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RE: I Am Strangling Myself to Death

in #life4 years ago

You're too full to be empty. As soon as your cup is filled you bust out a new cup like its the new brand new. Dunno what deal you have with the cosmic sadist to keep you alive strangling and struggling. Read it like you're giving birth to yourself only you're still in labor, when the other one dies a new flesh comes out fresh from the thing that killed it. Ready to be the poet with no name left to use.

Kill yourself yesterday but keep the nobody immortal. You said it yourself, people subscribe to a personality. Don't sell your fans short if you doubt they love you. 9/10 of those fans are automated to like as soon as they are herded. The rest are in it for the ROI, kicks and giggles with you.


Apologies in advance for this lackluster response. I'm listening.

About to pass out but I keep hitting notifications and finding new words to read. Brain fog though. Can't shake the clouds. Be back later...

It's interesting how you've described the opposite of eating oneself to death, yet it still kinda sounds like a horror movie. And I chuckle. You're right about that.

That concept of having fans trips me out sometimes. In this day and age it seems so much accumulated influence gets abused. It's a great responsibility. Scary what can be done with it when placed in the wrong hands.

We kill parts of ourselves to make room for parts that have yet to be born. Not like we wear the same ideas and skin years back, something has to die and be birth from while we live.

An average user only has a handful of real fans here. One only needs to attract the bigger names to earn some autovoting fans on a trail. The votes are inflated. There's a reason why the view counts from the frontend was removed, it showed too much truth that only a few people really cared about other people's content but the votes are nice.

Too much publishing and not enough content consuming. To be fair, can't expect people to consume a lot of content, the whole place has a lot of people that have different tastes. The trending page may change daily but people will still be disatisfied about the content being valued on the platform. Like what did they expect? Cross cultural communities and several individual interests clashing for attention would really reflect posts they like on trending?

I ramble again.

I killed that previous self that had hopes for some proof of brain with content discovery and curation. Call it a mass of pet peeves piled up to eat away my sanity until it exposed the rot I closed my eyes from.

Always liked how you expressed your ideas. Might try being a bootleg copy of your style turned into my own version while I'm exploring ways to better articulate thought.

I'll see my posts sit high in the most viewed section on PeakD. That's encouraging. Today seems like a slow day but that could change.

I've always admired the chaos. All different walks of life, doing their thing. I've been to plenty parks and public spaces where it's really no different. I think the ones who complain are like the folks whipping by in their cars, honking and giving each other the finger, in a rush to be somewhere identical to the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that.

You're doing something right to get the traction. Can't say for soem creators that just post and run with the complacency to get the rewards and not bother with engaging. Just bad ethics on my book for people that arent bothered by the lack of organic growth on their accounts engagement wise.

I don't look at trending on the general Hive, just specific tags I'm into. But seeing it be brought up by random folks imposing their own view of how trending show be is meh, at least they exercise their freedom to express an opinion.

What was born was just having an inspiration to do better than the norm. I do get bothered if I don't get comments on my posts than votes. Commenting is a conscious effort and probably one of the best ways you pay attention. I just wish people that haven't curved their entitlement to an audience would get that. This made me think of another rant post now.

It's hard to support those who treat the place like a content dumping ground. Visit a few clone platform and see the same faces. I've written about it before. A content creator with a good mind for business will place their content in one location, then use the other locations to direct traffic to it. Since I own a piece of this platform, of course one can only find me here, as I do my best to corral all eyes into one profitable pool.

The most recent trending page dispute came from those stabilizer posts. They were going to clutter up trending with copies of the same post. I'm glad people spoke up and the common middle ground was found. It's bad enough people stopped looking at trending. No need to make it worse. We need eyes on it so our businesses can expand.

I've been trying to get around more lately. Leaving comments when I can. One actual human can only do so much though. I'm penalized financially for actually consuming, voting late. Some communities penalize you if prefer to use an all in one solution like PeakD. Consumer nightmare trying to visit all these different sites. So I just stopped caring about money... problem solved.

I'm the same, love the tokens but fuck em at the same time, I use one front end that holds it all and call it a day even if I lose out on other tokens, they are not pokemons, can't catch em all. At the end of the day it's about the content and the community we are building. Different strokes for different folks...same as the trending page. Many people still complain about it but it looks more organic than it ever did before the split.

The page actually does give off the organic vibe, more than it ever has. People were starting to pay attention to it again. I check it a couple times a day when I'm around. In the early days it was always good to mingle with the content on the trending page. Striking up a conversation or saying some ridiculous shit is a great way to get noticed around here. Unfortunately that all moved to Discord. Then people on Discord scratch their heads there, wondering how to improve engagement on Hive. Heh

I don't think trending is a good way to gauge people's interest. It's just a few accounts that dictate most of the visibility, and the dead bots that follow. We have some advantages at the frontend though, the fact that no AI computes who gets more visible than the rest. I wrote about how instagram factors in follower count, content views, likes, and etc within seconds to minutes of posting before shoving it at the back of the file if it doesn't meet the virality threshold. It's a different playing field here, a bit unsophisticated but I'll take it than some AI dictating how I can be visible without knowing it.

I tried to maximize my time with commenting and then trying to put some effort into the people I do follow or follow me, and curating random strangers off communities. Building real relations and not thinking of people as some fans. It's hard to balance irl matters, I'm even swamped with work and just trying to catch up with the people that gave me replies. Hive has been my social media and thought of the token value second.

I need this place as an outlet, gives me some push trying to pursue art as a hobby or get my writing exercised. Work just removes my creativity and all. I do get fed up with price talks, content dumpers that are really just blatantly out to milk em votes, feels like they just undermine the ones that are putting in the work trying to keep user retention.

There's something wrong with a person that calls themselves a content creator here if they're not bothered with their posts not receiving comments, or getting a growing network, or having stale content. I could understand improving over the course of the blogging series but if its been 3-4 years of the same scribble content and skill level, I'm just going to pass these creators as the meh. They'll go away once the money is gone dry.