Hi Everyone, today I am editing my first post. Orginally, my first post was completely written in english. Since I have found out the possibility to create columns, I am now translating this first post in German. | Hallo alle zusammen, heute editiere ich meinen ersten Post. Ursprünglich war er komplett in Englisch geschrieben. Da ich zwischenzeitlich herausgefunden habe, wie man Tabellen erstellt, übersetze ich diesen Post jetzt ins Deutsche. |
I am very new to steem. Today you can read my first post after I have managed to sign up and login. | Ich bin bei Steem ganz neu. Heute könnt Ihr meinen ersten Post lesen, nachdem ich es endlich geschafft habe, mich anzumelden. |
How did I get to steem? I learned about steem by a friend of mine. He told me about the steem blockchain about half a year ago in summer 2017. So, you see, there was a long time that nothing happened. I saw the rates of cryptocurrencies move up and down. | Wie bin ich zu Steem gekommen? Ich habe von Steem von einem Freund erfahren. Schon vor ungefähr einem halben Jahr, im Sommer 2017, hat er mir von der steem blockchain erzählt. Es hat lange gedauert, in der nichts passierte, das könnt Ihr sehen. Ich habe nur die Kurse der Kryptowährungen hoch und runter gehen sehen. |
Why is today the day of my first post? Since I met my friend again yesterday, he again told me about steem and I have decided to start. So here I am. | Warum schreibe ich gerade heute meinen ersten Post? Da ich diesen Freund gestern wieder gesehen habe und er mir wieder von steem erzählt hat, habe ich beschlossen, anzufangen. Und da bin ich. |
Why do I call myself taxguy? Since I don't only post on steem to earn the money I need for life, I have a first Job. I am a german tax advisor. In the last months several people came to me because they use cryptocurrencies in order to really earn money (mining, trading, posting, ...). Since cryptocurrencies are not yet too far known in the government, many people at governments and at tax authorities don't really know how to interact with cryptocurrencies. This is what I realized in several discussions. | Warum nenne ich mich selbst taxguy? Da ich nicht nur bei steem poste, um das Geld zu meinem Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen, habe ich noch einen ersten Beruf. Ich bin Steuerberater in Deutschland. In den letzten Monaten kamen einige Personen zu mir, weil sie Kryptowährungen nutzen, um echtes Geld zu verdienen (mining, handeln, posten, ...). Da Kryptowährungen in der Verwaltung noch nicht sehr bekannt sind, wissen viele Personen in der Verwaltung noch nicht richtig, wie man damit umgehen muss. Das habe ich in verschiedenen Gesprächen und Diskussionen gelernt. |
Which is my value to the community? In the past I always had a liking for several kinds of investments. cryptocurrencies are another possibility for Investment. So, I have chosen to deal with the issue on hand. How to tax cryptocurrencies? Does anyone really know? Not yet in every Detail. So, if even the tax authorities do not yet really know how to deal with cryptocurrencies, we can try to become standard setters. Still we are in a very early stage and we can try to bring our opinions to later tax law. And if we can become the standard setters of crypto currency taxation, we can take influence on the future tax law. This is what I will try to bring to the community. Knowledge about taxation in general and taxation of cryptocurrencies. | Welchen Mehrwert bringe ich der Community? (Ihr verzeiht mir den Ausdruck 'community', aber Gemeinschaft hört sich in diesem Zusammenhang eher komisch an). In der Vergangenheit habe ich mich schon immer für verschiedene Arten von Investments interessiert. Kryptowährungen sind eine andere Möglichkeit der Investition. So habe ich entschieden, mich auch mit Kryptowährungen zu beschäftigen. Wie werden Kryptowährungen besteuert? Weiß es irgendjemand wirklich? Wir kennen noch nicht alle Details. Deshalb, wenn noch nicht einmal die Finanzbehörden richtig wissen, wie sie mit Kryptowährungen umgehen werden, können wir versuchen, die Standards zu setzen. Noch sind wir in einer sehr frühen Phase und wir können versuchen, unsere Meinungen in das spätere Steuergesetz einzubringen. Und wenn wir es schaffen, Standard Setter für Kryptowährungen zu werden, können wir auf das spätere Steuergesetz Einfluss nehmen. Das ist das, was ich der Community mitbringen möchte. Wissen über Besteuerung im allgemeinen und auch über die Besteuerung von Kryptowährungen. |
So, I will try to recap, concentrate and even see what you are thinking about this taxation issue in the future. Let's bring our knowledge together and have a positive Impact on our future. | Also werde ich versuchen, zusammenfassen, zu konzentrieren und auch zu sehen, was Ihr über diese Steuerthematik in der Zukunft denkt. Lasst uns unser Wissen zusammenbringen und lasst uns die Zukunft positiv gestalten. |
Even though you are not providing any advice on here, may I ask you some professional questions?
