I thought I was the only one who could feel the COVIDS with my feet. Captain Fuckface sounds like a gem, tell your manager I said howdy fuckin' doody.
I thought I was the only one who could feel the COVIDS with my feet. Captain Fuckface sounds like a gem, tell your manager I said howdy fuckin' doody.
Hell no man. I can feel those slinky sleekit COVIDS creeping about everywhere. LEeching up feet and launching off walls. Damn critturs, ain't gonna get me.
I was going to tell him but I took a vow of silence today. Working from home helps
I can sometimes feel them crawling around underneath my tent when I'm sleeping at night, but fortunately I had the presence of mind to entirely COVID-proof my tent before I began using it. So they cannot enter.
Did you use the rune magic?
Worked a treat for me. Covid proofed the house and they all ran away and interested the neighbors instead. I don't miss them
Yes, rune magic of course, but I also applied some reconstituted tears of dead miners and summoned Niwot's curse upon them, just to be safe.
Its a wise curse so good thinking.
I hop they were the tears od dead crypto miners. They are the best
But of course, what other sort of miner ever would have died, in a place like Colorado?