cassar. He has a retreat. I think it would be something you'd enjoy, maybe not. Check him out on youtube for a closer look. Fascinating man. His work has helped me in my life for sure. Following.
Thanks! I have an amazing life but it's taken me years of clearing out my mind filters to see that. The side benefit of yoga is the physical… The main thing is that it helps clear out the mind. Place to begin is just to begin. Just go start...anywhere. People seek a beginner classes so they feel belonging with other beginners, but if you introduce a new dog to a pack you don't put them in an all beginner pack. They learn best from a mixture of some old and some new.
You are welcome and thank you. Yes, clearing out the mind sounds like something I could use. The older I become and as life progresses on the more cluttered it becomes. Just begin..... hmmm, I suppose I have already in a sense as my soon to be three year old and I do poses, mainly balancing, and standing stretches along with our made up renditions of mock karate in the kitchen every morning. Ha! Wouldn't trade it for the world. It does calm me and the stretching feels good. I suppose at some point I should find a group or teacher. Maybe youtube? I've always been a bit interested after being a fan of Sting for years and learning of his yoga practices along with the shape it's kept him in. Very nice to have met you on such a fine day! The pleasure is mine. I hope to see you around.......