Had you considered you would use the German translation of "tax guy" as your username?
Do tax guys actually have friends, or only people who are not their enemies?
If you are not an actual tax guy, but pretend to be a tax guy online -are you a tax fraud guy or fraud tax guy?
Welcome to Steemit ;)
Hi apsu,
thanks for your questions.
Thank you for the great replies, taxguy and welcome on Steemit once more.
The question 3. was just a bonus question, so it will not affect the final grade you will get in the exam.
This would have been a nice name too, but no one would have been able to understand it, except for germanians of course. xD
That is a really unprecise translation as it means 'the person who steers a ship' and I would propose Steuertyp as in more like tax dude.
I noticed the same, I ran it through google translate and then checked few different sites what "Steuermann" means. None of them mentioned anything about taxation, but ships and sailing.
I wouldn't be delighted to join Steemit as a tax guy and turning into a sailor.
From where I am standing (on dry, confusing-tax-law-ridden land), that doesn't sound like too bad of a swap haha. Discussions of implications of citizenship on crypto taxation makes life at sea sound fairly tempting ;P
google translation never ceases to amaze me.
That would just sound extremely manly, but as I tried to check google translate too, I noticed there would be a great risk of misunderstanding.
DeepL - Translator translates it to "Steuerfachmann", which is, by far, more accurate.
Are you also familiar with USA tax law? How similar is German tax law to us tax law?
Hi dhn0411,
since I am a german tax advisor I have some experience in other tax laws, including US tax law. To be honest, in real life I am not allowed to advise on US tax law since they have their own law and their own entrance requirements.
But, on the other hand side, I have some experience, so I can say: the similarity between german tax law and USA tax law depends on what kind of earnings we are talking about, if they are earnings of a company or of individuals. So, it's not possible to give a general answer.
great to see a tax accountant on steemit. going against the conventional belief that accountants are boring and have no time for networking. welcome aboard, enjoy the ride.
Thanks a lot, @sylviam
In future tax will be applied to all crypto worldwide.. Because i think that the goverment also need some benefits from our gains.
I think so too. But at the moment, I think and hope that we have the possibility to set some standards.
Only two things certain in this life....death and taxes. In this country you have to pay death duties so maybe there is only one ;) Seriously though....welcome to steemit. Have fun my friend. Peace.
Welcome to steemit @taxguy . Looking forward to read more about taxation in the crypto space based on your viewpoint. Followed u :)
I love your aspirations on trying to educate the world on crypto currency, I never knew what a block chain was until my friend introduced me to steemit and gave me lectures on how it works and I believe crypto currency is the future! I'm also inviting friends and also passing my knowledge of crypto to everyone I can. Keep the good work up bro!
Thanks a lot, @kingeazi
Great post and welcome to steem it. I too have been asking the same questions. How do we declare cryptocurrency profit. I do not know the exact profit as I use my taxed income to invest and exchange through multiple fiat currency and crypto exchanges. I can only account for my original fiat investment. I only hold crypto as I have no idea how to declare correct profits ahaha. Too hard basket to declare tax on crypto accurately. If I use crypto for small purchases under a certain amount, no tax to pay. Only on purchases that are small goods or services ;) otherwise big trouble trying to declare correct amount to be taxed.
As far as I understand it until now, I think you're right. It's really not easy how to find out the correct amounts. I have understood that, in the meantime, there are some people trying to find out when they have received which cryptocurrencies at which exchange rate. I will try to get deeper into this issue in the future.
Thanks for your reply. Following and I look forward to your further insights.
You can normally offset losses against profits which seems apt based on the current climate. But in all seriousness if cryptos are to be treated as securities in future then tax should only apply once the asset is liquidated. So it shouldn't matter for all you HODLers!
Depending on how they are treated you can have to pay when you receive them at the price at that time.
Coulb be that you pay tax for SP too. But that depends on your situation and country I guess.
Right, I think so too. I will try to get deeper into this issue in the future
I think your proposal is very valid, I hope that you manage to generate awareness in the people to support fair and equitable legislation.
Thanks a lot, @alexmorenoec
schön, dass du dich nach so langer "Bedenkzeit" auf Steemit registriert hast, herzlich Willkommen!
Da ich (noch?!) gar nicht in Kryptos investiere, bin ich von deiner Thematik nicht direkt "betroffen". Ich finde sie aber super spannend und bin überzeugt, dass du der Community mit deinem Wissen prima behilflich sein kannst. Habe die Frage nach Kryptos und Steuern schon häufiger gelesen.
Viel Erfolg und vor allem Spaß hier!
