Spiritual Ecology

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Me with a Shiwiar boy in the Ecuadorian Amazon, what does the future hold for Oliver
when his home is being destroyed by oil barons?

Deep Ecology is a blend of certain ancient indigenous cosmovision concepts with modern concepts acknowledging that humans need to change the way they live on the planet if we are to have a chance of survival. We are part of the Earth’s consciousness and she is part of the sacred feminine and masculine, the deeper fabric of our consciousness in the web all life that flows through all beings. Deep ecological principles have had some strong criticism in the past, including that of being a movement which hates humanity. That is just one opinion. A fresh perspective is needed. We could see this present time as a wake-up call and a chance to make changes internally and externally, in terms of learning from our mistakes, rather than being hateful to humanity. It is a true and popular analogy among environmentalists that we are like a cancer on earth at the moment; though with all illness and diseases, it is usually an indication that we need to reevaluate how we live our lives on this planet. So just like when we get sick, we need to change how we nourish ourselves internally, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, we must do the same and change the way in which we live with the Earth.

Quantum science is a fast developing field connected to Deep Ecology, in the sense that humans are still evolving mentally and on a consciousness level as well as biologically, it is even possible that our cell biology can still change or be affected by a shift in consciousness.

Even today, there are countless cases of people that have cured themselves of fatal illnesses, disease or cancerous tumours by working through previous misconceptions about themselves and were able to heal and cure themselves, are they tapping into the quantum field for healing?

We have not stopped evolving, what we are doing to our environment, we are doing to ourselves, we need to respond to this with a shift in our human understanding that the environmental crisis is an indication that human consciousness has to change.

When we separate ourselves from nature, we separate ourselves from the ability to find that place to feel safe in nature, that is a magical thing because its feeling at one with the Earth.

Many of us feel anger and grief with the environmental destruction that human greed is causing; we can use that anger and grief in a constructive way, to motivate us to create change and take action. By embracing a more sustainable and ecological lifestyle, we create self-empowerment, confidence, nurturing inner nourishment and inner peace. Unconsciously, some of us take on this violence imposed on the Earth, internalising it. Those of us who are aware of this, are carrying the burden of responsibility, grief, guilt and loss, especially when we see ecocide unfolding on a daily basis with destruction of key ecosystems such as our forests and oceans. At the other extreme, some of us have become so desensitised to this that the easiest option is denial. We need to find ways to understand why we are feeling powerless to affect the overwhelming crisis in which we are living.

Anyone that is not deeply saddened by current global events is either in denial or very disconnected from the Earth and their true nature. Many of us are going through different stages of this, yet not realising that these are psychological symptoms of the collective unconscious, a reaction to the world in its current state of ecocide (apocalypse). We may think that these feelings of frustration, anger, grief and depression are a reflection of personal problems but they are not, the bigger picture is that these symptoms are indications that something is deeply wrong with modern society. The toxicity and predatory nature of modern capitalism has created these symptoms in our collective unconscious.

Even the most privileged people among us suffer from depression, this is an obvious testimony to the fact that all the riches in the world will not make us happy. People have forgotten how to look after their inner spirits, such as taking a walk in nature. Communing with nature soothes the soul and mind.

We must begin to redefine our value as human beings, as part of a larger global community that is working towards change in the midst of all this chaos. We can begin to reclaim our connection with the Earth in various ways through growing food communally, rebuilding and re-inventing new communities and a transparency in our relationships, in government institutions, in society, very few people question social values.

We need to develop emphasis on teaching and establishing new value systems in societies and communities, with emphasis on shifting values and practices to unconditional love, kindness and acceptance, rather than status, idealised perfection and elitism, which are all forms of violence on, and repression of, our true human nature.

It is modern society and its corporatized values that are causing most of the malfunctioning. The subtle violence of what society calls normality is disturbing enough and what is expected of people to conform to, in such an environment. That is enough to drive anyone to depression along with the general stress of everyday living and paying ones monthly bills, most people are being denied their humanity.

Accepting that our humanity is key in healing, accepting that it is okay to feel broken, deep sadness and the spectrum of emotions that bring us the gifts of questions and answers, help us to get closer to our own inner truth, what is really good for you? What do you really need? How do you really feel? What is really important for the human creature and for the Earth?

It is okay to be totally honest and let go, to allow raw emotions to flow through, to just be free to feel what comes through, it's not normal to keep marching on while a war on consciousness is ensuing.

The corporatization of the political world has become unethical and careless, ignoring its responsibility to protect the planet.

We each have a responsibility to expand our understanding of ourselves in relation to nature in the modern world, but with re-acceptance of the ancient indigenous beliefs, that all life is sacred and intrinsically affected by our actions, and even our thoughts. Only then will we evolve and start living more ecologically on the Earth. Implementing sustainability and human sovereignty is a human right and need, as well as a necessary way for Earth’s resources to be managed within Nature’s natural carrying capacity.

Many experts around the world are working towards reclaiming lost and ancient indigenous knowledge. Through transformation power of these concepts and how reclaiming the spiritual ecology with our connection with Gaia, Pacha Mama, Madre Tierra, Mother Earth and Cosmos are a step towards creating and mapping a new more harmonious world and reality.

Some ways in which to connect with Nature on a deeper level, are to work with the plant teachers through ancient medicinal entheogens with a highly experienced Indigenous Shaman. Other ways to reconnect with Nature is simply being in Nature as much as one possibly can.

We can seize this time as an opportunity to review our relationship with what we previously saw nature as a separate environment, and nurture a better understanding, respect and love of ourselves in terms of birthing a new a perspective on ecology at a spiritual level. Take responsibility as you are part of this unfolding ecocide, don't be part of the crisis by being a complicit bystander, choose to do something about it, be part of the solution instead, figure out how you can best make a postive impact to help change things externally in your community or in the world around you in your local community, many are talking about things needing to change but what are each of us doing individually to contribute? Choose the change you want to be a part of making and do it, we need external action as well as internal action folks.


The Silent Ecococide-The Environmental Crisis is a Crisis of Human Consciousness. By Carlita Shaw, an ecologist, writer, teacher and rainforest campaigner that living in Ecuador.

Available on Amazon.com in Paperback

The Silent Ecocide - Amazon UK

Email Carlita at thesilentecocide at gmail.com
Follow on twitter @thesilentecocide


thank you so much for the work that you do and for this post