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RE: Thursdays With Uncle Boom #23

in #life7 years ago

Funny indeed, it's real enough to be believable yet far fetched enough to have me wondering if it's fiction, embellishment or the god honest truth. Either way you've got my attention. I'll be following.

Personal question: I'm a visual artist and have been wondering if I should add more personal anecdotes alongside my images, as to connect with the readers, or if the art should speak for itself. And in extension, although I would advocate humility, it doesn't tend to garner following... What's your advice for getting the readers/viewers attention?

Thank you and best wishes,



Its a tricky one isnt it? I think you have to do what feels most comfortable for you.

In my experience adding personal touches here and there adds to the enjoyment of the reader so I think it might be worth a shot. I looked at your blog. Its fine. You will do well if you carry on as you are :)

Thank you master tree (that's what meesterboom means in dutch) I'll keep at it!

Lol, Oh I know that dont worry! The Master Tree bit :O)