LG, ChriddiHallo @taxguy,
Theoretisch verdienst du ja aber Geld wenn du upvotes bekommst. Da ist dann die Frage: Muss man das versteuern?
Meinst du? Theoretisch verdiene ich Geld, aber solange ich es nicht in "harte Währungen" umtausche, sollte es meines Erachtens nach nicht unter die Besteuerungsregeln irgendeines Landes fallen. Aber ich habe wie gesagt echt keine Ahnung und habe mich so gut wie gar nicht damit auseinandergesetzt.
Im Moment ist das theoretische Geld in meiner Wallet (das meiste in Form von SP) für mich "Spielgeld".
Ich muss die gewonnenen Chips im Casino doch auch nicht versteuern, so lange ich sie nicht umtausche und sie als Plastik in meiner Hosentasche lagern. Äh, glaube ich... 😳
Es ist immer eine Frage des Blickwinkels. Du arbeitest für die STEEM und wenn dein Chef dir nen Ferrari schenkt muss du da bestimmt auch Steuern drauf zahlen ;) Auch wenn es kein hartes Geld ist.
Je nachdem, wie man da argumentiert, können da ganz schnell doch Steuern verlangt werden.
Das stimmt natürlich. Den Ferrari nennt man meine ich "geldwerten Vorteil".
Am besten warte ich also auf die hilfreichen Tipps des Fachmanns und folge ganz schnell mal @taxguy 😉
So weit ich weiß ist alles steuerlich relevant, was in deiner direkten Verfügung ist. Das ist auf jeden Fall der flüssige Teil. Nur zahlt man Steuern auf den Kurs wenn man es bekommt oder zu dem man es verkauft? Und was wenn man gar nicht verkauft? 😉
Bin da auch sehr gespannt, wie sich das entwickelt und freue mich über aktuelle Infos vom Fachmann
Hi @chriddy, ich sehe im ersten Moment auch ein Geld verdienen, wenn Du upvotes bekommst, s. Auch den post von @reggaemuffin. Ich werde dazu in den nächsten Tagen mal was ausführlicheres schreiben.
Ehrlich gesagt war meine Intention, dich zu begrüßen nicht, in deinem Vorstellungspost in eine Kurzdiskussion zu verfallen. Ich diskutiere nicht so gern über Dinge, von denen ich gar keine Ahnung habe. Naja, hat mich ein wenig sensibilisiert.
Da "du" in meinem Feed gelandet bist, wollte ich einfach nur "hallo" sagen. Dabei vermittle ich dann gern durch ein kurzes Eingehen auf den Inhalt, dass ich den Vorstellungstext auch gelesen habe und nicht spammig einfach nur "hallo" sage 😉
Also wie gesagt: Viel Freude auf der Plattform!
CU, ChriddiUnd ich werde es lesen, hoffentlich verstehen und die Diskussionen interessiert verfolgen, lieber @taxguy.
Hi Taxguy, thanks for being here, it is always good to get some information on taxation. However, as I understand, there are quite grave differences in taxation laws depending on the country you are residing. Which countries will you be covering?
Thanks and CU
Hi @smallstepschange, you are completely right. There are differences between the TAX laws bereden every Country in the world. No One, including myself, will be able to cover them all. So, in a first step, I cover the German Tax law. I found out that there are already some open questions concerning taxation of gains from cryptocurrencies in Germany. I will give some summaries in the next days and weeks.
Super! Für mich wäre die österreichische Sichtweise relevant.
Chris aka smallstepschange
I'll be glad to meet you wellcome to our family have a good day
Thanks a lot, @rizwankhan. May you also have a good day
The question of how you should file your taxes on crypto earnings is widely underrepresented, so I am really glad to have you here!
Steem needs standard setters in this area to help shape tax laws to benefit growth. Welcome to steem :)
Thanks a lot, @reggaemuffin. This is what I have understood until now too, so I will try to give some valuable input and maybe we can set standards altogether
I'm @edosweet. I'm here to welcome you specially to this platform. I'm really glad you are here and hope to see you become a great steemian. Good luck to you!![IMG_20180130_094825](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://s18.postimg.org/ydhll7rdx/IMG_20180130_094825.jpg)
Came here because suesa mentioned you on steemit chat, It's a shame you are German, i would love to have you as my @taxguy in Portugal, hopefully i won't need one for a while... Welcome to steemit, waiting for your next post
Thanks for your warm welcome.
Hi Taxguy!
It is quite a coincidence your post was the first I run into when signing up on Steemit... I am an Italian tax advisor and I joined mostly for the same reasons you did: providing some insights about tax issues to the Italian cryptocurrency community.
I look forward to reading your posts!
Hi gdamico, thanks for your Reply. Let's Keep in touch so I will be able to learn about italian tax law too. Looking forward to your posts as well!
Welcome to Steemit, I think that you will be of great help for our community, I will be following and voting for sure. Even though we are in early stages, us as crypto enthusiasts we are not trying to do anything illegal.
Hello bro you take right desion welcm
Thank you, @rohitrohit
This post is amazing one thanks
Hello Welcome to steemit. I'm here, too, most recently
I'll be glad to meet you. I work in the music field and am the founder and leader of a music project called Music Without Borders
And this is my first post Where can you find out about me more
Welcome man it is a wise decision can't say same with your name choice taxguy
Thank you, @steeminiator3000
welcome! to the steem room!
Thank you very much
Hi @taxguy, Welcome to steemit world! How do you find steemit so far? Looks like you are doing great. Followed you mate.
Hey @josephbuarao, thank you very much (for following and for praising my first post). I will try to go on in order to bring additional benefit
Welcome @taxguy, I feel excited for your future post.
@taxguy Welcome to SteemIt. Wish you a great Steem journey.
Thank you very much
thanks for an introduction, welcome to steemit. (:
eager to hear what you have to say about Cryptocurrency tax
Thank you very much
Welcome to Steemit Community!
Thank you very much
Hi and welcome to Steemit! Very interesting to have some more information about the taxation of crypto. Will be following you.
Thank you very much, @erikklok. I will try to bring some additional value in the future
Welcome to steemit, we're going to have a lot of fun. :)
Thank you very much
5 things I learned from posting daily in 5 minutes!Hey @taxguy welcome to steemit, nice to see another accountant on here, although i avoid tax as much as possible so much so I work for a not for profit as we don't pay some taxes lol... Anyways I bet your friend has heaps of tips for you but feel free to check this post to find some extra plankton tips and hints.
Hi @insideoutlet, thanks for your hints. I will have a look.
Willkomen @taxguy und fühl dich wohl hier =)
Das werde ich sicherlich tun. Und ich stelle fest: ich werde mich auch mit deutscher und englischer Community beschäftigen
and welcome to the steem Community - It is great seeing that you made the switch to steemit!Hello @taxguy,
click here.Congratulations @taxguy, this post is the forth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Newbie account holder (accounts that hold between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by newbie account holders during this period was 4669 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $4199.06. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Sounds Great to me
Interesting. There is definitely a niche here that could be filled but you'd need to learn about the different tax regulations in different jurisdictions to get a wide appeal.
a good start for a new professionnal steemet , welcome to our beautiful community, I support u
Thank you very much for your warm welcome, @fedismaoui
this is great, thanks also for the tips.
hey @taxguy and welcome to the greatest platform ever...
Steemit :)
I'm sure you going to enjoy it. Glad to have you here :)
Thanks @marsell
Hi Taxguy. Thanks for your post.
I believe you would only cover the taxation in Germany, right?
You know.. I have been thinking maybe I would like to work as an accountant. I kind of like watching where the money is moving to. Can you make a post explaining better your day to day of work and what you like and dislike from it?
Thank you
Hi @c7407, have a look at my new post. I tried to bring a short overview about my daily work. But to be sure: I'm doing a lot more, otherwise I would never have found out about steem.
I laughed while reading your disclaimer. You can't be a legal practitioner without inserting a disclaimer.
Do you know by any chance if German tax law is similar to Dutch tax law (since we're neighbouring countries)?
Hi @kimmycuong, your're completely right. We lawyers Need our disclaimers. We can't live without. Would make life too easy, I think. But: serious again: This also says that I want to do the my things correct.
I will answer your question concerning the similarities between german and dutch tax law in a separate post. I started here, but when I realized the volume I decided to start a new post.
Welcome to the platform. I'm sure you'll love it here. Patience and good items are the key to a successful account. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of us. LG and have fun here
Thank you very much, @ travelwithus
Welcome:) Upvoted..
)Welcome @taxguy. I think you wil like Steemit. Lots of good folks here.
Btw, can our work here at Steemit be categorized as Unearned Income ( interest, investments etc..) on our Tax forms instead of Earned Income ?? j/k
But seriously, look forward to seeing some good info from you :)
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Hi @robertandrew, thanks for your warm welcome. Just a question: for which Country are you asking concerning the unearned income?
Welcome to Steemit. I'm also new to steemit, just joined yesterday.
Welcome to steemit! This is a wonderful platform with great people and communities! Don’t forget to check out Steepshot, DTube, DMania, DLive and Zappl all on the steem blockchain. Be active and have fun! Cheers @stwbll
Hervorragend! Genau Dich haben wir gebraucht. Ich habe nämlich überhaupt keine Ahnug, wie und ob ich meine rewards bei steemit versteuern muss. Freue mich schon auf weitere posts von Dir.